Toisaalta kaveri ei ole edelleenkään esittänyt minkäänlaista anteeksipyyntöä uhrilleen tai suostunut esimerkiksi antamaan aiheesta haastattelua, jossa osoittaisi esimerkiksi katumusta.
Millerin oma kirjelmä (julkinen) Arizonalle;
“I am extremely sorry about the bullying incident that occurred in 2016 while I was in eighth grade. I was young, immature and feel terrible about my actions. At the time, I did not understand the gravity of my actions and how they can affect other people. I have issued an apology to the family for my behavior, completed cultural diversity and sensitivity training and volunteered within my community with organizations such as Little Miracles. Over the past four years, I have had a lot of time to reflect and grow and I am very grateful to the Arizona Coyotes for taking a chance on me. I promise not to let them down. Moving forward, I want to be a leader for this cause and help end bullying and racism.”
Coyotesin puolelta mietteitä;
"Mitchell sent a letter to every NHL team acknowledging what happened and apologizing for his behavior. Mitchell made a huge mistake, but we are providing him with a second chance to prove himself. We hope that he uses his platform moving forward to raise awareness about bullying and to discourage this type of behavior.”
“Given our priorities on diversity and inclusion, we believe that we are in the best position to guide Mitchell into becoming a leader for this cause and preventing bullying and racism now and in the future. As an organization, we have made our expectations very clear to him. We are willing to work with Mitchell and put in the time, effort, and energy and provide him with the necessary resources and platform to confront bullying and racism. This isn’t a story about excuses or justifications. It’s a story about reflection, growth, and community impact. A true leader finds ways for every person to contribute to the solution. We all need to be a part of the solution.”
Mietteitä Millerin junnuliigan joukkueilta;
"I have generally found that a lot of these guys have learned from their mistakes. It kind of crystallizes for them that what they love and care about can be taken away from them because of their own actions," Peters said. "He's been poked and prodded quite a bit. Everybody did their due diligence and they still said 'We feel that we can trust this player to be part of our team.'"
"I give him credit, he never runs away from it. He owns it. I certainly do not think it defines who he is right now," Noreen said. "Here's a kid who made a mistake when he was 14 years old. He's grown from it, he's learned from it, he's changed. He's become a responsible young man."
Eli siinä missä mitä ilmeisimmin syystä tai toisesta se suora anteeksipyyntö itse kohteelta edelleen uupuu, niin kyllä Miller on tästä julkisuudessa ollut (jo pakostakin), ja lähipiirin mukaan asiaa on kyllä käsitelty, ja Miller on tapahtuneesta pahoillaan, ottaa vastuuta teoistaan ja sanoo/käyttäytyy oppineensa tapahtuneesta.
Näitä asioita ei ole kovin helppo käsitellä. Ei aikuisen, saati sitten kakaran. En lähtisi tekemään rivien välistä omia johtopäätöksiä. Toivottavasti saa toisen mahdollisuuden, ja toivottavasti ottaa siitä kaiken irti. Kun 14-vuotias lapsi käyttäytyy tuolla tavoin, niin yleensä siellä on taustalla isompiakin ongelmia kuin pelkkä kusipäisyys. Ite antaisin kyllä ensin sen toisen mahdollisuuden ennenkuin alkaisin teinipojan elämää, haaveita tai edes NHL-uraa vielä hautaamaan.