Voisiko joku ystävällisesti selventää nämä NHL:n sopimuksen päätökset..eli siis nämä rajoitetut vapaat agentit/rajoittamattomat vapaat agentit? Eli milloin ko. tapauksille oman joukkueen on tarjottava sopimusta ja milloin toinen joukkue voi tarjota sopimusta? Milloin esim. Detroitin on tarjottava Filppulalle uutta sopismusta..
Tällaista tarjoaa CBA:
*Teams have until 25 June to make Qualifying Offers in order to retain their RFA's rights
*Teams can begin negotiating offer sheets with players who don't accept their QO's on 26 June; they can be signed from 1 July and onwards
*If a team elects to take a player to arbitration, he is effectively removed from the pool of players to whom offer sheets can be extended (this only applies to certain RFA's making more than $1.5 million; and players who did not sign their first contract between the ages of 18-20)
*Not all players can be protected from offer sheets via club-elected arbitration. If a player earned <$1.5 million, a team has to wait until after the player-elected arbitration date passes (5 July) . That means there's a 5-day window when offer sheets could be extended.
*On Arbitration: hearings will be held from 20 July to 4 Aug; term can be for 1 or 2 yrs; the losing side picks the term; if a team elects arbitration, they have to accept the arbiter's ruling; in player elected arbitration, they can walk away. The player cannot be traded after the ruling is accepted. If a player is only 1 yr away from UFA status, the term can only be for one year.
*In player-elected arbitration, if the team declines, the player then becomes an UFA and can go wherever he wants
*Any club can extend an offer sheet as long as an RFA remains unsigned, and isn't awaiting arbitration
Detroit on siis tarjonnut Filppulalle QO:n, eli sen CBA:n mukaisen palkankorotuksen (10%?) yhdestä vuodesta. Tätähän Valtteri ei missään nimessä hyväksy, mutta sopimusneuvottelut ovat nyt tässä vaiheessa.
*Not all players can be protected from offer sheets via club-elected arbitration. If a player earned <$1.5 million, a team has to wait until after the player-elected arbitration date passes (5 July) . That means there's a 5-day window when offer sheets could be extended.
Tämän pykälän mukaan Detroit ei voi viedä Valtteria välimieskäsittelyyn (tienasi 733k) joukkueen tekemänä päätöksenä (jolla offer-sheetit kierrettäisiin), vaan Valtteri on vapaa tuolle 5 päivän offer-sheet ajanjaksolle, jolloin muut jengit voivat halutessaan tehdä sopimustarjouksia.
Jos offer-sheettejä ei tule, niin Valtteri mitä todennäköisimmin vie sopimusneuvottelut välimiehelle ja sopimus syntyy sitä kautta. Siitä eteenpäin sitten näillä eväillä:
*On Arbitration: hearings will be held from 20 July to 4 Aug; term can be for 1 or 2 yrs; the losing side picks the term; if a team elects arbitration, they have to accept the arbiter's ruling; in player elected arbitration, they can walk away. The player cannot be traded after the ruling is accepted. If a player is only 1 yr away from UFA status, the term can only be for one year.
*In player-elected arbitration, if the team declines, the player then becomes an UFA and can go wherever he wants
*Any club can extend an offer sheet as long as an RFA remains unsigned, and isn't awaiting arbitration