Pakko se on tunnustaa, että Virmanen on helpponakki kestää jos vertaa Smithiin.
Eli, pieni yhteenveto Chicago Blackhawksin keskustelupalstalta:
"You conclusion would be correct if you only listened to Zito and not what the Hawks have been saying. Hawks asked for a model, Zito gave them a model, and the Hawks said forget it!
This is after Smith has gone to the media, which is what he did with the Amonte negotiations, said he was going to make room for Ruutu, and was waiting for the signing of Pitkanen. Everything Smith said happen but the signing of Ruutu.
Why? Because Smith is lying through his teeth again. Hey, at least he showed up to the meeting with Zito unlike Amonte's agent at the Four Seasons!
Unlike the last few negotiations which have all been in the Media. Amonte, Boris, and Zhamnov, the fans know that Smith is not telling the truth. He has lied before and he will do it again. He wants to make it look as if Wirtz is the victim here.
As it is pointed out 9 out of 9 top picks in the 2001 draft got model contracts. The tenth one is on his way to play in Europe again!
Why? Because Smith is a man who is as trust worthy as Tommy Flanagan!"
Jos Smith ei oikeastikkaan halua koko miestä joukkueeseen, niin miksi pilata Ruudun maine? Helpoiten asiat hoituisi, jos mies yksinkertaisesti myisi Tuomot jonnekkin, missä pääsisi pelaamaan. After all, sehän tässä lajissa on tarkoituksena.