Tässä linnakeikan taustat kaverin omin sanoin:
11. There's been plenty of talk, and little fact, about what really happened when you were 17. Can you tell us what happened?
"It's actually ironic that you should ask, because I've been reading about what allegedly happened for the last 13 years. This will be the first and only time that I will publicly speak to the media about what actually took place. First off, let me state Webster's definition of rape: 'Sexual intercourse with a woman by a man without her consent, and chiefly by force or deception.'
"Let me unequivocally state that I did not rape anyone. I cannot even fathom the thought of raping a woman. I love and respect all women, especially my mother and sister. With that said, these are the facts of what happened:
"I was 17 years old and at a keg party in my hometown when a girl approached me as I was waiting outside to leave with six of my closest friends. I had never seen her before when she approached me and said, 'Don't I owe you something?' She then proceeded to grope me. I responded to her advances and walked about 30 yards away from my friends to go behind a building. We were gone maybe 5 minutes and during that time I received oral sex. That's all that happened.
"I later learned that I was the last of three guys that she had had sexual contact with that night. The problem with what happened, and I take full responsibility for it, was I was 17 and she was three months short of 16. In the state of Massachusetts, this is considered a crime. As a result, I pleaded guilty to (statutory fellatio and received) four years probation with a three- to five-year suspended sentence."
12. And how about the BB gun incident?
but missed and hit him in the hip or side. The reason I did that was because he was stalking my girlfriend. As a result, I was found guilty of assault with a dangerous weapon and sentenced to nine months in county jail. After two months in county jail, I was surrendered to the state to serve an additional three to five years for a probation violation on my previous charge."
Itse olen näiden kovan pelin kaverien ystävä, mutta tästä kaverista on kuullut ja lukenut niin lahopäistä juttua, ettei oikein tiedä miten suhtautua. Jos ylläoleva teksti on totta, niin tekosia voi pitää "ymmärrettävinä", mutta kuten todettua, tämä on kaverin oma versio tapahtumista. Mielenkiintoisia aikoja, kuten Uuge sninckersin sivuilla yleensä sanoo.
Kävi sellainenkin skenaario mielessä, että olisiko Tibbets otettu vain Euroturnausta varten mukaan hillitsemään esim. sakemannien pahempia sikailuja? Kaikki varmaan muistavat Kärppien ämmäilyt taannoin Frankfurt Lionsia vastaan...