Mikäs muuten Rynnäksen status on NHL:n suhteen ensi kesänä? Kun yksi soppari on rapakon taakse jo alla niin käsittääkseni saa tehdä seuraavaksi yksisuuntaisen sopimuksen mutta saako Rynnäs neuvotella minkä tahansa seuran kanssa vai onko hänen pelaajaoikeutensa edelleen Torontolla (tai jollain muulla seuralla)?
Saattaa nimittäin olla että kyselijöitä on ihan jonoksi asti jos otteet jatkuvat vastaavanlaisena loppukaudenkin ajan.
Group 6 UFA on status...
"(c) Group 6 Free Agents.
(i) Means any Player who is age 25 or older who has completed three
(3) or more professional seasons, whose SPC has expired and: (i)
in the case of a Player other than a goaltender, has played less than
80 NHL Games, or (ii) in the case of a goaltender, has played less
than 28 NHL Games (for the purpose of this definition, a
goaltender must have played a minimum of thirty (30) minutes in
an NHL Game to register a game played). For the purposes of the
foregoing, the term professional season shall: (A) for a Player aged
18 or 19, mean any season in which such Player plays in eleven
(11) or more Professional Games (including NHL Regular Season
and Playoff Games, minor league regular season and playoff
games, and games played in any European professional league,
while under an SPC), and (B) for a Player aged 20 or older, mean
any season in which such Player plays in one or more Professional
Games (including NHL Regular Season and Playoff Games, minor
league regular season and playoff games, and games played in any
European professional league, while under an SPC)."
Tarkoittaa sitä, että on vapaa neuvottelemaan minkä tahansa seuran kanssa.