Dog Treat
Many celebrities have been to jail, so that is not a very strange thing. But the person that came to bail Nic Cage out made this story strange. Nicholas Cage was once bailed out of jail by Dog the Bounty Hunter.
Big In China
Nicolas Cage has been in a ton of movies, and certainly performed well in many of them, but most people would not call him the best actor. Apparently the people in China disagree. Nicolas Cage once won an award in China for being one of the best actors in the whole world.
Dinosaur Collector
Nicolas Cage is well known for being an avid collector. He has spent a large amount of money on everything including comic books. One strange collectible that he bought was a $200,000 dinosaur skull.
Magnum Cage
Nicolas Cage has been in tons of movies. There have been years where he was in as many as four or five movies. One movie that he almost made it into was a "Magnum P.I." movie that would have featured Nicolas Cage as the main actor.
Confusing Morning
Nicolas Cage has been in more than his fair share of strange situations over the course of the years. These situations have puzzled fans, but one situation even confused Nicolas Cage. One morning Nic Cage woke up with a strange man beside his bed that was naked except for a leather jacket, the man was eating a fudgsicle.
Cagey Horror Story
Most people know that Nicolas Cage has owned a wide variety of homes over his career, including several castles. One home was even the set for a TV show. The popular show "American Horror Story: Coven" was filmed at a house that used to belong to Mr. Cage.
Martial Arts
Mr. Cage knows several martial arts. One of them is Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. No one knows why he learned it.
Movies Per Year
You probably have seen Cage in a wide range of movies. That is because his career is extremely prolific. He is on pace to be in two movies a year.
Silent Stalker
Nic Cage is always getting into strange situations. One such situation involved a very weird stalker. Cage was once stalked by a mime.
Nic Cage is very committed to his craft. One time he volunteered to consume a live cockroach for a film. The scene had to be shot in three different takes, so he consumed three roaches.
Feline High
Most actors have some experience with drugs, but in true Nic Cage style, Cage has one of the strangest drug experiences. Mr. Cage once took mushrooms with his cat. No one knows exactly what happened in this experience.
Super Cage
Many people have heard about the "Superman" script from the late nineties that would have featured Nicolas Cage as Superman. What most people do not know is that Nicolas Cage was paid for this film. Nic Cage was paid a total of $20 million for his role in the film.
Going Dental
Nicolas Cage once had to learn about pain for a role. In 1984, he decided that in order to relate to his character he had to have two teeth removed. No one knows which two teeth he had taken out.
Legal Nic
Nicolas Cage has been accused of dog theft and drunk driving. He once sued his accuser and won. No one knows what he got out of that case.
Nic Cage is known for his weird purchases. One weird purchase he made was an octopus that cost almost a half million dollars. Cage said that he purchased the octopus to help improve his acting, but nobody is really sure how that would help.
Pharaoh Nicolas
Hopefully Nicolas Cage will be with us for many years to come, but when he dies he has a tomb purchased. This tomb is nine feet tall and it is located in a New Orleans Cemetary. The tomb is shaped like a pyramid.
Ghost Inked
Most people know that Nicolas Cage played Ghost Rider, but they probably do not know that Nic Cage had a tattoo of Ghost Rider. During the filming he had to hide the tattoo, so his character would not look arrogant. Nic Cage is a huge comic fan so it makes sense for him to have a tattoo of Ghost Rider.