Päivän uutinen Yhdysvalloista: väitetään, että USA:n tiedustelupalvelut varoittivat Trumpia coronaviruksen vaaroista jo tammikuussa, mutta presidentti ei mokomista "asiantuntijoista" välittänyt :
Lainaus CNN jutusta:
"Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar was unable to discuss the virus with Trump until January 18, two senior administration officials told the Post -- at which point the President interrupted him to ask when sales of flavored vaping products would resume, senior administration officials told the paper."
Onhan toi maustettujen vapetuotteiden salliminen nyt tärkeämpää kuin joku tylsä pöpö.
Koko uutisartikkeli:
Lainaus CNN jutusta:
"Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar was unable to discuss the virus with Trump until January 18, two senior administration officials told the Post -- at which point the President interrupted him to ask when sales of flavored vaping products would resume, senior administration officials told the paper."
Onhan toi maustettujen vapetuotteiden salliminen nyt tärkeämpää kuin joku tylsä pöpö.
Koko uutisartikkeli:

Washington Post: US intelligence warned Trump in January and February as he dismissed coronavirus threat
President Donald Trump ignored reports from US intelligence agencies starting in January that warned of the scale and intensity of the coronavirus outbreak in China, The Washington Post reported Friday.