Rumble kirjoitti:
Nippelitiedot curling-ikonista:
Ja täältä lisää :
"One of the highlights at the 2000 World Championships in Glasgow, Scotland, was when the crowd did the old spelling cheer: "Give me a U, give me a U, give me an S ... and so on through all 15 letters in his surname. "
"After quitting curling in the mid 1980s, Uusipaavalniemi pursued diving. He had never tried diving before but says he was a good jumper and very flexible. When he inquired about taking lessons, he was told he was too old. But he went anyway, and in 1987, after training for just six months, was ranked third in Finland. Inspired"
"Uusipaavalniemi claims his personal record in solving a Rubik's cube is 25 seconds. He was once the best math student in Finland; as a high school senior, he had the top score in a nationwide test."
Veikkaan että toi rubikinmysteeri selvisi ilman fyysistä kontaktia.
On se peto.