Sen lisäksi, että rupla sukeltaa ja juanista on tulossa pääasiallinen valuutta ulkomaankaupassa, niin Moskovassa on taas päästy uimaan huolella. Kauankohan menee, jotta tulvien jäljet on saatu korjattua. Kaikki menee suunnitelman mukaan.
The situation in Moscow: in the capital, water is pouring into the apartment from sockets and from the ceiling. Due to heavy rain, some streets, subway rails, cars and buses were flooded. In just a few hours, almost a month's worth of precipitation fell in some areas. In videos 3 and 4, Muscovites are swimming. The beach season. Moscow version. 1/2
The situation in Moscow: due to heavy rain, some streets, subway rails, cars and buses were flooded. In just a few hours, almost a month's worth of precipitation fell in some areas. In the latest video, satisfied Muscovites are swimming through the streets. The first video shows the Bagrationovskaya metro station, Moscow. The beach season. Moscow version.