A mysterious shadowy form spotted using Apple's satellite map app has Nessie believers convinced that the sea monster has been found.
Has Apple maps found the Loch Ness Monster?
A mysterious shadowy form spotted using Apple's satellite map app has Nessie believers convinced that the sea monster has been found.
Has Apple maps found the Loch Ness Monster?
The president of the Avesta Group of Companies, Ibrahim Ibrahimov, stated that the Azerbaijan Tower would rise to about 1,050 m (3,445 ft) with 189 floors.
The $3 billion tower is to be the centerpiece of the Khazar Islands, a $100 billion city of 41 artificial islands that will spread 3,000 hectares over the Caspian Sea.
The Tupolev Tu-114, a large aircraft with four turboprop engines, has a maximum speed of 870 km/h (540 mph, Mach 0.73). The 11,000 kW (15,000 hp) Kuznetsov NK-12 turboprop engines designed for the Tupolev Tu-95 (and used to power the derivative Tu-114) are the most powerful turboprops ever built and drive large contra-rotating propellers. This engine-propeller combination gives the Tu-114 the official distinction of being the fastest propeller-driven aircraft in the world, a record it has held since 1960.
Fastest propeller-driven aircraft
Kaiken näköiset "maailman suurin" -jutut on aina hyvää yleissivistystä, ja siten sopivaa turhaa tietoa, joten laitetaanpa vaihteeksi muutama tähän luokkaan kuuluva ote.
WM5, a resistive magnet belonging to the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HMFL) in Hefei, Anhui Province, sets a new magnetic field world record on April 23. The magnet, with a 50mm working bore, achieved 35.01 Tesla with input of 24MW/36,820A direct current.
CAS Magnet Sets World Record
A shrimping captain reeled in an approximately 18-foot-long goblin shark in his net. It's the second such find in Florida in 14 years.
Rare Alien-Looking 'Goblin Shark' Found Off Florida Coast - Video
The jaws are highly protrusible and can be extended almost to the end of the snout, though normally they are held flush against the underside of the head.
Goblin shark
Norway is livening up the main road north from Oslo with the world's largest elk sculpture, a ten-metre-high beast in shimmering steel which will serve as the country's answer to the UK's Angel of the North.
Norway to build 'the big elk' of the north - The Local
Angel of the North is a steel sculpture of an angel, 20 metres tall, with wings measuring 54 metres across.
Joku 10 metriä korkea Lion of the North voisi olla hyvä vastine oheisille. Tai ehkäpä Lynx of the North Tampereella.
The Kelpies are 30 metre high horse-head sculptures, standing next to a new extension to the Forth and Clyde Canal in The Helix, a new parkland project built to connect 16 communities in the Falkirk Council Area, Scotland. The sculptures opened to the public in Spring 2014.
Mikäli syöksyveneen hankinta jäi vielä mietityttämään, niin nyt tarjolla olisi Kuljetuslautta Kala 6, joka myydäään tarjousten perusteella ensi vuonna. Mikäli joku ei tiedä minkänäköinen alus Kala 6 on, niin ohessa olevasta PDF:stä löytyy siitä kuva sivulla 10 (PDF:n sivu 6). Aluksen uppouma on 60 tonnia, pituutta 27 metriä ja leveyttä 8 metriä.
Large Landing Ship "Mitrofan Moskalenko" Project 1174, built in 1989
Small antisubmarine ship MPK-423 "Nikolai Maslov" project 502P, built in 1955
IPC small antisubmarine ship "Bashkortostan" 133.1M project, built in 1988
Two basic minesweeper project in 1265, 1983 and 1985 built
Two landing craft project in 1176, built in 1977
Ruokolahden leijona oli ilmiö, johon kuului useita leijonahavaintoja keskikesällä 1992 Ruokolahden ja Imatran seudulla, ja ne saivat suurta huomiota medialta, yleisöltä ja virkamiehiltä.
Ensimmäisen havainnon leijonasta teki 23. kesäkuuta Ruokolahdella komennuksella ollut metsätyönjohtaja. Eläimen olemassaolo vahvistettiin virallisesti, kun suurpetotutkija neljä päivää myöhemmin löysi paikkakunnalta Suomeen kuulumattoman ison kissan jäljet. Kolme ministeriötä määräsi eläimen poistettavaksi Suomen luonnosta, mutta metsästys päättyi pian, kun siitä ei enää saatu luotettavia jatkohavaintoja.
Nicaraguan kanava voi olla kannattava hanke, mutta yksi erikoisimmista viime vuosina julkisuudessa näkyneistä megaprojektisuunnitelmista on Beringinsalmen silta, tai yleensä koko idea rakentaa moottoritie ja rautatie Siperian ja Alaskan välille.
China is considering plans to build a high-speed railway line to the US, the country's official media reported on Thursday. The proposed line would begin in north-east China and run up through Siberia, pass through a tunnel underneath the Pacific Ocean then cut through Alaska and Canada to reach the continental US.
Chinese experts 'in discussions' over building high-speed Beijing-US railway
104 neliökilometrin laajuinen Lake Manitou Kanadassa on maailman suurin järvessä sijaitsevassa saaressa sijaitseva järvi.
Kokkosaari puolestaan on maailman suurin järvessä sijaitsevassa saaressa sijaitsevassa järvessä sijaitseva saari.
Car owners on Orkney have been warned to check under their bonnets regularly after a spate of fires caused by birds nesting in vehicle engine compartments.
There have been at least three car blazes over the past few weeks which have been caused by nests.
Spate of Orkney car fires sparked by nesting birds
Intended to be a merger of the most effective techniques of other martial arts, Sambo has roots in Japanese Judo, international styles of wrestling, plus traditional folk styles of wrestling such as: Georgian Chidaoba, Tatar Köräş, Uzbek Kurash, Mongolian Khapsagay, Azerbaijani Gulesh, Armenian Kokh and Romanian Trîntǎ.
Conversion of four Wellington Mark IAs to minesweeping aircraft. DWI versions fitted with a 48 ft (14.63 m) diameter metal hoop were used for exploding enemy mines by generating a powerful magnetic field as it passed over them.
Kiinalaisten poliisien erikoisjoukot ottivat kaksoisvoiton viidennen kerran järjestetyissä Warrior-kisoissa. Voiton vei Snow Leopard Commando Unit ja kakkonen oli Special Police Academy-joukkue. Warrior-kisat ovat Jordaniassa järjestettävät eräänlaiset antiterrorismin mestaruuskisat maailman erikoisjoukoille. Kisojen lajeina on mm. lentokonekaappaukseen ja panttivankitilanteisiin liittyviä tehtäviä. Mukaan saa osallistua myös armeijan joukoista kootut joukkueet.
The 6th annual Warrior Competition have concluded, this event had 33 teams representing 19 nations from around the globe.
First place: China represented by the Snow Leopard Unit.
Second Place: China Special Operations Unit, Sichuan Corps.
Warrior Competition
This is a copy of Claude Monet's Impression, Sunrise, the painting that gave the name to the impressionist movement. But it is no idle knock off. At just 300 micrometres across it is the world's smallest recreated masterpiece, closely reproducing the vibrant colours of the original thanks to careful nanotech engineering.
Nanoscale Monet is world's tiniest masterpiece
The Shigir Idol, is the most ancient wooden sculpture in the world, made during the Mesolithic period, around 7,500 BCE. It is displayed in the "Historic Exhibition" Museum in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
Scientists to study exact age of 'oldest wooden statue in the world'