Philadelphia Flyers 2020–2021

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Philadelphia Flyers, KalPa
Varaustilaisuus kolkuttelee parin päivän päässä, joten ennen sitä on hyvä kirjoitella hiemana omia mietteitä menneestä ja erityisesti tulevasta kaudesta. Kieltämättä playoffit jättivät kitkerän maun suuhun, vaikka isossa kuvassa toki eteenpäin mentiin. Ihan liikaa en suostu pleijareille antamaan painoarvoa joukkueen todellista iskukykyä arvioidessa, niin erikoiset olosuhteet olivat puhumattakaan lähes puolen vuoden pelaamattomuudesta keskeytetyn runkosarjan jälkeen. Ensimmäinen playoff-sarjan voitto nykyiselle corelle jokatapauksessa lämmitti mieltä.

Mikäli Capfriendlyä oikein tulkitsin, Häggin ja Elliotin soppareiden jälkeen Flyersilla on 77,526,393 dollaria käytettynä esimerkiksi seuraavanlaiseen 20 miehen ryhmään:

Van Riemsdyk-Laughton-Aubé-Kubel



Morin aloittanee farmissa, jolloin hänen cap hitinsä saadaan haudattua kokonaisuudessaan. Tällöin jäisi 3,973,607 dollaria käytetävänä RFA-pelaajien Myersin ja Patrickin sopimuksiin. Ei mahdotonta, muttei jätä kovin kummoisia mahdollisuuksia sitoa Myersia pidemmällä lapulla. Gostisbeheren kaupaaminen lienee helpoin ja myös todennäköisin vaihtoehto tilan tekemiseksi palkkakattoon. Muista isoista/ylihintaisista sopimuksista JvR:n liikutteleminen nykyisessä taloustilanteessa olisi jos ei mahdotonta niin äärimmäisen kallista ainakin. Voracekin sopimusta en pidä (vielä) varsinaisena ongelmana. Hän on edelleen käyttökelpoinen top-6 hyökkääjä, vaikka sopimuksessa toki miljoona tai kaksi ylihintaa tämänhetkiseen tasoon nähden onkin.

Palkkakattotilanteesta johtuen isompia hankintoja tuskin tullaan näkemään, ellei sitten palkkoja saada liikuteltua myös toiseen suuntaan. Lisäksi tässä vaiheessa jokainen liike täytyy tehdä jo Seattlen laajennusdrafti huomioiden. Flyersin onni on, ettei millekkään suurille muutoksille ole varsinaisesti tarvetta. Suurin kysymysmerkki tällä hetkellä on lienee kolmossentterin tontti. Laughton tuntuu sopivan paremmin laidalle, ja Vigneaultkin näin näyttää pudotuspelien peluutuksen perusteella ajattelevan. Patrickin varaan ei voi terveyssyistä laskea mitään. Morgan Frost on vielä katsomaton kortti NHL-tasolle. Mielenkiintoista nähdä, haetaanko uutta sentteriä vai annetaanko Frostille (tai Patrickille) ainakin alkuun näytönpaikka.

Tämän vuoden varausikäluokkaa on kuvailtu laadukkaaksi ja näyttäisi että Flyersin ensimmäisen kierroksen 23. vuorollakin on erittäin hyvän tason lupauksia poimittavana. Yksittäisistä nimistä esim. saksalaiset Lukas Reichel ja JJ Peterka kiinnostaisivat kovasti kuten myös Jacob Perreault ja Mavrik Bourque Kanadan junnusarjoista. Kaikki edellämainitut ovat pyörineet erinäisissä listauksissa Flyersin vuoron tuntumassa. Jos kuitenkin pitäsi vetoa lyödä, niin veikkaan Flyersin varaukseksi rajuotteista laituria Ridly Greigia. Ridleyn isä, ex-Flyers/Phantoms pelaaja Mark Greig toimii Flyersin amateur scoutina, ja vaikka kuinka sanotaan ettei sen pitäsi vaikuttaa valintaan, ei se ainakaan todennäköisyyttä pienennä. Kysykää lisätietoja esim. Alexader Ruuttulta.


Philadelphia Flyers, Leijonat, (Saipa).
Yöllä tulee mietiskeltyä vaikka ja mitä, niin olettaen että Patrick ei ole kunnossa ja tuonne kaivataan kolmossentteriä Laughton laitettaessa laidalle, olisiko mahdollista kokeilla vapailta markkinoilta esim. Alex Galchenyukia? Heikomman kauden jälkeen voisi olla mahdollista saada melko edullisellakin lapulla ja siitä saisi mahdollisesti lisää virtaa tuo kolmoskenttäkin ja hyvällä tuurilla JVR heräisi paremmin eloon. Olettaen siis, että ainoa jonka soppari tuolta orsterista saadaan kaupattua on Gostisbehere, eikä JVR liiku minnekään. Galchenyuk kuitenkin tehnyt aikaisemmin urallaan ihan kohtalaisia tehoja.

En tosin yhtään tiedä, että millainen kaveri on, kun en muista paljoa nähneeni hänen pelejään, mutta ollut aikoinaan kovakin prospekti kun draftin kolmantena varattiin. +/- tilasto tosin ei kovin hyvä ole ollut oikeastaan millään kaudella


Philadelphia Flyers
Laughton on parempi aloittaja kuin Alex Galchenyuk kun tarkastellaan ihan tilastojen valossa ainakin kolmelta viime kaudelta, Chucky ilmeisesti pelaa muutenkin paremmin laidassa. Eli jos ajatellaan sentteri osastolle vahvistuksena, niin aivan väärä pelaaja siihen tarkoitukseen. Farmista vaan kaveria kokeilemaan, ei tällä jengillä kummiskaan mennä vielä päätyyn asti. Vastuuta lisää junnuille vaan. Ei enää JVR tyylisiä soppareita, eikä kehäraakkeja. Kiitos.
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♠️, Flyers, Stars
Laine ja Flyers mainittu samassa lauseessa.

An interesting team to watch on the Patrik Laine front may be the Philadelphia Flyers and the talk is they’re making an aggressive push. They have the ability to make the deal if they can find the right fit with the Jets. A league executive speculated Sunday the Flyers would probably want to see if there’s a fit in Winnipeg for defenceman Shayne Gostisbehere. He has three years left with a cap hit of $4.5 million per season, but the Jets could also look to get a second-line centre in return. The Jackets and Montreal Canadiens are both believed to have made pitches for Laine, 22, who has 138 goals and 247 points in 305 games. You have to think find a fit with the Habs the Jets would want Phillip Danault in return. The Sabres, Wings, Rangers, Wild and Panthers all have interest … The Jets are trying to get defenceman Dylan DeMelo signed, but there still a sizeable gap to bridge if that’s going to happen. DeMelo was dealt to Winnipeg by the Senators at the February deadllne and has a chance to cash in.


Philadelphia Flyers, Leijonat, (Saipa).
Laine kelpais kyllä, jos vaan palkkansa puolesta mahtuisi, mutta eikös tuolla ole jo yksi jumalainen maalitykki kovalla palkalla, eli JVR. Vaatisi oletettavasti hänen ulostamista että Laineen saisi mahtumaan,siis tulevaisuudessa kun uutta sopparia pitää alkaa tehtailemaan. Gostisbehereen treidattuna Laine mahtuisi toki nytkin. Voi olla että joutuisi kohtalaisen kovaa hintaa Ghostin lisäksi lyömään että Laineen saisi.

Ja tuli treidihuhuketjussa vastaan twiitti:

Eli Puhvelit hakemassa top6-hyökkääjää. Äkkiä treidaamaan JVR vaikka käyttettyihin molarin patjoihin.


Philadelphia Flyers


HIFK, Philadelphia Flyers, Liverpool FC
Veteran presence. Braun selkeä hätävara tähän, että saadaan tuttu ja kokenut luuta pelaamaan ne 15 minuuttia ja alivoimaa oikealle puolelle. Pelaaja itse varmasti halunnut kaksivuotisen, Phillyn kannalta tuossa ei järkeä ole, mutta onpahan nyt valinnanvaraa puolustavien osastolla kun Hägg (L) ja Braun (R) signattu about identtisillä soppareilla kahdeksi vuodeksi. #5-7 roolissa ihan mukiinmeneviä jätkiä, etenkin kun ei ole todnäk. pakko kumpaakaan peluuttaa koko kautta, jos menee vituiksi.

Itse näen pakiston tämänhetkisillä nimillä näin, oikein roolitettuna:

Provorov - Myers
Sanheim - Braun
Hägg - Friedman

+ Ghost, Morin, muut... (tai sitten kakkosessa Sanheim - Friedman ja kolmosessa Ghost - Braun, heh)

Näillä nimillä pakisto huutaa oikealle puolelle laatujätkää, oli se sitten koodinimi Vatanen tai vastaava, mutta peliälyä ja kokemusta sieltä lähti iso annos Niskasen lopetuksen myötä. Chuck & co. on varmasti ollut tietoinen Niskyn lopetteluista jonkun aikaa, eli aikaa suunnitella seuraavia liikkeitä ja funtsia vaihtoehtoja toimistolla, on varmasti ollut.

Tulihan heittämällä taas lisää mielenkiintoa offseasonille, vaikka aluksi povattiin poikkeuksellisen tylsää syksyä oranssille.


Philadelphia Flyers, KalPa
Oho! Nyt tuli aika puskista tuo tieto/huhu Niskasesta. Menee kyllä toteutuessaan Flyersin off-seasonin suunnitelmat uusiksi. Tuskin Myers-Braun-Friedman oikean puolen pakistolla seuraavaan kauteen lähdetään. Niskanen oli yllättävän heikko playoffeissa, josko ajatukset olivat sitten jo muualla?

Mä en pidä tästä. Oliko Braun ton arvoinen, imo ei.
Jos pelaa sillä tasolla millä pelasi runkosarjan läpi niin pidän ihan kohtuulisena hintana. Nyt on sitten kolmospakkipari (Hägg-Braun) signattu yhteensä 3,4 miljoonalla, ei mikään mahdoton summa. Oikein roolitettuna hoitanevat ruutunsa.


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Vähän sellainen fiilis, että hiipuva ja kangistuva Braun olisi kannattanut jättää muiden organisaatioiden päiviteltäväksi, mutta eivätpä nuo lukemat pahat ole ja Niskasen poistumisen myötä oikea puoli ammotti tyhjyyttään. Kaikki hyvin kunhan Braunia ei enää mihinkään top-4 ruutuun kaavailla.

Oikealle puolelle tuli siis top-4 ruutuihin aukko. Sanheim pystyy myös oikella pelaamaan ja on varmaan se pappilan hätävara, jos ei muuta löydy, mikä taas tarkoittaisi, että Ghostillekin voisi löytyä käyttöä vuorostaan vasemmalla. Vähän tämä nyt sekoitti muuten selviä kuvioita, mutta katsotaan, miten Fletcher&co tämän pyörittävät?

Yöllä tulee mietiskeltyä vaikka ja mitä, niin olettaen että Patrick ei ole kunnossa ja tuonne kaivataan kolmossentteriä Laughton laitettaessa laidalle, olisiko mahdollista kokeilla vapailta markkinoilta esim. Alex Galchenyukia? Heikomman kauden jälkeen voisi olla mahdollista saada melko edullisellakin lapulla ja siitä saisi mahdollisesti lisää virtaa tuo kolmoskenttäkin ja hyvällä tuurilla JVR heräisi paremmin eloon. Olettaen siis, että ainoa jonka soppari tuolta orsterista saadaan kaupattua on Gostisbehere, eikä JVR liiku minnekään. Galchenyuk kuitenkin tehnyt aikaisemmin urallaan ihan kohtalaisia tehoja.

En tosin yhtään tiedä, että millainen kaveri on, kun en muista paljoa nähneeni hänen pelejään, mutta ollut aikoinaan kovakin prospekti kun draftin kolmantena varattiin. +/- tilasto tosin ei kovin hyvä ole ollut oikeastaan millään kaudella

En näe yhteen suuntaan laiskasti ja pehmeästi pelaavan Galchenyukin tuovan mitään mikä nostaisi Flyersin mahdollisuuksia Stanley Cupiin, jonka pitäisi olla tässä kohtaa rakennusta se ainoa maali, joten kiitos ei ainakin täältä.

Ensi yönä olisi edessä draftin ensimmäinen kierros, mikä täytyy luonnollisesti jännittää mukana, vaikka poikkeuksellisesti viikolla onkin. Gostisbeheren poiskauppaamista viimeistään draftin yhteydessä pidin aiemmin täysin varmana, mutta Niskasen lopettaminen saattoi nyt laittaa kuviot uusiksi.

Ei niinkään ensi yöhön, mutta tuleviin drafteihin liittyen tervetullut uutinen:

Mielenkiintoinen kommentti puolestaan vara-GM Flahrilta:


HIFK, Philadelphia Flyers, Liverpool FC
Myönnetään. Kyllähän se on selvää, että Laineen kaltainen potentiaalinen ~50 maalin mies kelpaisi any day omaan joukkueeseen, vaikka kuinka olisi tiedossa että ei välttämättä olisi se paras laituri omiin. Eihän tässä olis mitään ongelmaa, jos Voracekia tai JVR:ää ei olisi ennestään jengissä, ei millään pahalla. Olisin jopa valmis katsomaan Giroux'ta vielä oikealla puolella YV:n sateenvarjossa, mikäli toiselta puolelta löytyisi Laine. Ja se on paljon se, enkä edelleenkään kuulu Laine-faneihin siinä mielessä että haluaisin pelaajan hinnalla millä hyvänsä oranssiin.

Hinta vaan on liian kova. Niskasen eläköityminen vei jo ennestään yhden TOP4-hepan pois, ja nytkö pitäisi luopua mahdollisessa Laine-kaupassa esim. Travis Sanheimistä, jonka kylkeen pitäisi lyödä vähintään 1st pickiä ja/tai Morgan Frostia. Se että jengi lyö tohon treidiin jotain Konecnyä ja sen päälle vielä näitä frosteja, niin en tiedä mitä pitää vetää jotta tällästä lähtis funtsimaan. Mutta mitä se käytännössä tarkottais, jos tällänenki diili sitten tehtäis? Noh, ainaki nähtäis Sniderin näkönen hyökkäys...

Giroux - Couturier - Laine
Lindblom - Hayes - Konecny
van Riemsdyk - Laughton - Voracek
Raffl - Bunnaman - NAK

Provorov - Myers
Gostisbehere - Braun
Hägg - Friedman


Alakerrasta löytyis yksi selkeä ykkösparin pelaaja, yksi nuori top4 all-arounder ja loput sitten puhtaasti #5-7 ukkoja, vaikka kuinka Friedman olisi kehittynyt Fletcherin papereissa niin mitään takuita hänen NHL-tasolla pärjäämisestä, ei vaan ole. Hyökkäyshän nyt olisi ihan sairas, mutta pahimmillaan sieltä löytyisi laidoilta sellanen 40 miljoonaa, jota fanit haukkuisivat kilpaa vuorotellen, että kenen tehottomuuden takia tänään hävittiin. Erityisesti 15 milliä syövä JVR-Vora voisi olla entistä pahemmin hampaissa. Veikkaisin, että kolmen miljoonan Lindy säästyisi, mutta kaikki muut olisivat tattua sylkykuppikamaa ja ensi kesän Seattle-listalla...

On nää vaan kinkkisiä juttuja. Se on kuitenkin fakta, että nyt ensi kaudeksi Chuckilla olisi iskun paikka, kun tolppien väli vie caphittiä n. 2,2M verran, sentteristö on todelliseen tasoon ja pelaajiin itseensä suhteutettuna todella edullinen ja Niskasen lopetus antoi vielä lisähengitystilaa.



Philadelphia Flyers
Tämä sitten mun mielipide, mutta ei kiitos Laineelle. Mielummin sitten top 4 mitat täyttävään pakkiin pöhinä.


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Ensimmäisen lopulle ja enimmäkseen toisen alkuun eri listoilla sijoiteltu Barrie Coltsin sentteri/oikea laita Tyson Foerster sieltä sitten 23. vuorolla tuli. Rehellisesti voin sanoa toivoneeni muutamaa muuta nimeä enemmän, mutta kyllähän Foersterissakin on puolensa.

Draftin alla tuli vielä katseltua lisää pelejä alle ja pari näistä sattui olemaan Foersterin Barrien. Sanotaanko, että kuva kaverista muuttui asteen kirkkaammaksi, mitä avauksen yhteydessä kirjoitin. Oli lähinnä 5vs5 pelissä yritteliäämpi ja työteliäämpi, mitä muistin / olin aiemmin painanut mieleeni, vaikka heikon luistelun myötä tehot paljon ylivoimasta riippuivatkin.

Fysiikka ja luistelu ovat päivän selvät kehityskohteet, mutta kyllähän nuorukaisen peliäly ja offensiiviset taidot luovat vuorostaan mahdollisuuksia, etenkin laukaisuvoima ja -taito herättävät kunnioitusta, mitä ei liikaa organisaation pelaajista tai prospecteista voi viljellä. Flyers on tämän tyylisiä riskejä tykännyt viime vuosina ottaa enemmänkin (mm. Brink ja Frost) ja tulevat vuodet näyttävät tuottavatko tulosta vai ei? Selvästi linjan mukaista toimintaa, ceiling edellä.

Tässä pelaajaprofiileja muilta:

McKeen's Hockey:
The OHL’s leader in powerplay goals, Foerster is absolutely deadly from the faceoff dot, operating in a similar fashion to Alex Ovechkin and Steve Stamkos. He one times pucks cleanly and generates significant velocity when shooting from a stand still. No question, he has one of the best shots in this draft class. Foerster also possesses strong scoring instincts, showing an understanding of how to navigate open ice to hunt down scoring opportunities. His hockey sense in the offensive end is quite high. Foerster was one of the OHL’s most improved players this year, seeing a jump from 23 points in his rookie season to 80 this year with a young and talented Barrie Colts roster. Outside of scoring goals for the Colts, Foerster is also a competent forechecker who will work hard to retrieve loose pucks and force turnovers. He works the wall well and has good balance and strength that allows him to come away with the puck along the wall. Where scouts have concern is Foerster’s five on five production, which is lagging in comparison to his powerplay success. Some of this has to do with a lack of dynamic skating ability. He has already worked hard to improve in this area; specifically, his first step quickness, however more improvement will be needed. Additionally, he will need to become better at playing through traffic more consistently. This is especially true in transition, where he can be kept to the perimeter and does not show the same kind of shooting ability or confidence while in full motion. However, Foerster’s scoring potential should not be ignored. With some improvements in conditioning and continued work to improve his skating, he could become a scoring line winger and a consistent 30 goal scorer at the next level. There are certainly some similarities to Tyler Toffoli’s game when he was draft eligible and Foerster has a similar projection.

Brock Otten - OHL Prospects:
Without question, Foerster possesses one of the best shots in the OHL and was one of the league's most improved players this year. He is the master of the faceoff dot set up, cranking off one timers on the man advantage the same way Alex Ovechkin does. He beats goaltenders clean up top, even without a net front screen. Foerster also exhibits great scoring instincts, sliding his way into the slot to get open in that home plate area so that he can use his quick release. Foerster is also strong without the puck as a support player in the offensive end. He protects the puck well along the wall and despite being only an average skater, is great at applying pressure on the forecheck because he uses his stick well to take away passing lanes. He's just a really smart hockey player. The concern is obviously his production at even strength. Foerster led the entire CHL with 18 powerplay goals this year. But at even strength, he was tied for 50th in the OHL...let alone the CHL. So what's causing the disconnect here? The skating has improved from last year, but his first step quickness will need to improve further. Additionally, his speed while carrying the puck will need to improve, as right now he's quicker without the puck than with it. He can get bottled up for this reason. Foerster also needs to be better at battling through traffic in the middle of the ice; finding his way to the net more consistently. Look, these things can be improved. The perfect example of this is a kid like Tyler Toffoli. The same concerns were said about him in his NHL draft year. The same things were said of Brett MacLean and Jeremy Morin too. So the difference maker will be Foerster's ability to progress further, both physically and creatively. Some players can, some can not. However, you'd be hard pressed to find a kid outside of the first round who can shoot the puck and think the game like Foerster does. That's precisely why you take the chance on him continuing to improve.

Corey Pronman - The Athletic:
Foerster had a great season, scoring 36 goals and 80 points in 62 OHL games, generating a lot of shots as a driving force for Barrie even after Ryan Suzuki was traded. Foerster’s shot is the first thing scouts bring up. He has an absolute cannon. He can one-time from the circles and beat goalies clean, which is a highly desirable skill. Foerster is also a high-end passer who can find seams consistently, which combined with his shot, makes him very dangerous on the power play. The main issue with Foerster is his skating. His stride is awkward, he hunches over, it breaks down often and prevents him from being dangerous on entries. I debated between a 55 and a 60 for his puck skills. When you watch him in practice it’s clear he has tremendous hands, and in games you can see it come out, but he rarely executes, which may be due to a lack of quickness and not a lack of skill. I don’t see him as a physical player who will PK in the NHL, but he works on the ice and wins enough engagements.

NHL scout on Foerster: “He’s a very smart player with a world-class shot and a lot of skill, but it’s so hard to get past his skating. He’s behind the pace of the OHL.”

Scott Wheeler - The Athletic:
Foerster was a driver of offence on a team that needed it in Barrie this season and he just kept getting better as the year went along. When it was all said and done, his 80 points ranked fifth among first-year draft eligibles in the OHL. I was particularly impressed by his second half when, after the Colts dealt the bulk of their core, he continued to produce. He was also impressive at the CHL Top Prospects Game, where he made a trio of superb plays off the rush. He’s an excellent shooter, particularly in catch-and-release scenarios in motion. After the Colts traded Ryan Suzuki on Jan. 10, Foerster went on a 13-game point streak to close out the season with 33 points in his final 25 games. I worry his skating and pace of play may not be high-end enough to reach his true potential, but if he can make some progress there, he’s got the rest.

There is no great mystery in what Foerster will need to improve if he hopes to make an impact in the NHL some day. “It's his skating,” said one scout matterof-factly. “It looks like it's a lower body issue...strength, so I'm not thinking that it's a fatal flaw. I don't think he'll ever be a great skater, but I think it can be adequate to efficient, and strength will have a lot to do with it. He needs to get leaner and stronger.”
Foerster may be the prospect who elicits the widest divergence of opinions regarding his flaws. Some say he just needs to get stronger; others feel it is a structural issue that won’t necessarily ever get much better. “His skating stride and technique are worrisome,” noted one scout. “His skating won’t ever be great, but once you get him in the offensive zone, he can help you out a lot. He sees the ice well, and that shot. He’s one of the best shooters in the draft - it’s hard, and deadly accurate. He should be able to help a team on the power play.”
The other major difference in opinion surrounds Foerster’s competitiveness. Some scouts say it’s fine; some were left wanting much more. “I keep reading about him going high, but I'd be worried about taking him in the first,” opined another scout. “If Foerster misses because of his skating, he misses. He's a similar style player to (Tyler) Toffoli. He gets compared to (Mark) Stone a lot, but their compete level is not even close. When you can't skate, and you don't want to battle for pucks, that's a tough combination.” Not everyone thinks Barrie’s leading scorer was soft on pucks. “I thought he competed okay, especially in the second half considering his team was out of most games early. Obviously there is risk, and at a certain point in the draft I would go by him. But there's a point in the first round that I would take him."

Huomenna tai no tänään illan suussa jatkuisi.

Flyersin loput pickit:

2. Kierros: 54. vuoro
3. Kierros: -
4. Kierros: 116. vuoro
5. Kierros: 147. vuoro
6. Kierros: 178. vuoro
7. Kierros: 202. vuoro (Montreal) ja 209. vuoro


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
54. vuorolla nappasivat ruotsalaispakki Emil Andraen. Henkilökohtaisesti toivoin pari pykälää myöhemmin Sharkseille mennyttä Tristen Robinsia tai perään Tampan varaama Jack Finleyta, mutta ei tämäkään pahalta maistu. Andraessa on selkeät riskinsä, . Koko on, mitä on, eikä luistelu ole niin säkenöivää kuten näiltä pygmeiltä sopisi odottaa. On kuitenkin ensimmäisillä potkuillaan mukavan räjähtävä, mikä on mielestäni maksimivauhtia tärkeämpää. Tykkään siis pelaajasta, sillä taitoa on muille jaettavaksi, offensiivinen peliäly on korkealla tasolla ja mielestäni nuppi riittää mainiosti myös puolustussuuntaan, vaikka osa on nuorukaisen puolustamiselle risujakin jakanut. Kliseisesti ilmaisten osaa pelata peliä. Tältä löytyy myös luonnetta ja fyysisyyttä, mistä myös pidän. Jälleen selkeät vahvuudet vs. heikkoudet varaus, jonka kanssa voi käydä kummin päin tahansa. Henkilökohtaisesti pidän tästä Flyersin linjasta, jolla pelaajia nyt varaavat.

Hockey Prospects:
Offensive defenseman Emil Andrae had a strong season with his club team HV71 in the U20 SupeElite where he was the leading point scorer among defensemen before the season abruptly ended due to the COVID-19 virus. He racked up 11 goals and 27 assist for a total of 38 points in 40 game, along with 82 penalty minutes. He has the ability to be a somewhat dominating player in the juniors as he has good offensive instincts and great puck skills. What really makes him stand out here is his bravery with the puck, where he can be found trying out things no one else would even consider doing, which catches opponents off guard and allows him to break free with the puck. There are many times where his actions don’t really pan out the way he wants during the games, but when it does, it looks extraordinary. Those decisions and inconsistencies is what will make or break his game at a higher level as his skating is not good enough for him to be able to get back fast enough after making a mistake and most of his penalty minutes comes from him trying to get back and prevent the opponents from scoring a goal after one of his mistakes with the puck. However, his puck skills are great and he can control the puck in any given circumstance as he keeps it close to his body and protects it with a low center of gravity and nifty moves. He is a puck-transporter more than a puck-mover as he will try to skate all over the ice with the puck himself before considering a pass. His shot is accurate but lacks velocity.

Late in the season he got called up to his club’s men’s team in the SHL and dressed for 10 games where he failed to register any points but registered 4 penalty minutes and was a -1 in the plus-minus category. He mostly played very sheltered minutes and situations in the SHL, his lack of size and poor ability to skate was obvious as he struggled at times to keep up with the bigger, stronger and faster opponents. With the puck on his stick, he was still able to make fairly good plays and he wasn't transporting the puck as much as he did in juniors, and he was forced into making smarter plays and faster decisions on the ice, which he did a decent job at. His biggest weakness is his defensive game and it got heavily exposed at this level as he couldn't beat his opponents physically or outsmart them, he got stuck in the wrong lanes and had no chance of retrieving the puck in the corners or along the boards. Andrae really needs to improve his skating as he’s got a short, choppy stride which makes him lose top speed skating in a straight line, which considering his risky style of play, can cause problems. Internationally he was the captain all through the year for Sweden's U18 squad where he scored 1 goal and 12 assists for a total of 12 points in 13 games, along with 14 penalty minutes. What really stands out with his stat sheet is that even though he was almost a point per game player, he was a +-0 in the plus-minus category. He did manage to stand out from a gray Swedish team as he played a real flashy game and was put in a position to succeed as the first line defenseman and quarterback the powerplay on the first unit. He captained Team Sweden in the Hlinka/Gretzky tournament recording 4 assists in 5 games and led his team to 3rd place. Andrae will play for HV71 in the SHL next season.

“He was really good when I saw him late in the season, he’s a late riser for me.” - NHL Scout, March 2020
“He’s one of several good junior players this season who won’t make the jump to the NHL.” - NHL Scout, December 2019
“great hockey player but his skating isn’t great and he’s not a big kid.” - NHL Scout, March 2020
“Seeing him so high on some lists separates the people who can scout and those who can’t. I like the player but he has limitations and those limitations are why he should not be ranked anywhere near the first round.” - NHL Scout, April 2020
“A very good player but our group isn’t a big fan of the skating/size combo when we factor in his overall ability.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, May 2020

Corey Pronman:
Andrae was a top defenseman in the Swedish junior circuit and versus his age group. He brings a lot of elements to the table. Offensively he’s highly skilled and creative. He has the hands to make crafty 1-on-1 plays off the rush, and at the offensive blue line he shows no hesitancy to walk the line and make skilled plays. He sees the ice very well, finding options through tight seams at a high level. He’s not that fast, but he’s elusive in tight spaces, allowing him to evade checks. Andrae isn’t that big, but he plays hard, closing well on checks and using his body to separate pucks. Not having a great top gear at his size isn’t ideal, but his game is well rounded enough that I think he can make it to the NHL even with the size and skating combination.

NHL scout on Andrae: “He’s very talented and steady. He can play at both ends. He’s very skilled, he has guts. The skating for that size will be the question.”

Scott Wheeler:
Andrae has most of the qualities I look for in a draft-eligible defenceman. He’s calm under pressure. He can lead a rush in transition. He has the puck handling ability, east-west vision and four-way mobility needed to run a power play. He’s strong on his feet, which he leverages effectively along the wall. He’s physical when he needs to be without chasing for hits. And he’s calculated enough with the puck to recognize when he needs to hang onto it and when he just needs to advance the play. I have been surprised by the caution so many have about him. He’s very likely to slip into the second round and I believe that would be a mistake. His size is normally central to concerns some have with projecting him. I don’t see it as much of an issue, though. He’s very good defensively for his size. Don’t mistake his height for his sturdiness.

I asked HV71 head coach Nicklas Rahm for his evaluation of Andrae’s game at the SHL level this season. Here’s what he said:
“He played his game. His game is a really high-risk game. When he played under-20s, there was a lot of big risk in his game and the reward is always there. And we talked about it when he came up and he adjusted that. He still did his big things out there and the crowd loved him but he took down the risk level and when it wasn’t there, he didn’t take it. That’s what I like most about him. And he could handle the physical game. When he’s not ready for a hit, he’s on his ass. But if he’s ready for a battle, he’s pretty strong actually. He’s got a low balance. I think he can have a really good year (next) year.”

And here’s HV71 general manager Peter Ekelund on Andrae:
“Emil was not nervous at all. He likes to keep the puck and he kept playing the way he played in juniors, even when he came up to the SHL. And even if he made some mistakes, he didn’t change his game. He did what he was good at.”


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Neljännen kierroksen alkuun tekivät kaupan Tampan kanssa, jossa 116. ja 147. vuorot vaihtuvat Boltsin 94. :seen. Tuolla pickillä tarttui Kingston Frontenacsin Zayde Wisdom, jonka täytynyt olla Flyersin listoilla selvästi korkeammalla kun tuohon liikkeeseen lähtivät.

Itselleni hurjasti tulokaskaudestaan parantanut Wisdom meni pitkään ns. tutkan alla. Vasta ihan loppukaudesta tuli tarkemmin tutkailtua ja onhan tämän pelaamisesta helppo pitää. Todella työteliäs ja rehellinen pelaaja, joka jättää itsestään kaiken jäälle. Offensiivisessa pelaamisessa tapahtui vuodessa paljon ja pitkältihän on kyse kuinka paljon potentiaalia tällä saralla kaverissa kukin näkee. Toiset näkevät enemmän, toiset vähemmän. Itse kuulun johonkin välimaastoon. Luistelu on Wisdomillakin kuulunut työnalle ja on sitä varmasti jatkossakin. Ideaalitilanteessa saisi olla myös profiiliinsa huomioiden hieman suurempi, mutta katsellaan mitä tuleman pitää.

McKeen's Hockey:
A standout with limited ice time last year as an OHL rookie, Wisdom was noticeable because of his tireless work ethic and tenaciousness. This year, he remained a standout but for different reasons, increasing his offensive production by a significant amount (from three goals last year to 29). One of the OHL’s most improved players, Wisdom developed terrific chemistry with the exceptional rookie Shane Wright (and Martin Chromiak later in the year) and was able to elevate his game to the point where he is being considered as a potential top three round selection. While some may look at who Wisdom plays with and assume that he is being carried, that assumption would be incorrect. His strong play was the main reason that Wright was able to have such a strong rookie season, as his competitive nature, skill level and anticipation helped to open up space for his linemates. That said, he is more than just a complementary piece. He shows well leading the charge across the blueline and is aggressive in driving through the middle, forcing defenders to make the first move. Wisdom also possesses a high-end shot release and his confidence in his shot grew exponentially over the course of the season. Wisdom is a player who has overcome a lot in his life and plays with that chip on his shoulder at all times. This makes him excellent away from the puck, as he is relentless both forechecking and backchecking. He plays the game hard and only knows one speed. As such, he could be the perfect third line player at the NHL level; a guy who can clear space, recover pucks, and has enough skill to provide offense and support skilled players. That said, it would also be wrong to completely write Wisdom off as no more than that. He has already improved so much as a player, who is to say that his game, especially offensively, could not find yet another gear? This is a player you want in your organization as he would go through a wall to help secure a W.

Brock Otten - OHL Prospects:
Honestly, how can you not root for this kid, after all he's persevered through? This article from Scott Wheeler of The Athletic is a must read if you haven't done so already. But the NHL is also a business that doesn't give hand outs. I'm not ranking Wisdom 18th (as a potential second round selection) out of pity. He flat out deserves it. He impressed the hell out of me last year as a rookie, with his energy and in your face abrasive style of play. This year, he was one of the most improved players in the OHL, establishing himself as a scoring line presence and not just a puck hound. I've seen some state that because he plays with Shane Wright (and later in the year Martin Chromiak), that his offensive numbers should be less respected. I call bull crap on that. Anyone who has actually seen Wisdom play knows that Wisdom is just as much of a facilitator for the Frontenacs. He's active leading the charge over the blueline, with his skating improving a lot over the course of the year. And he can create his own scoring chances by using sharp cuts to penetrate the middle of the ice, opening up shooting lanes for himself. And sure, he's the recipient of some of Wright's magic as a playmaker near the crease and in transition. But Wright is also the beneficiary of Wisdom's ability to open up space in the offensive zone, and his ability to keep plays alive in the offensive end with his relentless bulldog mentality. Wright, Chromiak, and Wisdom play off of each other so well and that's what makes them dangerous. They are all well rounded players who can lead the charge and it makes them that much more difficult to defend. At 5'9, Wisdom might be a little on the small side for the type of role he plays at the NHL level, but I wouldn't bet against him. I honestly don't know if he's the kind of kid that you can put a true cap on. More than likely, he's a solid third liner who can slide up if necessary. But with the way that his skill set has progressed, I don't think it's out of the question to believe that he could play higher in the lineup more consistently as a complimentary player on a scoring line.

Hockey Prospects:
Zayde Wisdom was drafted 73rd overall in the 4th round of the 2018 OHL draft. After having difficulty producing in his rookie season, Wisdom developed rapidly and had a very impressive year for Kingston. He played his way into a top line, all situations role, where he formed chemistry with Shane Wright and eventually Martin Chromiak. He finished the season with 59 points in 62 games, including 29 goals. He also produced roughly 2.90 shots on goal per game, and played just over 20 minutes on average a night.

Zayde Wisdom is a two-way, modern day power forward who plays with controlled tenacity. When we say modern day, we mean he’s not a prototypical heavy hitter who attacks north-south. We mean, he’s the type of player that will battle, use his frame on the inside of the ice, while maintaining a consistent pace off the puck. He’s also the type of player that is willing to stick up for teammates after the whistle. His motor blends well with his anticipation and defensive awareness, so that he can be a factor on the forecheck and backcheck. We’ve seen him generate several takeaways that have led to high end scoring chances. He carries a wide and heavy frame, and understands how to use it correctly when attempting to compete for loose pucks. If there was one complaint about his power game though, it’s that he doesn’t hit as often as we would like. If he can increase his hitting rate to help compliment his ability to force defenses to play heavy minutes against him, then that would add another dimension that is currently lacking.

We mentioned controlled tenacity, since he thinks the game well, yet knows how to match the urgency of the play type without going too overboard. For instance, when competing, if he’s lagging a bit behind where he needs to be in order come away with the puck, that’s when he will turn on the jets and battle aggressively. He doesn’t play at one gear though, and shifts his motor up and down, depending on the play. He plays in control with the puck on his stick as well. We’ve often seen him slow down his play, to help readjust his passing options. One of the more impressive aspects of Zayde’s game, is his willingness to cut towards the net area at top speed, yet have the offensive awareness and the vision to find his teammates in stride.

A play versus Owen Sound showed what we really like about Zayde’s game. The play started with Zayde fighting to gain back possession during a loose puck battle. We always look to identify if the player fights to obtain inside positioning, and that’s exactly what Wisdom did. He used his frame to weigh heavy on his opponent and over power him, so that he could regain the puck. After winning the battle, he skated aggressively down the bottom of the right circle and looked off his intended passing target before finding Chromiak in the slot with a sharp and well-timed pass. The play resulted in a primary assist and was the result of Wisdom’s combination of skill, hockey sense, and determination. He’s also a pretty dangerous one-on-one player. One of his favourite attacks is a side-step, drag move that allows him to rapidly shift his skating angle, so that he can get more room to get his good wrist-shot off. He has a versatility to his goal-scoring. He can beat goalies clean from the hashmarks area, yet is more than willing to crash and bang in a loose rebound. His shooting mechanics are a plus, and he has the hand speed needed to quickly shift his shooting angle while in stride. He’s good at masking his shooting placement behind screens as well. Some of his most impressive goals have been the result of him combining his side-stepping agility, with his shooting ability.

A perfect example of this was seen against Barrie after he received a pass in transition at the top of the right circle. The defender who was caught out of position in a one-on-one situation, quickly attempted to recover by trying to body check Wisdom on his left side. However, Wisdom quickly swung his body out of the way of the incoming hit, completely evading the defender in the process, before extending into a very quick snapshot, which fooled Arturs Silovs. The amount of coordination and agility seen on the play reminded us a bit of another prospect, Tristan Robbins, who also carries a thick frame, yet has the agility to move very well within it. That’s one of the more surprising aspect of Wisdom’s game, is his ability to contort and manipulate his frame so that he can change his positioning in order to keep plays alive.

If there was one area of concern regarding Wisdom’s physical structure, it’s probably his hip mobility. He can side-step, pivot, and has power when he’s transferring between his legs, but his extension is a bit short. NFL Scouts say “tight in the hips” describing some players and Wisdom’s hips look locked in at times. This results in a lack of extension and it keeps him from having as much separating speed as he theoretically could. He’s not a bad skater by any means, but he has a wide base which can make him be inconsistent with his turning. Overall though, he has pretty good four-way mobility considering his frame. If he can gain another gear, it could make a big difference down the road to his game. Especially since he’s already a dangerous transitional puck rusher.

He doesn’t need to rush the puck or carry it east-west to make plays though. His spatial awareness is good and it blends into his processing ability, so that he understands his time and space when entering high-danger areas without the puck on his stick. He’s prone to the occasional error of course but for the most part, his hockey sense doesn’t just hold at highspeeds, but at times thrives. The most impressive aspect of his hockey sense for us, is in regards to his deception. It’s difficult for opposing players to pick up on what he’s going to do with the puck, and he has the versatility to take advantage of his deception in different ways.

Wisdom has a unique blend of athleticism and the instincts needed to bring out his skill. He can see plays happening in advance off the puck, yet has the vision and playmaking to make his teammates around him better. He can beat opponents in a number of ways, yet doesn’t have to rely on his skill when he’s consistently using his frame the right way. The limitations for Zayde involve his north-south skating mechanics due to a shortened stride, and for every game we see that we really like, there’s another that’s left us wanting slightly more. He has the frame and power necessary to dictate more than he currently does. He’s a bit raw in terms of the player type we project him to be as a result, but he’s a rare player type. Finding modern day power forwards who can make plays is uncommon, and there’s an excellent base within Wisdom’s game to work with.

“There’s some real upside in Wisdom, who brings an untapped yet rare skillset to the table.” – HP Scout, Brad Allen
“Good player but he’s like many good junior’s that have come before him. I like his game but he’s not what I’m looking for in the draft. He’ll blend with too many players who are just good enough not to make it.” - NHL Scout, January 2020
“I saw good and bad from shift to shift. Too much inconsistency for me to pull the trigger.” - NHL Scout, January 2020
“I’d see him one game and think he was a draftable player. Next viewing I’d make him a no draft. I’ll probably lean no draft.” - NHL Scout, February 2020 “Works hard, made his line better but I think he’s just a jag at the end of the day.” - NHL Scout, March 2020
‘I have him as a draft but he’s a later round guy for me. Good honest player but I’m not reaching to get him.” - NHL Scout, March 2020
“Interesting season scouting Zayde. In the first half I saw him and was immediately impressed. Then I saw two games where I hated his effort level and I back off him a bit. The second half was a different story, he played harder and used his skill more often.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, March 2020


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Tekivät toisenkin kaupan kun vaihtoivat molemmat 7. kierroksen pickinsä (202. ja 209.) Nashvillen viidennen rundin vuoroon (134.), jolla tarttui Moncton Wildcatsien LW Elliot Desnoyers. Ei ole korkeasta QMJHL-varauksestaan huolimatta itselleni erityisen tuttu pelaaja. Veti tasokkaassa Monctonin nipussa tunnollisesti duunariroolissaan ilman ylivoimaminuutteja ne kerrat kun joukkueen pelejä näin, joten kauheasti ei kiekollisen tekemisen osalta tästä irti saanut.

McKeen's Hockey:
One of the hardest things to do as a scout is to identify talent that is buried on a deep roster, which prevents them from seeing significant ice time (and keeps their production low). On paper, Desnoyers is not someone that scouts would normally rank high. His 35 points this year was tied for 24th among U18 players in the league and behind many players not ranked as noteworthy draft prospects. However, if one were to have watched Desnoyers, they would have seen him as part of one of the top third lines in the entire QMJHL along with top 2021 Draft prospect Zachary L’Heureux. Even if he wasn’t hitting the scoresheet, he was visible as a high energy, two-way winger who could be used in a variety of different situations. His combination of high-end skating ability and hockey sense makes him extremely versatile. Desnoyers rarely makes mistakes. He is one of the better QMJHL players without the puck; he follows the play well, is great in pursuit on the backcheck, blocks shots, blocks lanes, and provides good support in follow-ups along the boards. Desnoyers is also aggressive in playing through the middle of the ice, driving the net and pouncing on loose pucks. The million-dollar question is, what is Desnoyers’ ceiling as an NHL player? No question, we have not had a chance to see what he is fully capable of in the QMJHL thus far because of his role with Moncton. He is extremely quick yet is not confident enough to be a consistent leader of the attack. He plays without the puck more than he does with it, masking his individual skill and ability to be creative. Does Desnoyers play such a simple, North-South style because he lacks the high-end skill to have the offense flow through him? We will find out next year when Moncton sees the graduation of five of their top six forwards and Desnoyers likely receives as much ice time as he can handle.

Hockey Prospects:
Desnoyers was the 18th overall pick in the 2018 QMJHL Draft after playing two years with St-Hyacinthe in Midget AAA (for one of those years, he played as an underager). In his two seasons with the Wildcats, Desnoyers has played more of a depth role, as in both years, Moncton had a deep team. This year even more so, as they were on the cusp of a serious run at a QMJHL championship. His offensive production was pretty similar compared to last year (35 points in 61 games compared to 31 in 61 last season) but we also saw his ability to generate shots increase substantially. He finished the year with 153 shots on goal compared to only 79 last year. He had some bad luck scoring goals, as he saw his shooting percentage decrease from 15% to 7%. He didn’t get much power play time following Moncton’s very active trade deadline, and his offensive production took a tumble (just 10 points in his last 25 games). He’s a North-South type of winger with good speed and a good compete level. He plays with good energy, hustling hard all over the ice. Even if he didn’t get a ton of opportunities offensively this year due to mostly being featured on the 3rd line, we don’t project him to have top-6 upside at the NHL level. If he makes it, it will be as a bottom-6 energy player. His shot is fine, and he has average vision; he’s a shoot-first type of winger who works hard down low and in front of the net to create his chances. But he’s not a play-creator or a playmaker, and his hockey IQ is average at best. He’s not a flashy player in terms of skill, outside of his above-average skating abilities. He uses his speed well to pressure the puck-carrier and is good on the forecheck. Over the last two years, he also became a good penalty-killer with the Wildcats due to his hustle and work ethic, in addition to the fact that he is willing to block shots.


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Viimeistä viedään. 6. kierroksen vuorolla 178. Flyers varasi WHL:n Winnipeg Icen Connor McClennonin. Varattiin aikanaan WHL:n Bantam Draftin toisena pelaajana, mutta ihan niin loistokkaasti ei kehitys ole tämän jälkeen edennyt. McClennonia on pidetty yleisesti enemmän vahvana junioripelaajana, kuin legimenttinä NHL-prospectina, mitä mieltä itsekin olen. Tällä on kuitenkin pelaamisessaan asennetta ja työmoraalia, mitkä monelta muulta pieneltä juniorisarjojen taiturilta ovat monesti puuttuneet, joten antaa ajan näyttää.

McKeen's Hockey:
In January, the Winnipeg ICE winger suffered a broken collarbone that brought a premature conclusion to his year. At the time of the injury, McClennon was the ICE’s leading scorer. However, at 5-8” and 160lbs, the injury does exacerbate some concerns that NHL scouts have about his long-term durability. Speed is a big component of his success. He has very quick acceleration and can get to his top speed in a couple of strides. He also possesses a fantastic shot and subsequently goal scoring potential. His decision making with the puck can leave some to be desired as he sometimes forces through lanes that aren’t there. He can be too easily pushed off the puck when playing through traffic. The skill and speed combination are legitimate.

Hockey Prospects:
Connor McClennon was the second overall selection at the 2017 WHL Bantam Draft by the Kootenay Ice (since moved to Winnipeg) after leading the Canadian Sports School League at the Bantam level in scoring by 20 points posting more than three points per game. He completed his second full season with the Ice organization this season amassing 49 points in 42 games. He also played for Canada at the Hlinka-Gretzky Cup in August and was also a star at last year's U-17 Challenge in Saint John where he scored eight goals and 11 points in five games.

McClennon is a highly intelligent and competitive forward, who blends skill with a tenacious approach to help compensate for his height. He can score from different ways offensively; he has a good shot and likes to set up on the left side of the ice on the power play and scored often with his one-timer. He’s also not afraid to go in the dirty areas and in front of the net to get rebounds or tip pucks; he plays larger than his size. He has a strong compete level and doesn’t back down from challenges on the ice. There’s an easy association that can be made with Rocco Grimaldi when you see him compete on the ice.

He has soft hands, good puck skills, and is also quite efficient at handling the puck in tight spaces. He’s got some nice creativity with the puck on his stick; he sees the ice well and can be as effective as a shooter, as he is a passer. This allowed him to generate offense consistently. He played with some good players in Winnipeg such as Peyton Krebs, which sure made his life a bit easier at even strength and gave him more room on the ice too. When he played with Krebs, he was able to play a heavy give-and-go game, using their vision and playmaking skills to help set each other up for quality chances. On the power play as well, he had success because of the space and extra time he had to execute plays.

His tools are the biggest hurdle he has to overcome in order to make the NHL. For his size, his speed needs to be elite and it’s not close to the level we need to see to compensate given his lack of size. He needs to improve his acceleration, his top speed, and he needs to get a whole lot stronger. He has good agility and allusivness which makes him a very good junior player but his skating is going to be tough to overcome to one day become an NHL’er. McClennon will continue to put up a lot of points on the board at the WHL level but he needs a significant improvement in his top gear if he wants to have a chance in pro hockey. We like the way he plays. If we had a junior team, he would be on our team but it’s going to be difficult for him to transition to the NHL.

“I was going to catch up on him late and then we were shut down.” - NHL Scout, April 2020
“I really liked him playing against his own age group at the U17 in Saint John but the NHL is a whole different animal. Great Junior player.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards

Corey Pronman:
McClennon is a player I’ve struggled with because he’s a small forward without exceptional tools. I know I’m out on a limb with him based on talks with NHL scouts. I see a player with high-end hockey sense who makes a lot of plays and anticipates the game very well. I think he’s a very good skater, albeit not elite for his size. He was a primary zone entry guy for Winnipeg and showed quickness in open ice. As a young 2002 birthdate, he was on pace for a 34 goal-79 point WHL season prior to a January injury. He generated 3.5 shots on goal per game. He played hard minutes for Winnipeg, including frequent penalty kill time, and his compete level looked solid whenever I watched. As a very young underage player, he had a 21 goal-43 point pace. He was the top goal and point scorer at his U17 challenge. He was on the top power play unit for Canada at the Hlinka Gretzky, although he didn’t have a good tournament. The tools don’t pop, and as a 5-foot-8 forward, that is highly concerning. His tool grades don’t line up at all with the other players in this range. But whenever I’ve watched him, I see someone who gets and sets up numerous scoring chances, which is backed by a good skill set and a strong statistical track record.

Alan Millar, GM for Canada’s U18 team, on McClennon: “He can really shoot the puck and he can help a power play.”

Scott Wheeler:
In the second half of this season, I finally began to consistently see the high-end skill that made McClennon one of the top minor hockey players in the country a few years ago. The world saw it at U17s, but we’d never really seen it – at least not game-to-game – in the WHL. His size remains a concern. Making it at 5-foot-9 in today’s game is one thing, making it at more than an inch shorter is still pretty rare. He looks smaller out there. But his skill with the puck is impressive. McClennon stickhandles through tough seams or around flatfooted defenders with ease. He’s got a unique ability to bounce off checks, too. When the puck’s on his stick, he’s one of the more dynamic players in this draft. It wouldn’t surprise me if he challenges for 90-100 points next season. He’s a problem solver who finds ways to make things happen.
Viimeksi muokattu:


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Flyersin varaukset:

1. Kierros, 23. varaus: Tyson Foerster, C/RW, CAN, 6'2'' / 194 lbs, OHL
2. Kierros, 54. varaus: Emil Andrae. LD, SWE, 5'9'' / 183 lbs, SHL
4. Kierros, 94. varaus: Jayde Wisdom, C/RW, CAN, 5'11'' / 195 lbs, OHL
5. Kierros, 135. varaus: Elliot Desnoyers, C/LW, CAN, 5'11'' / 172 lbs, QMJHL
6. Kierros, 178. varaus: Connor McClennon, RW, CAN, 5'8'' / 163 lbs, WHL

Voisiko sanoa, melkoinen mahdollisuuksien ja riskien kavalkadi. Puutteet luistelussa, koossa jne. tiputtivat sekä luovat kysymyksiä useammille ja saa nyt nähdä pystyvätkö nousemaan näiden yli, jolloin vahvuudet pääsisivät kunnolla esiin vai jäävätkö lupausten asteelle?



Philadelphia Flyers, KalPa
Realistisia toiveita tälle päivälle? Ilman sopimustarjousta Floridalta jäänyt RFA Lucas Wallmark tuomaan kilpailua alaketjujen senttereiden tontille. Ja Kekäläinen kun tuntuu jakelevan pakkeja pois puoli-ilmaiseksi niin josko treidattaisiin David Savard rightin puolen vajetta täyttämään.
Riippuu vähän mikä on realistista tai järkevää. Riippuu paljon myös mitä muita muutoksia saadaan tehtyä (Gostisphere,JVR ulostus ,Laughtonin kalliilla myynti) .
Kalliiden sopimusten tekemiseen en halua lähteä, joten jos halvalla ja lyhyellä niin :
Simmonds, Ryan, Bogosian/Shattenkirk/Gudas/Schenn, Koivu/Larsson.

Mitä mieltä muut , Zadorov <-> Laughton ? Saataisiin liikkuvaa voimaa pakistoon.


Philadelphia Flyers ja Kiekko-Espoo
Pakistoon tarvitaan ehdottomasti kova äijä. Muuten on kyllä köykäinen pakisto. Mä tykkäisin Koivun Mikosta vuoden sopparilla ja sen hinta alle 1.5milj


Philadelphia Flyers
Koivu menis sen vuoden kolmosen keskellä halvalla. Simmer ei ole muuta kuin kiva muisto, tarjotkaa vaikka toimistolta sille töitä. Gudas ja Schenn, kiva kun kävitte ja eteenpäin. Oikeasti puolustaja, siis sellainen joka vahvistaa jengiä.

Edit. Eikä itseäni haittaa vaikka jengi olis tässä, ei tässä kuuhun olla menossa. Yksi nimi siellä vapailla on märkä päiväuni, joka ei tule tapahtumaan.
Jokerit, Philadelphia Flyers
Kun katsoo millaisia vaikeuksia esimerkiksi Tampalla on tehdä tilaa palkkakattoon tässä tilanteessa, niin pidän lähes mahdottomana JVR:n ulostamista tänä "kesänä". Ghost nyt saattaisi ehkä vielä mennä, saihan se Kekäläinenkin myytyä pari jämäpakkia. Mutta eiköhän tässä mennä aika matalalla profiililla, eli sentteri alaketjuihin ja yksi pakki tilaukseen. Ja varmaan hyvä niin, UFA -pelaajat maksavat aina mansikoita ja vaikka esimerkiksi Hayes pelasi hyvin niin sopimusrakenne ei enää kestä tuollaisia sopimuksia.
Kirjaudu sisään, jos haluat vastata ketjuun. Jos sinulla ei ole vielä käyttäjätunnusta, rekisteröidy nyt! Kirjaudu / Rekisteröidy