Re: Re: Ei ymmärrä vahvistaa, että varaus jäi tekemättä, tietokone oli nimittäin tehnyt tiltit:
A computer glitch robbed the Edmonton Oilers of an NHL draft pick on Sunday, but Oilers general manager Kevin Lowe didn't view the loss of a fourth-round selection as a disaster.
All NHL teams enter the name of the player they want to draft into a computer at their table before announcing that player's name. The computer is hooked up to a central registry of players and will indicate if a player is opted into the draft and is eligible.
When the Oilers selected Czech forward Robin Kovar of the WHL's Vancouver Giants with their 123rd selection, he appeared to be eligible in the computer system, but wasn't. The selection was challenged and voided.
"We're certainly not going to blame it on the league," said Lowe, who may have felt otherwise had that mistake been made in the first three rounds on Saturday. "We got enough picks and we're certainly happy with what we have."
The NHL may give the Oilers an extra pick in next year's draft to make up for the error
On muuten jännä miten Edmontonissa ollaan ihastuttu suomalaisiin kiekkoiijoihin - ennen ja nyt. GM Lowe kiteyttikin asian Niinimäen yllätysvalinnan jälkeen näin:
"He's a gritty Finn and we've had good success with the Finns"
Näyttää itseasiassa siltä, että Lowe on tykästynyt Ilveksen Raimo Helmiseen, mutta koska aika on ajanut Raimon NHL-uran ohi, niin Lowe varasi sitten Ilveksestä Raipen nuoremman version eli Jesse Niinimäen ja kuin varmistukseksi asialle Michiganin yliopistosta sentteri Dwight Helmisen...
Viestin lähetti TM
Samaa minäkin ihmettelin tänään. Faceoff comin mukaan kuitenkin varaus olisi tehty.
123 Edmonton Oilers Kovar, Robin Vancouver (WHL) LW vahvistaa, että varaus jäi tekemättä, tietokone oli nimittäin tehnyt tiltit:
A computer glitch robbed the Edmonton Oilers of an NHL draft pick on Sunday, but Oilers general manager Kevin Lowe didn't view the loss of a fourth-round selection as a disaster.
All NHL teams enter the name of the player they want to draft into a computer at their table before announcing that player's name. The computer is hooked up to a central registry of players and will indicate if a player is opted into the draft and is eligible.
When the Oilers selected Czech forward Robin Kovar of the WHL's Vancouver Giants with their 123rd selection, he appeared to be eligible in the computer system, but wasn't. The selection was challenged and voided.
"We're certainly not going to blame it on the league," said Lowe, who may have felt otherwise had that mistake been made in the first three rounds on Saturday. "We got enough picks and we're certainly happy with what we have."
The NHL may give the Oilers an extra pick in next year's draft to make up for the error
On muuten jännä miten Edmontonissa ollaan ihastuttu suomalaisiin kiekkoiijoihin - ennen ja nyt. GM Lowe kiteyttikin asian Niinimäen yllätysvalinnan jälkeen näin:
"He's a gritty Finn and we've had good success with the Finns"
Näyttää itseasiassa siltä, että Lowe on tykästynyt Ilveksen Raimo Helmiseen, mutta koska aika on ajanut Raimon NHL-uran ohi, niin Lowe varasi sitten Ilveksestä Raipen nuoremman version eli Jesse Niinimäen ja kuin varmistukseksi asialle Michiganin yliopistosta sentteri Dwight Helmisen...