Philadelphia Flyers 2019–2020

  • 192 914
  • 501


Sport, Flyers, Chelsea
Meltzerin mukaan Provorovin leiri olisi hakemassa päälle 8 milj. kaudessa, ja Sanheim 5 milj. kaudessa sopimusta (linkki twiittiin ). Tykkään molemmista pelaajista paljon, vaikka Provorovin viime kausi olikin heikompi. Mutta näen hänessä edelleen suuren potentiaalin.

Kuitenkin tuo 8 milj. kaudessa tuntuu tässä vaiheessa aivan liian kovalta palalta niellä. Toki, jos on maksimi vuodet, ja hän jo ensi kaudella ponnahtaa liigan eliitin joukkoon, niin sitten tietenkin on perusteltua. Tässä on kuitenkin paljon epävarmuutta, valitettavasti.

Kyllä tuo 8m on ihan ok. Tuon ne "ikävä kyllä" maksaa tänä päivänä. Troubakin hakee ilmeisesti yöi 7m ja ottaisin kyllä 10/10 Provon näistä. Varsinkin maksimivuosilla niin tuo tulee olemaan vielä halpa.

Sanheimin 5m kuulostaa aika kovalta ottaen huomioon, että on pelannyt yhden täyden kauden
Tokk hyvän kauden, mutta silti.

Craig Berube

Philadelphia Flyers
Ei pitäisi ikinä ruveta vertailemaan edes kolmen kauden takaisia sopimuksia, mutta... Brent Burnsin kolme viimeistä kautta ennen kuin solmi nykyisen 8milj. Aav sopimuksen tehojen puolesta oli 60, 75 ja 76. Provorovin paras kausi ollut 41, ja edellinen 32 pistettä. Toki pisteet ei kerro kaikkea, varsinkaan puolustajista, ja kyseessä on eri tyyliset pelaajat, mutta silti.

Nämä vertailut on nyt aina niin ja näin, ja perusteluja löytyy joka suuntaan, mutta silti. Millä perusteluilla Ivan pyytää yli 8 miljoonaa. En ymmärrä..


Philadelphia Flyers
Itselle se 8x8 olisi ok diili Provoroville, Sanheim ~4 ja silta soppari. Katsotaan mitä tapahtuu.


Avalanche, LA Kings
Itse tällaisena draft-romantikkona olisin toki toivonut Flyersin varaavan myös tuolla 41st overallilla, mutta ymmärrän hyvin, että ovat päättäneet Hextallin pitkän ja maltillisen rakentamisen ja prospect-poolin kasaamisen jälkeen vaihtaa hieman suorempaan joukkueen vahvistamiseen, millä tuetaan ja autetaan paremmin sen jo olemassa olevan nuorison kehitystä.

Jep, Flyersilla on viimeisen neljän vuoden (2015-18) aikana varannut ensimmäisellä kierroksella seitsemän kertaa ja toisella kierroksella viisi kertaa. Ja käytössä on vielä ensimmäisen kierroksen varaukset kolmelle seuraavalle vuodelle. Jossain vaiheessa lupausten kerääminen on pakko lopettaa ja panostaa olemassa olevan ryhmän vahvistamiseen, jos haluaa nousta seuraavalle (contender) tasolle.

Vigneault, Braun, Niskanen, Hayes. Kaikki täsmähankintoja. JOS Fletcher/Vigneault onnistuu vielä valitsemaan kakkosvahdiksi Hartille sopivan tutorin, niin uskon Fletcherin olevan vahva ehdokas ensi kesänä vuoden GM:ksi. Kokenut valmentaja, nuori ja nälkäinen joukkue vailla isompia paineita - jollei tällä ryhmällä koota ensi kaudella runkosarjassa sataa pistettä, niin olen pettynyt. Maalivahtipeli on kysymysmerkki, mutta eihän tuossa joukkueessa muita isompia heikkouksia ole.


Philadelphia Flyers, KalPa
Nämä vertailut on nyt aina niin ja näin, ja perusteluja löytyy joka suuntaan, mutta silti. Millä perusteluilla Ivan pyytää yli 8 miljoonaa.
Tavallaan ymmärän perustelut, mitä pelaajan leiri varmaankin näissä neuvotteluissa käyttää. He haluavat Provoroville ykköspakin rahat, koska sitä roolia Ivan on Flyersissa pelannut jo pari vuotta. Toinen asia toki on kertooko se sitten enemmän Provorovin vai joukkueen peräpään tasosta.

Muista Provorovin tilanteessa olevista puolustajista Zach Werenski ja Charlie McAvoy varmaan lähimmät verrokit. Varmasti jonkinlaista kyttäillyä käydään siitä mikä joukkue avaa pelin sopimusuutisten suhteen. Werenski ja McAvoy ovat tehneet ELC:n aikana paremmin pisteitä (Werenski 0.54 ppg, McAvoy 0.51 ja Provorov 0.39). Provorov toisaalta on kantanut suurinta kuormaa peliajan suhteen (18-19: Provorov 25:07 TOI/G, Werenski 22:54 ja McAvoy 22:10). Ideaalitilanteessa myös Provorovin peliminuuttien olisi pitänyt pyöriä tuolla 22 ja 23 minuutin välissä, mutta johtuen heikosta pakistosta Ivania oli vain yksinkertaisesti peluutettava nuo minuutit.

Itselle se 8x8 olisi ok diili Provoroville, Sanheim ~4 ja silta soppari. Katsotaan mitä tapahtuu.
Vaikkei pitäisi eri pelipaikkoja ja UFA ja RFA soppareita verrata niin kyllähän Provorov 8×8 paperilla olisi oikea ryöstö verrattuna esim. Hayesin lappuun.


Philadelphia Flyers
Cam York sieltä tuli ja oikein tyytyväinen valintaan, alkaa kaikki nuoret lupaavat pakit olla enemmän ja vähemmän kynnyksellä isoihin peleihin sekä prospect pool ei niin erikoiselta puolustajien suhteen näytä joten järkevä liike. Hyökkääjien suhteen asia on aivan eri, Fletch teki hommia ja hommasi kakkos kiekan vuoron takaisin kaupallaan. Ihan hyvä draft päivä Flyersien puolesta. Ohessa vielä linkki Johan Gartnerin juttuun Yorkista.

2019 NHL Draft Profile: Cam York, a smart two-way defenseman


HIFK, Philadelphia Flyers, Liverpool FC
Lukekaapa tuo Jayn linkkaama teksti niin, että artikkelissa puhuttaisiinkin nuoresta Kimmo Timosesta Cam Yorkin sijasta. Paljon tuntuu olevan yhtäläisyyksiä.

Moni jenkkilän fani narisee taas vaihteeksi, kun ei napattu sitä hypetetyintä ja eniten pisteitä tehnyttä laituria. Flyersin hyökkäyspään prospektit ovat tällä hetkellä selvästi peräpäätä edellä Myersin ja Sanheimin kasvettua NHL:n puolelle, niin kyllä tää menee hyvästä pickistä, vaikka se snadisti yllättävä olikin.
Jokerit, Philadelphia Flyers
York varauksena vaikuttaa hyvältä, kuten myös moni muu ympärillä mennyt. Aika näyttää. Se mistä pidin vielä enemmän, oli "ilmaisen" kakkoskierroksen vuoron saaminen pienellä pudotuksella. Ja ilmeisesti saatiin silti pelaaja joka oltaisiin otettu alkuperäisellä vuorolla.


Philadelphia Flyers, KalPa
Cam York sieltä tuli. Todella mielenkiintoinen pelaaja ja hyvin täydentää Flyersin pakkiprospektien tarvetta. York oli tuossa kuuluisassa USNTDP-joukkueesa ykköspakki ja alakerran moottori, joka osaltaan mahdollisti Hughesin ja kumppaneiden huipputehot hyökkäyspäähän. Hyvä artikkeli tuo ylle linkattu, pistää kyllä innostumaan tästä valinnasta.

Mutta. Eikö muista tunnu siltä, että nyt jätettiin taitoa pöydälle pelipaikan kustannuksella? Alkuperäisellä 11. vuorolla olisi ollut Boldy vapaana ja tuolla 14. vuorollakin esim. Caufield ja Newhook. Jotenkin helppo nähdä, että tätä pickiä jossitellaan joskus vuosien päästä, vaikka York isoon liigaan asti nousisikin. Eipä siinä, hatunnosto Fletcherille tuosta treidistä, jos York oli kohteena koko ajan. Kelpaa enemmän kuin hyvin tuo "ylimääräinen" kakkoskiekan varaus.


Nyt sentään varattiin puolustaja, jonka vahvuuksilla pärjää NHL:ssä nykypäivänä erinomaisesti. Toisin oli vaikka vuonna 2013, kun varattiin isoa ja kankeaa "entisajan NHL:ään" sopivaa pelaajaa.

Toki allekirjoittanuttakin olisi houkuttanut esim. Caufield, mutta onhan tuo aivan järkyttävän pieni pelaaja.
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Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Itsekin pyörittelin kovasti yhä tarjolla olleiden hyökkääjien nimiä mielessäni, mutta eipä Cameron Yorkin valinnasta ole sen kummempaa ihmettelyä. Laadukas pakkitalentti ja aikahan tuon näyttää, kannattiko vai ei?

Ilmeisesti 11. vuoron kohdalla Flyersilla oli varattavana vielä kolme listansa top-10 nimeä ja kun oli yleisessä tiedossa Floridan olevan Spencer Knightin perässä, niin yksi näistä oli varmuudella tarjolla myös 14. vuorolla, joten siinä valossa hyvä liike Fletcheriltä, jolla sopivasti paikkautui tuo Braunin hankintaan uponnut oma kakkonen.

Nappaan tähän taas koneella olevista draft-guideista lainaukset Yorkin osalta, suluissa näiden rankkaus pelaajalle:

McKeen’s Hockey (17th):

”With the best puck skills in the draft among all defensemen this side of Bowen Byram, York would not need much more to stake a claim as a likely first rounder. With size among defenders no longer high on the scouting priority list, his smaller and leaner frame is not a detriment to his chances either.

In what has turned out to be a USNTDP U18 class for the ages, York, along with Jack Hughes, were deemed to be so much better than their peers as 17-yearolds, that they both spent large chunks of their first years with the program playing up a year, with the previous U18 class. Even then he was an advanced puck moving defenseman.

He ended up playing a major role with the Silver Medal winning Team USA WU18 tournament squad, leading the field in assists by a defenseman with six. In his second year with the program, his 65 points established a new record for USNTDP blueliners, beating out Adam Fox, the previous record holder, by six points. His career mark of 103 points is an amazing 17 points ahead of Fox in the second spot.

He is a very mobile defender, without necessarily being a dynamic skater. He is nimble and agile and forces defenders back on their heels when he leads a rush from end to end, a semi-regular occurrence. His feet are both fast and quick, of which the latter trait is demonstrated with the way he quickly cuts down space from opponents in his own zone.

In fact, as strong as his offensive game, he is almost is strong in his own zone, literal strength notwithstanding. He keeps tight gaps and uses his stick expertly to cut down on available space for opponents. To date, his lack of bulk has not been an issue in his endeavors to minimize offense for the opposition. He has not often had to try to engage with opposing forwards in a physical manner as his defensive stick use is often enough to break up plays.

When his team gets the puck back and sets up in the offensive zone, York is almost like a fourth forward, in that even though he is very good at walking the blueline to sniff out shooting lanes, he prefers to jump up to the circles and to use that positioning to create new, more challenging angles for the other team. It is that trait that has allowed York to rack up as many goals as he has, as his point shot is not that strong by traditional point shot standards. When he steps up to the circles, he likes to use his wrist shot, which he gets off with the sneaky quick release. Even when they aren’t direct scoring chances, he can often generate a tip or redirection from a forward stationed in front of the net.

The Southern California native is staying in Michigan next year to play for the Wolverines. His game is advanced enough already that two years should be the maximum amount of time he spends on campus. York would not need to change much about his game to emerge in the next few years as a first pairing, quasi-#1 defender in the NHL.”

Hockey Prospects (12th):

”Cam York solidified himself as the top defensive option on the program this season, finishing with 65 points in 63 games, and an additional 33 points in 28 games in the USHL. Furthermore, he saved his best international performance for the end of the season at the U18’s, finishing with 11 points in 7 games, including 4 goals. He’s scheduled to play for the University of Michigan for the upcoming season.

York is one of the most efficient defensemen in this draft class. His efficiency is a by-product of his hockey-sense and skating ability. To start, his anticipation both with and without the puck is excellent. He can dynamically adjust his pacing to match the intensity of a specific sequence which allows him to not only keep up with the play but at most times stay ahead of it. Due to processing plays rapidly and thinking two-steps ahead, York is excellent under heavy-pressure situations from the goal-line out. His vision compliments his reads off the forecheck, making him one of the better outlet passers in this class. It’s rare to see Cam force a play or make questionable decisions with the puck. This extends to his puck-rushing ability. Though he prefers to find the stretch-pass, he’s capable of using his impressive skating ability that features two-step area quickness, a fluid stride, and the ability to separate at top-speeds when transporting the puck. There’s very little wasted energy within his skating mechanics and this allows him to play a lot of hockey without fatiguing at the same rate as most other defenseman. Furthermore, his skating ability and reads allow him to remain elusive which is important considering his average-frame, it’s rare to see him get caught clean with a large hit.

Defensively speaking, Cam maintains an excellent gap due to high-end spatial-awareness and excellent puck-tracking ability. When defending, he has a more modern and refined approach, making effective use of an active-stick and making well-timed defensiveplays that disrupt the opposing team’s offensive-flow as a result. Although he’s capable of delivering the occasional hit and doesn’t mind bearing down when a game gets more physical in general, he still prefers a more structured and passive, yet calculated approach. That’s not to say he doesn’t compete; he simply adjusts his tempo depending on the play-type.

His puck-skills are good, and he’s capable of using them to protect the puck at the offensive-line and when he’s attempting to drive-wide. In our viewings, Cam had a tendency to look to activate and use the back of the net to either set-up his teammates for high-danger scoring chances in-front of the net or quickly tuck the puck in on a wraparound. He was adept at the latter-skill, and was very good at recognizing when he had a step on his opponents in order to take advantage of the goal-line in the offensive-end. Additionally, York has a plus release point that gets off his stickquickly, this allows him to consistently get pucks through traffic since opponents have trouble taking away lanes in-time. That being said, his wrist-shot lacks velocity but the placements of his shots are usually directed towards deflection options. His vision also extends to the offensive-zone where he was responsible for quarter-backing the best 1st unit powerplay in junior hockey. He can thread sharp and accurate passes and needs little time to find an open-lane. Lastly, he does feature a good slapshot but prefers using his wrist-shot in most instances.

Despite all his offensive-gifts, Cam didn’t produce at the rate his tools would suggest that he could or have many dominant performances in general for that matter. Which leads to the biggest area of concern in Cam’s game at this time, which is that there were too many instances where he failed to assert himself on the ice. One of the primary reasons that could be responsible for this was due to the nature of the program in general. This was the best program team ever assembled; games were out of reach for their opponents as early as the first-frame at times. It’s difficult for any player to maintain a high-compete when you know the game is basically over. This extends to the man-advantage, where Cam’s abilities became secondary to that of Hughes, Boldy, Zegras and Caufield’s. As a result, we were left wanting more, but having to take into consideration the unique developmental situation that York was under. Where Cam was more successful was on the international stage. During games where it was a win or go-home situation, we found that Cam stepped up and flashed more of his impressive skill-set, saving his best performance at the end of the season where he was dominant at the U18’s. Although his international efforts alleviated our concern to a degree, it’s still something we have had to take into consideration for our ranking.

Overall, York has the necessary ingredients as a player to project as a potential top-four mobile defenseman who can make plus plays in all three-zones. If he continues to assert himself going forward, he presents few risks which is why we have him ranked as an A-rated prospect.”

“Interview was fine. Just not that interesting but he’ll be fine. No red flags which is what we’re looking for. To be honest you see his personality in his game. He’s not an overly aggressive type of player on the ice” - NHL Scout, January 2019 “

”Great defensively and has good vision. I think he’s the type of player that NHL Coaches will appreciate.” - NHL Scout, January 2019 “I think he’ll go in that 18-20 range.” - NHL Scout, January 2019

“He’s their best defenseman and it’s not close. I have really liked him some games versus college teams. The offence is not at the level that I thought it was last year.” - NHL Scout, January 2019

“I’ll be honest, I wasn’t as high on him as others on our staff to start the year but I just saw him again last night and he’s really grown on me. He’s into my first round now.” - NHL Scout, February 2019

“Had some ups and downs but really helped himself with a much better 2nd half. “ - NHL Scout, April 2019

“Based on what I’m seeing out there I think he’s one of the most underrated players in the draft. I love his game and have him ranked top 10. He’s ahead of Dach and Cozens.” - NHL Scout, April 2019

"Early in the year I was wondering where was the player we saw as an underager? Then he showed up again. My #2 Dman and in my top 10.” - NHL Scout, April 2019

“He’s laid back Cali dude. I like him” - NHL Scout, April 2019

“He could become one of the best defenseman in this class if he learns how to develop that elusive ‘it’ factor to his game.” – HP Scout, Brad Allen

“After Byram, he’s the best defenseman I’ve seen in this draft.” HP Scout, Dusten Braaksma, April 2019

“He was 10th on our pre-season ranking and our #2 ranked Dman. Moritz Seider pushed him down one notch on our final defensemen ranking After a mediocre first half of the season he returned to the form we saw last season. Outstanding in the second half and at the U18 in April.” - HP scout, Mark Edwards, May 2019

“He’s a California kid and it made me laugh when I had a few Scouts refer to him as Cali dude. They all mentioned how relaxed and laid back he was.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, June 2019”

Future Considerations (15th):

”An incredibly gifted defender, York can play elite-level hockey in all three zones. His skating is among the best of all the defensemen in this draft class. His skating is so silky smooth, it allows him to float around the ice and be in the perfect position to not only defend his blue line, but gain controlled zone entry into the offensive zone. It makes him immediately effective on both sides of the puck. He utilizes his speed and edges really well to keep a good gap while creating space for himself in the defensive and offensive zones respectively. A fundamental defensive defenseman, he’s poised in his own zone and has tremendous hockey smarts. In his own zone, York is quick to attack oncoming forecheckers with good contact and pressure with his stick. He does a great job of moving the puck out of his own zone. He’s also skilled on offense, proving to be adept at carrying the puck through the neutral zone and utilizing his high-end puck skills to make a clean zone entry. He’s then able to push back defenders while opening up passing and shooting lanes. He shows good patience with the puck to wait out defenders and make smart passing plays to the front of the net. A highly-entertaining player, he still needs to fill out his frame. Scouts have been impressed with his overall poise and skill as well as his maturity level in his draft season.”

ReCrutes (14th):

”York set a record for most points by a US-NTDP defenceman in a season with 65, surpassing Adam Fox’s previous mark of 59. Included in that total was a jaw-droppings even-point effort versus Youngstown in January, the most points ever by a USNTDPp layer in one game. “I was at that game....everything he did turned to gold,” said one scout. “Certainly it helps that he was on the best US team ever, but he deserves some of the credit for that too. He was their offensive catalyst fromt he back end. ”It wasn’t as if he only produced in the USHL level either. York’s 11 points at the U-1 8’s more than doubled every other defenceman at the tournament with the exception of Philip Broberg, who had six. “It's hard to gauge if he has a high-end game offensively, but he can certainly dealt he puck great on the powerplay,” said one scout.

Most of the time he just lets the puck do the work...lets the team do the work and if he needs to step up, he will.” If there is an issue with the 5-11 defence-man’s game, it is on the defensive end, where he’s not always engaged. “He is so poised that he looks casual at times,” explained one scout. “He plays the same when he has lots of time as he does when he is under pressure, and he's just agreat puck mover. “He just takes the temperature of the game and plays accordingly. He gets in-volved physically but he's mostly just smart positionally. I think he defends fine.” Michigan may have lost Quinn Hughes to the NHL, but York is a capable replacement. “He is going to produce in Michigan from Day 1,” noted one scout. His game is ideally suited for college.”

Corey Pronman – The Athletic (16th, samalla tasolla, sijat 13-16, oli muutama muukin, tason sisällä olivat järjestelty aakkosjärjestykseen):

”York was the No. 1 defenseman on the NTDP this past season, the main power play QB for most of the season and had one of the most productive statistical careers ever by an NTDP defender. York’s hockey sense is what makes him so valuable. His poise with the puck is fantastic. He’s never pressured into bad decisions and exhibits great vision. His teammates constantly praise what a calming influence he is when he has the puck. York has a high skill level but often does not lean on his stick handling, preferring to make a play to his forwards. York skates well. He lacks a dynamic top gear you’d like in a small defenseman, but he can skate pucks out of trouble or into the offensive zone. He defends well due to his feet and great brain, but it will be interesting to see how that translates versus men, as I wouldn’t call him a top-tier defender.”

USNTDP center Jack Hughes on York: “He’s such a smart player, so steady and never in the wrong position. He moves the puck quick. His first pass is always on the tape. He can skate the puck up and shoot it. He’s a real good defender, too.”

Scott Wheeler – The Athletic (9th):

”It’s hard to believe, given just how great York’s season was, that I still think he has flown under the radar in scouting circles in terms of just how talented he is. Part of that is probably driven by the strength of this national development program forward crop but York is a star in his own right and is clearly the second-best defencemen in this draft for me. While Hughes and Caufield were making headlines for their record-breaking seasons, York was putting together a campaign (1.03 points per game) that surpassed Erik Johnson (0.94) and Adam Fox (0.92) to set the national program’s record for points by a defenceman with 65. He should have been named the top defenceman at U18 Worlds over Philip Broberg, too. York doesn’t have the flash, the speed, or the lateral quickness of program alum Quinn Hughes but he plays one of the most efficient games you’ll see out of an 18-year-old defenceman, he picks his spots to activate as a shooter, he find forwards in transition or across the zone without hesitating and he’s an excellent man-on-man defender despite lacking strength. He’s going to be really, really good in today’s NHL.”


Illasta jatkuu ja Flyersilla olisi seuraavat vuorot käytössä:

2. Kierros: 45. varaus (Arizona)
3. Kierros: 65. varaus (New Jersey) & 72. varaus
4. Kierros: 103. varaus
5. Kierros: -
6. Kierros: 165. varaus & 169. varaus (Arizona)
7. Kierros: 196. varaus & 201. varaus (Montreal)


Kakkosrundilla treidattiin sitten ylöspäin ja otettiin Bobby Brink 34. vuorolla. Pieni pelaaja, joka ei luistele kummoisesti ei kyllä vakuuta. Toivottavasti on sitten isosti muita ominaisuuksia.
Viimeksi muokattu:


Philadelphia Flyers
Kakkosrundilla treidattiin sitten ylöspäin ja otettiin Bobby Brink 34. vuorolla. Pieni pelaaja, joka ei luistele kummoisesti ei kyllä vakuuta. Toivottavasti on sitten isosti muita ominaisuuksia.

17v kaveri kyseessä joten aikaa on kehittyä vielä ja paljon, peliälyä kehuttu paljon millä paikkaa juurikin luistelua ym. Ihan tyytyväinen itse tähänkin hakuun.


HIFK, Philadelphia Flyers, Liverpool FC
Päivitetään omat fiilikset draftista.

Onnistunut on se sana, mikä tulee ekana mieleen, ja mikä kiteyttää kaikki ajatukset tästä viikonlopusta. Saatiin vähän kaikkea, mille on ollut tilausta prospektipoolissa. Kun junnupakeista nousi Flyersin vakkareiksi herrat Sanheim ja Myers, niin heidät saatiin tavallaan jo korvattua Yorkilla ja Attardilla. York edustaa moniosaajaa, jonka ainut varsinainen heikkous on laukominen, ja Attardista saatiin Philippe Myersin kaltainen prospekti, joskin ehkä vähän hyökkäyspainotteisempi versio. Ja mitä tulee hyökkäyksen vahvistamiseen, niin jos Bobby Brinkin ainoaksi heikkoudeksi lasketaan luistelu, mikä toki on suht. olennainen osa jääkiekkoa nykypäivänä, niin en silti olisi huolissani. Kaverin työkalupakista kiekon pelaamisen suhteen löytyy kaikki asiat, mitä taitopelaajalta edellytetään.

Siinä ne kolme isointa nimeä, jonka lisäksi itselle jäi mieleen QMJHL:stä varattu venäläislaituri Egor Serdyuk, joka oli kyseisen liigan tulokkaiden maali- ja pistekuningas, sekä valittiin tulokkaiden tähdistökentälliseen. Oli rankattu muutamissa listauksissa jopa kolmoskiepillä varattavaksi parhaimmillaan. Tämä siis napattiin kierrokselta 6, numerolla 165. Ei siis todellakaan mikään perinteisin Flyers-pick. Over 30% of his similar scoring league/age adjusted cohorts became NHL regulars. In the 6th round!

Hyvä Chuck, hyvä äijät. Sitten niitä jatkoja pöytään. Pelottaa ekaa kertaa ikinä nuo offer sheetit, koska sellaista pirujen maalailua on ollut ilmoilla kiitos Marnerin RFA-statuksen. Olisi tosi kiva menettää joku Konecny tuosta ihan vain sen takia, että joku tekee penan mottipäisen 7v/7m johon Flyers ei voi mätsätä tänä kesänä. Toiveissa on kaikille min. 4-5 vuoden lappuja. Lyhyet sillat ei oikein iske, koska kyseessä on nykyajan Flyersin nuoria ja valmiita runkonimiä, joissa on kaikissa aineksia olla johtavia pelaajia myös tulevaisuudessa kun Giroux ja muut alkavat lähestymään pappa-ikää.

Toivottavasti isompia siirtoja nähdään aikasintaan seuraavana kesänä. Deadlinellä 2020 olisi mukava olla jo pudotuspelitaistossa mukana.


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
2. Kierros, 34. varaus – Bobby Brink (RW, 5’8’’ / 165 lbs):

Toinen päivä alkoi Flyersin osalta kaupalla, kun vaihtoivat Nashvillen kanssa vuorot 45th ja 66th vuoroon 34th, jolla nappasivat USHL:ssä tuhoa tehneen Bobby Brinkin.

Mielestäni Brinkissä on paljon sitä, mitä toisena päivänä pitääkin pyrkiä hakemaan. Ei tuolla ole enää niitä edes suhteellisen valmiita ja varmoja tapauksia jäljellä vaan mennään enemmän ja enemmän arpojen suuntaan. Brinkiltä puuttuu kokoa eikä se liikkuminenkaan ole riittävän terävää, mitkä yhdessä ovat selkeä ongelma, mutta kaikesta muusta tässä hobitissa voikin sitten pitää, suorastaan rakastaa. Itseäni ainakin järjestäen hymyilytti, kun katsoin pojan pelaamista kuluneella kaudella. Todella taitava ja luova kaveri, joka myös menee terrierimäisesti ja kontakteja arkailematta tilanteisiin sekä kamppailee ja taistelee loppuun saakka, missä päin kaukaloa hyvänsä. Liikkeen pitää ilman muuta parantua, mikäli mielii haaveilla NHL-urasta, mutta paljon mieluummin tällaisia projekteja alkaa seuraamaan kuin, jonkin liukasliikkeisen ja kädettömän ajokoiran koulutusta. Brinkillä on kuitenkin asioiden mennessä nappiin mahdollisuus nousta merkittäväksi pelaajaksi myös NHL:ssä, joskin yhtälailla se ensimmäinenkin ottelu voi jäädä unelmien tasolle. Syksyllä ura jatkuu Denverin yliopistossa.

Tässä aika laaja kattaus muiden ajatuksia ja kuten arvata saattaa Brink jakaa vahvasti mielipiteitä.

McKeen’s Hockey (33rd):

”A former USHL Futures Draft first round pick, Brink came into his own this year, after splitting last year between Minnetonka High, Sioux City and the USNTDP U17 squad. On a rate basis, he was far and away the most prolific non-USNTDP scorer in the USHL. His offensive game is led by an NHL level wrist shot. It is an A-grade weapon that can be used to deadly effect anywhere from the blueline on in. From in tight, he is surgical in his accuracy. He can vary his release point, too, giving goalies something else to think about when getting set up. Brink also has excellent puck skills. Playing on an undermanned Sioux City squad this year he would often rag the puck for extended periods in the offensive zone as his tired linemates tried to get open. When he keeps his feet working, he shows his vision for linemates and has the ability to hit them with well-timed passes both short and long. That note about his feet is also why we could not rank Brink in the first round (pretty close, though!). Simply put, his skating is a bit of a let-down. Bigger, more forceful players can get away with it, but I am not as sure that Brink will find the next level so easy. His top speed is OK, but he lacks explosiveness or any type of second gear. Young players can get faster with the right training, but he has a way to go in this area. He is incredibly smart and is able to mitigate some of his speed concerns through positioning and anticipation, but he will need to prove that those reads will be as useful to him at the next level. We have confidence in him, but not enough to advocate for a Day One pick.”

Hockey Prospects (15th):

”Bobby Brink opted to join Sioux City full time this year and that proved to be the right decision. He Finished 2nd in USHL scoring with 35 goals in 43 games—including 9 game-winners—despite missing significant time with a foot-injury. After his injury, his line that featured both Marcus Kallionkieli and Martin Pospisil (CGY) had difficulty producing without him. This suggests that Bobby was the line-driver; he extended his driving of play to the World-Junior-A-Challenge where he produced 8 points in 6 games while capturing the MVP award. Brink has shown the ability to raise his game to another level time and time again. Going back to last season during Minnetonka’s run to the Minnesota State Title, Brink saw his team down on a couple of different occasions throughout the playoffs and put the team on his back and took over hockey games. Our staff saw that same ability this season for Sioux City down the stretch, where his play helped push his team into the playoffs, scoring 11 goals and 10 Assists in the final 10 regular season games. He finished his 18/19 season by joining the NTDP team at the U18’s in Sweden where he complimented a talented U.S squad, registering 3 goals and 3 assists in 5 games in helping USA win Bronze. Brink has little left to prove at the USHL level but is still a Junior in High School so it’s possible we may see Brink back in the USHL next season before heading to Denver in 2020.

We have compared the differences between DeBrincat and Caufield, yet we find there’s several similarities to discuss between DeBrincat and Brink which have made us believers in his ability to translate his game. However, there is one noticeable difference which Brink will have to overcome in order for him to convert his game at the highest-level. In DeBrincat’s case, his average-skating was the result of his lack of strength and leg-extension, for Brink there’s more concerning issues. There are few players in any class that have skating-mechanics as awkward as Brinks. He’s extremely rigid, making him look like he’s “trapped” within his frame when attempting to fully-extend. Despite this, his two-step area quickness is surprisingly above-average due to how he gains traction in his initial push-off. However, after the initialsteps, his skating breakdowns due to a lack of a deep-knee bend, inability to maintain proper posture, and his inability to kick-back in a straight-line. He can’t stabilize when attempting to direct himself in a straight-line since he doesn’t maintain a heel-to-toe motion when extending. When he kick’s back during recovery extensions, he’s off to the side as opposed to keeping a straight-line as well. Additionally, the inside-edge of his skate blade isn’t always last to touch down on the ice with each subsequent stride. The above mechanics don’t allow him to have a separating gear that can translate to the NHL-level. Though, when a player is looking to reconfigure a lane, they rely on their ability to pivot— reopening their hips—which gives them additional options; Brink is one of the better players in this class at doing just that. His size also lends well to having a lower-centre of gravity which does allow him to recover when attempting to rebalance himself after physical altercations. In conclusion; he can’t maintain adequate straight-line speed but he does accelerate well, can pivot, and has decent cross-over mechanics, which help him get around the ice better than his coreskating-mechanics would suggest. Perhaps the biggest issue in projecting his skating is that it’s not just a strengthconcern, it’s how comfortable he can become with cleaning up his skating fundamentals. The main takeaway though, is that if he can’t clean up his mechanics, he still gets from point A-to-B at an adequate-level depending on the distance, and has a rare set of high-end attributes necessary to compensate for his glaring flaw.

The most important-skill that Brink has to compensate for the above concerns is a trait he shares with DeBrincat—they’re both gifted at dynamically altering the tempo of a play by freezing their opponents. Much like a chess player manipulates his pieces to set-up traps for his opponent; Brink does the same with his deception. Defenseman at the highest-level will be able to close distance on him quickly, so it’s vital to his success when translating that he has the ability to slow them down. The best way to stall an opponent is to remain difficult to read, which Brink is exceptional at. Much like DeBrincat, Bobby uses static body-posture, head fakes, shot-fakes, and pivoting mechanics to alter the perception of the intended play. If his fakes are read, his processing speed allows him to assess his time and space so that he can threaten by threading pucks past his opponents. We feel that Brink can make dynamic passes and that his playmaking is ahead of Alex’s at the same age. This gives him the opportunity to generate high-percentage plays despite having his skating lanes cut-off from him. This leads to another very important trait that he shares with DeBrincat; they’re as equally dangerous when in motion as they are from a stationary position. This extends to both their play with the manadvantage. Much like DeBrincat, Bobby is a duel-threat option. Over the past couple of seasons, Brinks shooting ability has improved; as he’s now developed a varied arsenal of shots, including good one-timing ability from the circles, as well as the ability to rapidly shift-the-angle of his release point on his wrist-shot. His shooting mechanics allow him to generate a surprisingly powerful release for a smaller player. Though, DeBrincat’s release point was slightly ahead at the same age and he opted to use a snap-shot more than Brink does. Where they did share similarities was how often they used screens to set-up their release. The last area to note with Brink’s skill-set is in regards to his hands. Bobby is capable of beating his opponents one-on-one but more importantly uses his dekes at the right-times. This is another area that Bobby must excel in, since he needs to be able to guard the puck at a higher-rate than faster-forwards.

Away from the play, Brink and DeBrincat share another important aspect of hockey-sense, which is their ability to findsoft-ice. If Bobby can’t drive play in the NHL to the extent he currently does in juniors, he has an excellent fall-back option, which is how quickly he can anticipate what his teammates are attempting to do with the puck. His skating will limit him more than some with his ability to lead the rush or attempt too many transitional-zone-entries, so he’s going to have to rely on becoming the trailing option or finding backdoor lanes. Another plus attribute of Brinks, is his ability to anticipate off the forecheck. His frame isn’t going to translate well at the NHL-level, yet his puck-tracking skills and motor allow him to reduce the amount of times he needs to physically initiate along the boards by beating opponents to the puck. Despite his skating concerns mentioned earlier and throughout this write-up, Brink keeps a very good-pace which is another element to his game that helps him compensate for his overall-average at best speed. There’s a high-octane engine built into this kid, and it’s made him one of the better overall competitors in this class. He plays a fearless brandof-hockey, looking to attack in heavy traffic areas. Though, his competitive spirit doesn’t completely translate as well in the defensive-zone as it does in the offensive-zone.

Brink left us with a defining feature to his game that can’t be understated—he makes his teammates better. The hallmark of high-end hockey-sense is adaptability, and Brink has it in spades; adapting his current weaknesses should allow him to translate his game. As a result, we view Bobby as a cerebral duel-threat winger with the attributes needed to produce in a top-6 role at the NHL-level.”

“So many of these guys in this league (USHL) are so overrated and over hyped. Look at Brink, he can't skate.” - NHL Scout, September 2018

“He skates like he was at a Frat Party last night but I still like him.” NHL Scout, September 2018

“Late rounder at best. Kid can't skate .” - NHL Scout, October 2018

“He was my 2nd ranked player in the USHL but he probably just moved to #1 after that tournament(WJAC).” - NHL Scout, December 2018

"The small guys who can't skate that make it in the NHL are few and far between.” - NHL Scout, December 2018

“He kinda reminds of a guy like Jake Guentzel because he doesn’t fit that traditional look of a top prospect All he does is get the puck more than anybody and make more plays than anybody. I’ve even come around a bit on his skating.” - NHL Scout, December 2018

"Skating is important but it's not the end all be all. When you have what he has with the exception being skating, you can play in the NHL. Logan Couture comes to mind.” - NHL Scout, December 2018

“He’ so smart and plays such a mature game. He’s a great playmaker and is such a determined player. he’s an easy top 25 guy on my list.” - NHL Scout, January 2019

“The brain and skill and compete level are so high that I am giving him a bit of a pass on his skating. - NHL Scout, February 2019

“Skating is obviously not a strength but lateral agility and in small areas he’s not as bad as some people think." - NHL Scout, February 2019

“Barely a draft for me, maybe a late rounder. I don't see all this skill you see and his skating is a huge problem. - NHL Scout, March 2019

“Brink and Rees, two great players who are bad skaters.” - NHL Scout, March 2019

“At the WJAC his skating scared me a bit but I’ve dug deeper to watch it a lot more. He does get separation for himself. It’s not like he’s got players catching him all the time. I saw some ridiculous forechecks too. He gets there." - NHL Scout, March 2019

“I’m sold and he looks bigger than 5’8”. I think he's closer to 5’9.5” 5'10" 170.” - NHL Scout, March, 2019

“How good was he (Brink) at the U18. Holy sh**, if only he could skate.” - NHL Scout, May 2019

“He’s Alexander DeBrincat.” - NHL Scout, May 2019

“We'll see at the combine but I think he's closer to 5’10" 170.” - NHL Scout, May 2019

“He’s got that clutch gene that you look for, bigger the moment he seems to be able to elevate.- ” HP Scout, Dusten Braaksma, March, 2019

“He’s challenged himself and has excelled each and every time, whether it be playing Minnesota High School hockey in his bantam year, going to the USHL a year earlier than most MNHS kids do or jumping on a plane and going to the U18 tournament and performing well for USA team playing on very little rest, he’s just been impressive since I started watching him 3 or so years ago.” HP Scout, Dusten Braaksma May, 2019

“Saw him right from the get-go in Pittsburgh at the Fall Classic. Had a goal and an assist and showed plenty of his tools. At that point I was much more concerned about the skating than I am now.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, March 2019

“He may not look like a speed demon off the rush but he has great lateral skating ability. He plays with great pace.” - NHL Scout, March 2019

"I love Brink. I'd take him top 20 without even thinking about it and I think he’ll go as high as 15 and won't slip past 25.” - NHL Scout, April 2019

“The kid was puking before his flight overseas and still played on the day he arrived. He’s a gamer.” - NHL Scout, May 2019

“I heard there is a team in the mid to late teens who loves him.” - NHL Scout, May 2019

"I don't like Bobby Brink at all. He can't skate and he didn’t do himself any good at the Under 18. It looked so bad on that big ice. He’ smart and can make plays but that skating is non starter for me.” - NHL Scout, June 2019

“I love that he can make plays under pressure. He thinks the game at such a high level and his playmaking and scoring abilities are high end. His hockey IQ helps offset some of his skating decencies. Most of the poor skating stars in the NHL think the game at a high level." - HP Scout, Mark Edwards April 2019

“There is another player I love in next year’s draft who is also lacking in the skating department. Some ugly skaters can still be great when they are so high end in all the other facets of the game.” HP Scout, Mark Edwards, April 2019

"Scouts I spoke to were all over the map on him. Some loved him and had had him ranked as a lock to be a first rounder. Others hated the skating and couldn't get past it. I know a few Scouts who saw him as a mid round prospect at best. I let them know my difference of opinion.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, April 2019

“One of my personal faves in this draft class. He's so good that I'll accept his size/skating combo. He is high-end in the big three areas I look for: Smarts, Compete and Skilled. Skating is obviously not a strength but I think it's more visually ugly than bad. It isn’t pretty to look at but I see him win a ton of puck races and I can’t remember too many plays where his skating hurt him. An NHL Scout made a DeBrincat comparison to me yesterday and it was funny because we had mentioned several similarities in house earlier this season.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, May 2019

“The first time I saw Kyle Connor play I loved his game.and we ended up ranking him very high in his draft year. I felt the same way about Brink when I saw him for the first time. Compete and hockey sense stood out almost immediately with Brink.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, May 2019

“Scouts liked him during combine interviews and gave me positive feedback but several noted that they wished he was a bit more aware of his need to have a plan this summer regarding his skating. I interviewed him and he is a very likeable kid, but when I asked him myself if he had any plans to work on anything this summer, I understood what the teams were talking about. He’ll figure it out soon enough.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, June 2019

Future Considerations (37th):

”A competitive and skilled offensive forward, he’s very active and involved in all three zones. He has a very fluid skating stride, great speed and excellent agility. His great acceleration and strong edges allow him to take off in a hurry, with or without the puck. Displaying great intensity, he does a fantastic job of always pushing the pace and keeping the pressure on, making opposing players really have to work to defend against him. While he reads the ice well and sees plays developing quickly, he will often sacrifice his defensive positioning to create a rush. Crafty with the puck, he always has his head up and uses his teammates well offensively. While in transition and at full speed, he’s still able to show off lightning-quick hands and very good passing abilities. He’s not afraid to try no-look and behind-the-back passes, making him even harder to defend. Has an impressive ability to receive and unload one-timers, but he doesn’t get a lot of power behind his shot. Due to the fact he keeps his feet moving through body checks, he’s able to draw penalties because of it. He has solid awareness and hockey sense, although he does look a little lost in his own zone at times. His small size is obviously a factor against him, but he does everything that small players need to do to be successful at the professional level.”

ReCrutes (45th):

”Scouts are prepared to start giving shorter forwards first-round consideration. It looks like Cole Caufield will make history as the first player under 5-8 taken in the first round. It took a record-breaking performance for that to happen, but it is progress for the little guy.

There has also been a lot of talk about Brink also going in the first, but for many scouts that is simply a bridge too far. “Brink's a great player...but 5-8 and can’t skate great means you go late,” said one poetic scout. “I wouldn’t take him in the second round but that’s where he’ll go. His skating scares me. He has no separation speed.”

What he did separate himself from was every other USHL player in points-per-game from the first month until season’s end, and finishing fourth overall in points despite missing one quarter of the season.

”I love him, I’m in”, said one US-based scout in early March who saw the Bobby Brink Show on at least a half dozen occasions. “He’s so smart, crafty and driven. His puck skills make up for his speed issue in the offensive zone.” Brink’s terrific season earned him a rare USHL invite to the U-18 on a team that is predominantly represented by the USNTDP. Brink was plugged into a top-six role after arriving late and managed six points in five games.

“You talk to some guys and they just can't get enough of this guy,” said one scout who has him tabbed as a second-round pick.“ He's so competitive...once he gets it in the offensive zone he can get away from guys. But it's those feet through the neutral zone. He just has no wheels. All that said...he likely gets picked early on Saturday. He’ll be an early second-round pick.”

Corey Pronman – The Athletic (23th – Very good NHL Prospects / First-round pick -tasolla):

”Brink was the best player in the USHL this season and a driving force for whatever line he was on. Brink is an interesting player in that he doesn’t look the part of a top prospect. He’s listed at 5-foot-8, he skates awkward, and he doesn’t look all that smooth and coordinated. His hockey sense is just fantastic, though. He’s an elite passer with the patience, anticipation and overall vision to make unique passes seem routine. I’ve seen him hover around the zone, waiting out options as defenses scramble to figure out what play he’s going to make. Brink has very impressive hands and a good shot, too, but what will get him to the pros is his ability to make plays. He competes and even killed penalties at the junior level. What may hold him back is his skating. He moves with a weird stutter in his stride, and his feet flail. His top speed is fine due in part to his size, and he’s got good power on his edges to allow him to maneuver around the ice. But he lacks any kind of explosiveness you want in a player that size.”

Sioux City Musketeers assistant GM Andy Johnson on Brink: “Bobby is a cerebral winger who makes up for an average skating stride with incredible awareness, anticipation and overall elite hockey sense. He has great all-around skill with the puck. He can dish and score, and is one of the most competitive players I’ve seen in my time in the USHL.”

Scott Wheeler – The Athletic (14th):

”Speaking of overstated concerns about skating! Believe in Bobby Brink, people. Allow yourself to believe in him. The astronomical numbers he put up in the USHL this year were his own doing and once he adds a little more strength the foot speed will catch up to the skill level that made him the USHL’s Forward of the Year. Brink will take a little longer than some of the other top prospects in this draft to get to his ceiling but that ceiling is exciting. Centres are more often the driving forces on their lines at the next level but Brink’s ability to win back pucks with his stick, get open and break teams down tactically once he has it is a joy to watch. There’s a risk in everyone outside the top-12 in this year’s draft but the reward on a player like Brink is a dynamic puck-handling winger who can involve his teammates when the player is there or do it himself when they are not. Sometimes you have to swing for the fences. I’d take that chance on Brink, who also has a late birthday (July 8, 2001).”


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
3. Kierros, 72. varaus – Ronnie Attard (RD, 6’3’’ / 207 lbs):

Attard on mielenkiintoinen esimerkki siitä, mitä kaikkea vuodessa voi tapahtua. Kaksi kertaa NHL-draftin läpäissyt -99, josta käytännössä kukaan ei ollut kuullut ennen kulunutta kautta. Pelasi vahvan sesongin ja varattiin peräti kolmannella kierroksella NHL:ään.

McKeen’s Hockey (64th):

”A third-year eligible right shot defender, Attard has come a tremendously long way since a five-point campaign in his first year of draft eligibility. Or his second year of eligibility where he had a 15-point season. His 30-goal season this year was the third best among blueliners in USHL history, and the best since Simon Lacroix scored 36 in 1994-95.

Tall and lanky, Attard is also an impressive skater with a clean stride. He reads the play well for the USHL level, although I would expect no less from a 20-year-old in that league. Take with a grain of salt, but he does a great job filling in passing and shooting lanes in his own end. He takes advantage of his long reach and is a big part of the reason why Tri-City was the league’s stingiest team this year.

Despite his 30 goals, I don’t see Attard being a high end blueline scorer at the next level. He has a nice point shot and a knack for jumping up into shooting lanes before firing, but there is nothing in his shot to suggest a 20% shooting percentage is sustainable at any level, much less NCAA or the NHL.

Headed to Western Michigan in the fall, Attard may not need more than two years on campus before he will be ready for the pros. Of course, he will be 22 in two years, so that is not as impressive as it sounds. As much as he plays with a sort of Jake Muzzin style, it can be hard to believe at 20 years he will suddenly take off in the USHL. He has certainly earned recognition, but higher than the third round would be putting too much faith that he is not Gulliver in the land of the Lilliputians.”

Hockey Prospects (Grade C):

”Aggressive, offensive defenseman. Attard’s third USHL season was a revelation. After a combined 20 points in his first two seasons, the ’99 birthday jumped to 30 goals, 65 points, and a USHL-best plus-47 while capturing Defenseman of the Year and Player of the Year honors in the league. It’s a very shortlist of players (if any) that can lay claim to being on the ice as much as Attard and his defense partner Zac Jones this year. He plays a hyper-aggressive rover type game that carries him all over the ice. Very rarely does he back off the line defensively, and even when he does, he’s just waiting for his next chance to step up and make a hit or try to make a steal. In the chase, it’s not unheard of to find Attard in as F1 on the forecheck even. In the defensive zone, he is very impatient and, again, will chase the play all over the rink. He isn’t hard to isolate, particularly when emerging from behind the net on a low-high setup. He often sets up outside the dot line against routine rush attempts and his body and stick positioning are as inconsistent and wonky as his gaps. His smallarea footwork leaves a lot to be desired and it hinders his recovery ability. His skating stride isn’t pretty and it looks like one foot is much more dominant than the other. He gets around the ice fine because he is moving a lot, but the inefficiencies in his stride prevent him from firing up an extra gear to shake defenders. His lateral skating and ability to walk the line don’t generate enough power for him to really manipulate shooting lanes in terms of next-level prognostication (obviously, not as much of an issue at this level).

Attard offers a plus shot and the ability to one-time pucks. He was the triggerman on the power play and there was no secret about it. The green light that Ronnie had allowed him to travel down low, even at 5-on-5, to hunt for goals – that’s part of how a defenseman ended up scoring on 20% of his 150 shots. Despite the gaudy production values, the stickhandling and overall technical skill level don’t move the needle too much. His partner was a better puck carrier and playmaker – Attard was the finisher, or made the pinch to keep plays alive. All told, there isn’t a lot of hockey sense to go around here and it will make undoing or fixing this very not-pro-style player a tough ask.”

“For all of his offensive numbers he put up this year, I haven’t heard many other scouts mention him at all.” - HP Scout, Dusten Braaksma, May 2019

“Skating is interesting because he’s ok going up and down the rink but he’s kind of awkward and his overall agility is just ok at best." - HP Scout, Mark Edwards. May 2019

Corey Pronman – The Athletic (60th):

”Attard’s development spiked in his third season in the USHL, setting the record for most goals by a defenseman in the league and being the clear best rearguard in the league. Attard has qualities that make him valuable at both ends of the rink. He’s a 6-foot-3 defenseman who skates well for a big man, with the ability to close gaps and kill plays. He’s also quite physical and can be tough for opposing forwards to deal with. With the puck, Attard has sneaky good skill and a cannon of a shot. With his skating, he’s able to transition pucks through the neutral zone with his feet and create inside the blueline with his skill. He’s not a natural puck-mover and when he goes beyond trying to make basic plays he becomes prone to turnovers. With that said, I think some offense will translate to the pros because of his hands and an accurate, hard shot.”

Pari peliä ehdin keväällä herralta itsekin näkemään, kun nimi alkoi nousta siellä ja täällä esiin, eikä itselläni ollut sitten mitään havaintoa koko pelaajasta. Aggressiivisuus molempiin suuntiin paistoi nopeasti esiin, niin hyvässä kuin pahassa. Tuolla tapaa sai tehoja hyökkäyssuuntaan ja oli näkyvä ja aikaansaava hahmo pelissä muutoinkin, mutta samalla juoksi itseään tilanteista ulos. Ainakin itselläni nousi jo parin pelin myötä epäilys Attardin pelikäsitystä kohtaan. Hieman siis pelkään, että tässä nyt viimeistä vuottaan junioreissa vetänyt varsin atleettinen puolustaja pelasi sen career-seasoninsa oikeaan paikkaan, eikä tason noustessa ja tämän fyysisen etuaseman kadotessa enää kykene mukautumana pelin vaatimuksiin, mutta aikahan tuon näyttää. Toivottavasti olen väärässä. Aloittaa syksyllä Länsi Michiganin yliopistossa.


4. Kierros, 103. varaus – Mason Millman (LD, 6’1’’ / 176 lbs):

Saginawilta ja siten Millmanilta taisin nähdä kuluneella kaudella tasan yhden ottelun, josta ei Millmanista juuri muistikuvia ole, joten mennään ihan muiden ajatuksilla.

Hockey Prospects (Grade C):

”Mason Millman had a solid, yet maybe slightly under-the-radar rookie season for Saginaw. He produced 25 points in 66 games, and had an additional 5 points in 13 playoff games. Millman’s best quality is his willingness to initiate physically. He’s a competitive kid who keeps a good pace and makes life uncomfortable for opposing teams who attempt to cut around him. His defensive-reads were a plus overall, recognizing most offensive-plays in advance which gave him the ability to keep opposing players largely to the outside. When he was beaten-wide or made a defensive-error, his recovery-rate was impressive thanks to his ability to switch his intensity when the play called for it. Behind the goal-line, he was calm under-pressure and was capable of moving the puck quickly in most of our viewings. In-front of the net, he knows how to use his frame effectively, and was able to get under his opponent’s skin, this included more offensivelygifted players as well. His outlet passes were hit or miss but he is capable of making a quality two-line pass and also has the ability to skate the puck up the ice. His skating is a six in our rating system. He features a powerful-stride but it can be a bit short at times when he’s attempting to enter another gear. Additionally, he’s not the most agile player and carries a thicker-frame which reduces his escapability both when in his own-end and when attempting to weave through the neutral-zone. In the offensive-zone, he flashes some skill on occasion; including the ability to thread passes after activating at the line and uses shot-fakes to re-adjust his lane. He’s never going to be misinterpreted for an offensivedefenseman, but Millman brings a lot of poise to his game and has shown good overall decision making. There might be an untapped two-way defender in MIllman, but he’s going to need extended development time in order to for him to take-advantage of his hockey-sense in the offensive-zone more than he currently does.”

“There might be some untapped potential in Mason, he kept forcing me to recognize him out on the ice” – HP Scout, Brad Allen

“He’s on my list but I doubt we'd take him.” - NHL Scout, March, 2019

He's a good skater and he’s competitive. He gets involved. i’m taking him over a lot of the other later round OHL guys.”- NHL Scout, March 2019

"I like him in the OHL but I don’t know what he’ll be at the next level so he didn't make my list.” - NHL Scout, May 2019

“I couldn't warm up to him. I mean I know he skates well but I don’t know what in his game translates to the next level…what’s he gonna be? I watched him three times in the playoffs trying to figure him out.” - NHL Scout, June 2019

“Didn’t make my list but there’s not much doubt he will be a late selection.Skating will get him drafted.”- NHL Scout, June 2019 “Skating is solid and he shows some poise with the puck. I gave him a draftable grade but it’s probably tight for him to make our list late right now.” - HP Scout, Mark Edwards, May 2019

Brock Otten – OHL Proscpects:

”Millman had an excellent year for the Spirit, his first full season in the OHL. He was particularly good in the playoffs for Saginaw, as they pushed their way to the Western Conference finals. One of Millman's best assets is his skating ability. He is very fluid and covers ground very well. Tough to get by him in the defensive end, as his backwards and lateral mobility are excellent. And his forward stride is smooth and allows him to quickly skate the puck out of trouble in his own end when needed. Also like how he uses his feet when running the point on the powerplay. Will open up passing and shooting lanes with quick cuts or stops and exhibits patience with the puck. All that said, I do have some questions as to Millman's overall offensive potential. At times, I do think he lacks urgency with the puck and seems hesitant to extend his rushes or take chances. He also does not currently possess a point shot that could be deemed as a major scoring threat, nor does he shoot the puck very often. Now, both of these things could be related to the fact that this was Millman's first year in the OHL and he just needs a little more confidence at this level. Millman offers well as a mobile two-way defender with intrigue over just how much his production can improve.”

Corey Pronman – The Athletic:

”Millman is a smart two-way player. He’s a decent skater and puck handler, but there is no real wow factor in his game.”

Hieman turhan tasapaksulta tapaukselta haiskahtaa, mutta antaa ajan näyttää tässäkin. Pari seuraavaa kautta menevät vielä O:ssa, jonka aikana tason pitäisi nousta ELC:n väärtiksi.


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
6. Kierros, 165. varaus – Yegor Serdyuk (LW, 5’10’’ / 159 lbs)

Venäläisen QMJHL seuralta Victoriavilleltä en nähnyt kauden aikana pelin peliä, joten ei nuorukaisesta tässä sen enempää. Vaikuttaisi puhtaasti luetun perusteella vähän tällaiselta näyttää paremmalta kuin loppupeleissä onkaan -tapaukselta, mutta tiedä sitten?

Hockey Prospects (Grade C):

”Serdyuk was the 37th overall selection last June in the CHL Import Draft. He was the top rookie scorer in the QMJHL this season with 25 goals, 65 points in 63 games. The young Russian played the majority of the year on a line with fellow Russian and draft-eligible Mikhail Abramov. They showed great chemistry all year long.

Serdyuk’s top quality is his ability to score goals and manufacture offense; he has a great touch around the net and does a good job finding holes in the defensive zone. He’s got a good wrist shot and a decent release, but his shot is also deceptive and tough to track for goaltenders. He’s a smart hockey player, regularly demonstrating good IQ in the offensive zone to know where to be on the ice to get open, added to the fact that he’s an above-average playmaker. He’s not huge, but he’s strong in his lower body. That helps him protect the puck along the boards and be strong on his skates.

However, his skating abilities are not good enough for a player of his size. They are average at best, and he doesn’t play with a lot of pace; he always seems to skate at the same speed. We wish he was more active on the ice; battling more frequently for loose pucks and showing a better compete level. His play away from the puck will need some improvement as well. He needs to provide a better effort on the backcheck and a better compete level in his zone. To us, Serdyuk looks like a pretty good junior player right now; we know that he can score, but the rest of his game is lacking. He could hear his name called late in the draft if a team really likes his scoring potential and think they can work on the other parts of his game.”

“A good junior player for me.” – HP Scout Jérôme Bérubé, May 2019

Corey Pronman – The Athletic:

”Serdyuk has one of the best shots in this year’s draft class, but he is small with average feet and his skills are good but nothing amazing.”


6. Kierros, 169. varaus – Roddy Ross (G, 6’3’’ / 181 lbs)

Roddy Ross on kanssa ihan hieno tarina siitä, miten nopeasti asiat muuttuvat. Toista kertaa varauskelpoinen maalivahti, joka aloitti kautensa AJHL:n Camrose Kodiaksissa. Siirtyi vasta uudenvuoden aikoihin maalivahtiongelmista kärsineeseen WHL:än Seattle Thunderbirdsiin. Joukkue sai maalivahtinsa ja Ross vahvan kevään päätteeksi NHL-varauksensa.

Muistan nähneeni Rossilta yhden maaliskuisen ottelun Wyatte Wylien Everettia vastaan ja ainakin siinä pelissä oli suorastaan täysi muuri. Monen nuoren veskarin tavoin pudotteli paljon kiekkoa eteensä ja touhu oli muutenkin vähän levottoman näköistä, mutta se tärkein eli ne kiekot pysähtyivät ja tarjosi muutaman todella komeankin reaktiotorjunnan. Näissä veskari-prospecteissa on mielestäni hyvä pyrkiä hakemaan aina vuosittain nimi tai pari lisää pooliin, josko sieltä aina välissä joku osuisi.

Hockey Prospects:

”Ross had a whirlwind of a season, beginning the year with Camrose in the AJHL before signing with Seattle midway through the year. Ross’ arrival was a game changer for the Thunderbirds as he came in and seized the starting job, leading them to an excellent second half and playoff berth. Ross posted a 2.76 GAA and .919 save percentage over 25 games in the WHL this year.

Ross is a big goaltender with great athleticism. He is explosive getting across the crease and has the ability to make saves that wow you. Ross thrives under pressure and is at his best when he is getting peppered with shots. When he is locked in Ross is tough to beat and can win his team a game. Ross is extremely raw and not the most technically refined goaltender, relying on his athleticism and natural shot stopping ability. Ross can play a bit out of control at times and is sometimes chasing the play too much. Some of this can be attributed to his lack of high end playing experience and limited training. Ross came out of nowhere this season and has a limited track record of play at a high level. With this being said there is a question of how sustainable his high end performance is. On the flip side, there is also the potential for a ton of growth as he gets top training for the first time. Ross has a lot of unteachable ability and the size and athleticism to develop into a high level prospect.”


7. Kierros, 196. varaus – Bryce Brodzinski (RW/C, 6’0’’ / 196 lbs)

Brodzinski on kanssa toista kertaa varauskelpoinen kesken kauden korkeammalle sarjatasolle hypännyt peluri, USHS -> USHL oli hänen liikkeensä. En ollut nähnyt kaverilta pelin peliä, mutta päätin nyt illasta korjata asian ja katselin pelin verran, että pääsisi edes hieman kärylle miehestä, kun tuntui tyyppinä kuvausten perusteella mielenkiintoiselta.

Kyllähän ne kuvaukset sieltä myös löytyivät. Aika raskasjalkainen kaveri, jolle varsinkin pitkät vaihdot tuntuivat melkoiselta piimältä. Suoraviivainen pelityyli ja mukavalta vaikuttanut taitotaso niitä positiivisempia puolia. Teki myös hyvää ja tunnollista duunia ympäri kaukaloa, eikä loistanut puolustusvelvoitteistakaan. Vaikutti fysiikaltaan tai lähinnä voimatasoiltaan jo varsin valmiin oloiselta, joten ei varmastikaan enää NCAA:ssa, ammattikaukaloista puhumattakaan, saa fysiikastaan samanlaista asetta, mikä voi vaikuttaa tehokkuuteen. NCAA kertonee jo asteen paremmin, missä mennään. Aloittaa tulevana syksynä Minnesotan yliopistossa.

McKeen’s Hockey (150th):

”Fourth Brodzinski brother to pass through the USHL. Has scored at every level. Played in high school as an overager, but Minnesota’s Mr. Hockey has attractive puck skills.”

Hockey Proscpects (Grade ND):

”Bryce Brodzinski – Hulking, goal-scorer who improved in his short time in the USHL at the end of the season. After winning the Mr. Hockey Award with Blaine High School, Brodzinski joined the Omaha Lancers and continued his impressive production. He can shoot the puck very well and he’s willing to go to the net and battle for positioning. He has the ability to one-time pucks with some consistency. He doesn’t show off his hands in open space too much – he’s more deliberate and straightforward than many other modern skill players, but when he gets right up on defenders, he can flash a move that beats them from time to time and it sort of comes out of nowhere (typically it’s a move that pulls the puck in towards his feet, rather than something outside of his shoulder plane and wide). The issue is that by not having hands in space, he fails to make a lot of room for himself and too often his feet stop churning when he’s pulling off these elusive maneuvers.

Brodzinski’s feet are his biggest red flag. While he looks better than even when he started late in the USHL, his wheels are still quite a ways below average. Mechanically, it’s not smooth and he’s a little stiff in his movements. Our early viewings pegged him as prohibitively slow; now, his skating has been upgraded to “a hindrance”. He continues to play center at the USHL level, but this is almost certainly a winger at any level above this. The hockey sense is just average and he is prone to bad turnovers in his passing game. He’s an August 2000 birthday that was passed over in 2018 - he’s off to the University of Minnesota in the fall.”

“Tore up Minnesota HS this year but it was a weak conference and he’s a 00’ born with size, he can shoot it but his skating hasn’t progressed like I hoped it would, I don’t think his feet will allow him to get into positions to utilize his shot at the next level.” HP Scout, Dusten Braaksma, May 2019

Corey Pronman – The Athletic:
”Brodzinski won the Mr. Hockey award in Minnesota as a second-year prospect. His puck skills and goal-scoring ability are impressive, but his skating would worry me for the professional level.”


Aika näyttää mitä kenestäkin tulee, mutta jos jotain lähtökohta pohjaa hakee, niin Yorkista on hyvät mahdollisuudet saada legimentti top-4 puolustaja, jos hyvin käy, enemmänkin. Brink on puhdas boom tai bust tapaus eli joko tulee hyvä NHL-kiekkoilija tai sitten ei NHL-kiekkoilijaa ollenkaan. En oikein näe niitä välimalleja herralle, mutta olen luottavaisella päällä nuorukaista kohtaan. Attardilla on vahvuutensa, mutta hieman skeptinen olen kokonaisuuden riittävyyden suhteen. Muiden osalta pitää tapahtua paljon, että NHL:ää voi pitää realistisena näkymänä, mutta saa tosiaan nähdä. Ei tyrmätä vielä ketään.

Kokonaisuutena jos valittua linjaa vertaa aiempaan, niin puutteet liikkeessä ja/tai fysiikassa eivät painaneet varsinkaan hyökkääjien osalta vaakakupissa vaan melkeinpä oikein pyrkivät hakemaan taitavia ja peliälykkäitä kavereita, joita nämä puutteet olivat tiputtaneet monen muun organisaation listoilla. Katsellaan, miltä tämä näyttää muutaman vuoden kuluttua?


Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Eilen illasta varmistui myös lopultakin tulevan kauden palkkakatto, joka on hieman ennakoitua alhaisempi, 81,5 miljoonaa.

Tänään vuorostaan starttasi viikon kestävä UFA-pelaajien neuvotteluikkuna, mutta Flyers ei enää tässä kohtaa ole kummoinen peluri, vaan vapaa captila tulee menemään RFA-jaoston taskuihin. Näille ei Fletcher voi mitenkään turhan anteliaasti rahaa jaella tai tila loppuu kesken ennen kuin kaikki nimet on saatu papereihin.

Tällä hetkellä cappi-tilaa on 16 sopimuksella 21,4 miljoonaa (tässä mukana myös Schlemko ja Lyon) ja todellisuudessa siis noin 23 miljoonaa, mutta vain 14 sopimuksella.

Provorov, Sanheim, Konecny, Laughton, Hartman ja se kakkoskassari ovat sellaiset must signaukset, jonka päälle tarvitsevat rosteriin vielä pari lähellä minimipalkkaa pelaavaa hyökkääjää, jolloin rosteri olisi mallia (13 + 7 + 2). Nämä kaikki pitäisi saada mahtumaan siihen noin 23 miljoonaan. Tarkoittaa siis sitä, ettei Konecnylle tai Sanheimille tulla antamaan parin kauden siltaa pidempää ja Provorovinkin kanssa vääntävät varmasti loppuun saakka.


Helsingin Jokerit, Philadelphia Flyers
Ja sieltä napsahti Sanheimille parin vuoden siltasoppari 3,25M capilla. Jos jatkaa kehittymistään samaan malliin, niin seuraava soppari tulee olemaan mallia hintava.

Konecnyn ja Provorovin jatkoja odotellessa.


HIFK, Philadelphia Flyers, Liverpool FC
Useat arviot ennustivat Sanheimille yli 4.0M/kausi, joten erittäin hyvä diili. Jos tuossa olisi vielä yksi vuosi lisää, niin olisi ihan täydellinen lappu.

Tämän nyt voisi tuonne treidiketjuunkin latasta, mutta kysästään nyt samalla, että jos Kapanen saa huhutun about 3v/3.2M tyylisen diilin (McKenzien twiittaama), niin mitähän Konecnyn leiri tuumaa tästä? Konecnyllä on kuitenkin pari täyttä NHL-kautta enemmän, ja kaksi lähes 50 pisteen kautta.

3 vuotta, 4 miljoonaa olis aika jepa. Vai kuinka?


Philadelphia Flyers (Jokerit)
Hyvä että saatiin Sanheimin soppari heti alta pois. Toivoin pitkää lappua koska kahden vuoden päästä hinta voi olla melkein mitä vain. Tosin silloin tippuu Niskasen sopimus pois joten tilaa ehkä on enemmän. Varmaa on että jos Sanheim pääsee ylivoimaa pelaamaan niin hinta tulee nousemaan. Sanheim on mun papereissa melko varma tapaus, tulee kehittymään vielä kivasti. No, parempi näin kuin Nylanderit. Ja se pitkä sopimuskaan aina niin kovin halpa ole. Joten kai tähän tulee olla tyytyväinen.

Provorov haluaa ilmeisesti pitkän sopimuksen, toivottavasti Fletcher osaa tähän neuvotella oikeat dollarit, sillä selvää on että nuoren ja kehittyvän joukkueen palkat tulee kasvamaan, varsinkin KUN se Cup sieltä tulee. Tässä vaiheessa en oikein haluaisi nähdä vielä ongelmia, vaikeat ratkaisut kestää paremmin paraatin jälkeen...


Useat arviot ennustivat Sanheimille yli 4.0M/kausi, joten erittäin hyvä diili.

Niin että Sanheimille NHL:n historian ylivoimaisesti arvokkain kahden vuoden siltasopimus heti ELC:n jälkeen? Kehotan kyllä kovasti välttelemään noita arvioitsijoita tulevaisuudessa, joihin viittaat (mikäli siis lukema perustui nimenomaan 2 vuoden siltaan).

Kyllähän Sanheimin siltasopimuksen arvo nimenomaan tarkoittaa sitä, että myös RFA-vuosien hinta on kovassa nousussa. Mieleeni ei tule pelaajia, jotka olisivat noin ohkaisilla näytöillä saaneet samanlaista kahden vuoden siltasopimuta heti ELC:n jälkeen. Detroitin Anthony Mantha on ehkä yksi, mutta sen sopimuksen takana oli Ken Holland...

Todennäköisesti muissa toimistoissa vedetään pameja naamaan Fletcherin nyt lyhyen ajan sisällä antamien sopimusten vuoksi.


Philadelphia Flyers
Ihan jees pahvi, eipä ole Flyersien ongelma muiden joukkueiden cappi helvetit/ongelmat. Sitten Provo pitkällä sopparilla sekä Konecny ja Laughton kiinnitetään, jostain vielä kakkoseksi vahti ja ensi-kauden jengi kasassa.


HIFK, Philadelphia Flyers, Liverpool FC
Niin että Sanheimille NHL:n historian ylivoimaisesti arvokkain kahden vuoden siltasopimus heti ELC:n jälkeen? Kehotan kyllä kovasti välttelemään noita arvioitsijoita tulevaisuudessa, joihin viittaat (mikäli siis lukema perustui nimenomaan 2 vuoden siltaan).

Kyllähän Sanheimin siltasopimuksen arvo nimenomaan tarkoittaa sitä, että myös RFA-vuosien hinta on kovassa nousussa. Mieleeni ei tule pelaajia, jotka olisivat noin ohkaisilla näytöillä saaneet samanlaista kahden vuoden siltasopimuta heti ELC:n jälkeen. Detroitin Anthony Mantha on ehkä yksi, mutta sen sopimuksen takana oli Ken Holland...

Todennäköisesti muissa toimistoissa vedetään pameja naamaan Fletcherin nyt lyhyen ajan sisällä antamien sopimusten vuoksi.

Mä vedin kans muutaman pamin luettuani tätä pätemistä, vaikka boldatussa kohdassa itse vielä kirjoitat sen minkä takia Sanheimille oltiin povaamassa isoa lappua. Nimenomaan juuri tuon takia jotkut pelkäsivät, että siellä vaaditaan nyt liikoja markkinoiden nousun takia. Ja selvennetään nyt kerta siihen tartuttiin, niin eniten olen nähnyt juurikin kolmea tai neljää vuotta tuolla nelosella alkavalla caphitillä, en kahden vuoden lappuja.

EDIT: Kyllä mun mielestä Sanheim vakiinnutti roolinsa hyvin viime kaudella, ja läväytti vastoin odotuksia melkein 40 pisteen kauden tiskiin. Millanen diili olisi ollut sitten "ok" jos ei tämä?
Viimeksi muokattu:


Mä vedin kans muutaman pamin luettuani tätä pätemistä, vaikka boldatussa kohdassa itse vielä kirjoitat sen minkä takia Sanheimille oltiin povaamassa isoa lappua. Nimenomaan juuri tuon takia jotkut pelkäsivät, että siellä vaaditaan nyt liikoja markkinoiden nousun takia. Ja selvennetään nyt kerta siihen tartuttiin, niin eniten olen nähnyt juurikin kolmea tai neljää vuotta tuolla nelosella alkavalla caphitillä, en kahden vuoden lappuja.

EDIT: Kyllä mun mielestä Sanheim vakiinnutti roolinsa sen verta hyvin viime kaudella, ja läväytti vastoin odotuksia melkein 40 pisteen kauden tiskiin. Millanen diili olisi ollut sitten "ok" jos ei tämä?

Ei tuo boldaamasi kyllä ole missään ristiriidassa sanomani kanssa. Toki myös RFA-hinnat nousevat, mutta mikä viittaisi kuitenkaan siihen, että Sanheimin sopimus olisi tosiaan ollut ylivoimaisesti arvokkain nuo speksit täyttävä sopimus NHL:n historiassa? Minkä lisäksi viittasin kommentillani myös siihen, että Fletcher myös itse näyttää heittelevän löylyä kiukaalle (tosin tältä osin merkittävämpi on tuo Hayesin sopimus).

Ja jos taas arviot ovat perustuneet 3 tai 4 vuoden lappuihin, niin sitten puhutaan jo ihan eri asiasta eikä tuota sopimuksen keskiansiota ole järkeä verrata sellaisiin skenaarioihin.

Sanheimin 35 pistettä on toki hyvä suoritus, mutta hänellä on alla otteluita alle kahden kauden verran, eikä hän ole vielä ottanut sellaista askelta, että kantaisi isompaa roolia. Esimerkiksi hinasen kalliimman siltasopimuksen saanut Brandon Montour olisi muuten ihan hyvä verrokki, mutta hän oli tuolloin yksinkertaisesti parempi pelaaja (osittain varmasti vanhemman ikänsä vuoksi). Toiset verrokit kuten Cody Ceci tai Darnel Nurse (jotka siis saivat pienemmät sopimukset), olivat ottelumäärissä kokeneempia, vaikka kummallakaan ei vielä yli 30 pisteen kautta alla ollutkaan.

Toki se täytyy muistaa, että näissä siltasopimuksissa hintaerot ovat marginaalisia, mutta ei kuitenkaan merkittyksettömiä. Erojen merkitys on suurempi kuin absoluuttiset luvut antavat ymmärtää, jos verrataan vaikka puhtaisiin UFA-sopimuksiin.
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