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Näinköhän ne vielä Sessionsinkin potkut nähdään lähitulevaisuudessa. Siihen viittaavaa keskustelua kertovat ainakin Vanity Fairin lähteet kuulleensa.
Trump tuntuu muutenkin olevan tällä hetkellä voimiensa tunnossa:
Lähde: “Trump Wants Them Out of There”: After Swinging the Axe at Tillerson, Trump Mulls What to Do with McMaster, Sessions, Jared, and Ivanka | Vanity Fair (Linkki vie Vanity Fairin Valkoisen talon kevätsiivousta käsittelevään artikkeliin)
Perhaps most consequential for Robert Mueller’s investigation, sources said Trump has discussed a plan to fire Attorney General Jeff Sessions. According to two Republicans in regular contact with the White House, there have been talks that Trump could replace Sessions with E.P.A. Administrator Scott Pruitt, who would not be recused from overseeing the Russia probe. Also, as an agency head and former state attorney general, Pruitt would presumably have a good shot at passing a Senate confirmation hearing.
Trump tuntuu muutenkin olevan tällä hetkellä voimiensa tunnossa:
With tariffs done, Trump’s sights are now on the Iran deal—and, possibly, the Russia investigation. “The president is finally realizing he is the president,” a former White House official told me. “He’s just making these decisions on his own.”
Lähde: “Trump Wants Them Out of There”: After Swinging the Axe at Tillerson, Trump Mulls What to Do with McMaster, Sessions, Jared, and Ivanka | Vanity Fair (Linkki vie Vanity Fairin Valkoisen talon kevätsiivousta käsittelevään artikkeliin)