Tasuri ?
Enpä nähnyt mutta lukasin tuolla FCssä tapausta ja brash voitti berryn selvästi. Parker tappelua kommentoitiin tasurina ja brashin voittona.
*good squareoff
*Parker throws Brashear down to the ice
*Parker rips Brashear's helmet off half way
*Brash throws a left then gets Parker's helmet off
*A short noggie left by Brashear
*Brashear plants a kiss to Parker(yes he did, watch it in slo mo!)
*A lot of shit talking(parkie mad about the kiss
*Parker throws 3 little rights, none landing
*Brash throws 2 left, ones to the back of *Parker's head the other misses
*Parker throws a roundhouse right that hits *Brash in the back
*Brash helmet pops back on and Parker lands a little left to the face of Brash
*Brashear lands a left to the side of *Parker's head
*Parker throws a left to Brashear's helmet
*Brashear grazes Parker with a left
*Parker a left to the helmet of Brash
*Brash a left to the back of Parker's head
*Parker a left that hits Brash in the helmet and forehead
*Brashear throws a short left that misses
*Parker throws 2 helmet shots
*Brasher throws four lefts. One hitting parker in the cheek the other three MISSING!
*Parker with the takedown
FCn kirjoittaja Chaserin raportti faitista.