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235, Karjala-lippis
Entäs tämä...

"Each year one hundred thousand baseball bats are sold in Russia, and at most 50 baseballs. Gives an idea for great Russian pastime."

Tämä taisi olla Hardcoressa.


"Attention pussy shoppers! Take advantage of our penny pussy sale! If you buy one piece of pussy at the regular price, you get another piece of pussy of equal or lesser value for only a penny! Try and beat pussy for a penny! If you can find cheaper pussy anywhere, then fuck it!"


JYP ja maajoukkueet
Tämä taisi olla Hardcoressa.


"Attention pussy shoppers! Take advantage of our penny pussy sale! If you buy one piece of pussy at the regular price, you get another piece of pussy of equal or lesser value for only a penny! Try and beat pussy for a penny! If you can find cheaper pussy anywhere, then fuck it!"
Helppo. Hämärästä Aamunkoittoon. Legendaarinen laini joka hymyilyttää joka kerta kun sen katsoo. Vähän niin kuin samasta leffasta Salma Hayekin tanssi saa eri tavalla hymyn kasvoille.


Jukurit, sympatiaa muuhun Savoon ja Kaakonkulmalle
Helppo. Hämärästä Aamunkoittoon. Legendaarinen laini joka hymyilyttää joka kerta kun sen katsoo. Vähän niin kuin samasta leffasta Salma Hayekin tanssi saa eri tavalla hymyn kasvoille.
Jaa tämäkin oli myyntipuheessa? Muistan ainoastaan kun listasi erilaisia pussyn lajikkeita mitä on tarjolla, hinnasta en muistanut olleen mainintaa.


JYP ja maajoukkueet
Jaa tämäkin oli myyntipuheessa? Muistan ainoastaan kun listasi erilaisia pussyn lajikkeita mitä on tarjolla, hinnasta en muistanut olleen mainintaa.
Tuo hieman ylempää oleva laini tulee tuon mainitsemasi jälkeen mutta siinä on vähän taukoa välissä. Siinä välissä on päähahmojen keskustelua siellä asuntoautossa.

1: I hope that when I do retire your new partner is just like you.
2: That won't happen to me because there are winners and there are losers, and God wouldn't do that to me.


235, Karjala-lippis
Jaa tämäkin oli myyntipuheessa? Muistan ainoastaan kun listasi erilaisia pussyn lajikkeita mitä on tarjolla, hinnasta en muistanut olleen mainintaa.

Joo niitä oli kaksi eri kohtausta siinä leffassa.

Laitetaanpas varsin vielä toinen:

1: Can we do a formal introduction here?
2: Who gives a fuck? You're the bad guy, right?
1: I am the bad guy.
2: And I'm supposed to be trembling with fear, something like that?
1: Something like that.
2: Fine. I'll start trembling in a minute.


235, Karjala-lippis
1: I hope that when I do retire your new partner is just like you.
2: That won't happen to me because there are winners and there are losers, and God wouldn't do that to me.

Ettei vaan ollu joku Tappava ase tämä? En muista kyllä tarkasti että mikä niistä ois ollu.


KooKoo & Philadelphia Flyers
Tuli tämä klassikkoleffa katsottua taas lentomatkalla:

"They literally made me stop eating foods that were shaped like dicks.

No hotdogs, no popsicles.

You know how many foods are shaped like dicks? The best kind!"
Tappara, Setämiehet
-A couple of days ago I was in women's Big'n Tall. And ahh.. krhm... I heard these.. ahh... noises. And I heard woman screaming "Oh yeah, Oh yeah!" And I heard him say: "That's right. You ain't gonna S-H-I-T right for a month"


Helsingin I.F.K (Rikollislauma) , NP#10 DEFC#16
-A couple of days ago I was in women's Big'n Tall. And ahh.. krhm... I heard these.. ahh... noises. And I heard woman screaming "Oh yeah, Oh yeah!" And I heard him say: "That's right. You ain't gonna S-H-I-T right for a month"
Tämä on loistelias Bad Santa. Pitääkin katsoa jouluksi taasen.
Tappara, LA Kings, Raiders, Concordia Stingers
"Men are imperfect creatures. Left to their own devices, all they want to do is eat chicken and play with their dicks."


KalPa, KuPS, Avalanche
- Yeah man, you never know. People are very strange these days. I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it, beat her up so bad she ended up in a hospital on Guerrero Street
-Hahaha! What a story Mark!


Detroit Red Wings
- Yeah man, you never know. People are very strange these days. I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it, beat her up so bad she ended up in a hospital on Guerrero Street
-Hahaha! What a story Mark!
The Room?


Tappara, Suomi, Panthers
- Yeah man, you never know. People are very strange these days. I used to know a girl, she had a dozen guys. One of them found out about it, beat her up so bad she ended up in a hospital on Guerrero Street
-Hahaha! What a story Mark!
Tähän taitaa löytyä kaksi oikeaa vastausta, The Room ja The Disaster Artist.
Tappara, Setämiehet
-If there's one thing this last week has taught me, it's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.

-Hi. How are you? My name's ****, and I'm with the Cub Scouts of America. We're... we're selling uncut cocaine to get to the jamboree.

-Hey. Bring some beer. And, ahh... umh... some... cleaning products.

Nämät siis kaikki samasta mainiosta rainasta.


HIFK, Ketterä
-If there's one thing this last week has taught me, it's better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.

-Hi. How are you? My name's ****, and I'm with the Cub Scouts of America. We're... we're selling uncut cocaine to get to the jamboree.

-Hey. Bring some beer. And, ahh... umh... some... cleaning products.

Nämät siis kaikki samasta mainiosta rainasta.
True romance. Brad Pitt tuo viimeinen


Tappara, Suomi, Panthers
- So how's it all going in the nigger torturing business, Dixon?
- It's persons of color torturing business, these days, if you want to know. And I didn't torture nobody.
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