Re: Re: Re: Hudler
Viestin lähetti heikkik
Erona on se, että Saku voi kuvalla sanalla peloton, Hudleria taas sanalla pelokas. Siksi toinen meni hyvänä draftivuonna ensimmäisellä kierroksella, kun taas toinen heikkona vuonna toisen kierroksen lopulla.
Ainoa asia on vaan se, että Hudler ei ole pelokas etenkään kokoisekseen. Pelaa varsin kovaa kokoonsa nähden, aivan kuten Sakukin.
Hudlerin kokoinen ja ikäinen pelokas pelaaja ei kerää Tshekin pääsarjassa minuutteja siihen malliin kuin Hudler keräsi viime kaudellakin.
Aivan kuten Red Line etukäteen totesi:
"Play-making center has soft hands, controls puck in tight traffic, and always able to find the open man with delicate touch passes through traffic. Great stickhandler and passer who is very imaginative and thinks the game beautifully. Has excellent balance and a shafty change-of-pace move.
Though slightly built, doesn't mind operating in heavy traffic and competes hard. Though more noted for his creative play-making skills, he is underrated as a finisher around the net. Anticipates developing plays very well. Terrific behind the net on the power play, or can run the power play from the half-boards. Below average size, but in his case, it's brains over brawn. He's a mature quarterback and on-ice leader of a very powerful Czech National Under-18 squad, and is already a steady point producer in the Czech Elite League."