The writer-director talks about Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker, the latest chapter in the Star Wars universe.
Muutaman päivän vanha J.J haastattelu Rolling Stonesta. Pari asiaa jotka pistivät silmään:
There was a certain amusing irreverence in Rian Johnson’s approach to The Last Jedi — he subverted some of what you set up. Snoke seemed like the major villain, for instance, and he killed him off.
When I read his first draft, it made me laugh, because I saw that was his take and his voice. I got to watch cuts of the movie as he was working on it, as an audience member. And I appreciated the choices he made as a filmmaker that would probably be very different from the choices that I would have made. Just as he would have made different choices if he had made
Episode VII.
What surprised you most in what he did?
I felt the biggest surprise was how dark Luke was. That was the thing that I thought: “Oh, that was unexpected.” And that’s the thing
The Last Jedi undeniably succeeds at, which is constant subversion of expectation. The number of things that happened in that movie that aren’t the thing you think is going to happen is pretty fun.
How did all those unexpected plot points affect where you brought the story?
I had a real sense with [
Force Awakens co-screenwriter] Larry Kasdan about where things would go, potentially. And I think that, when I read Rian’s script, what I felt was that with everything that happens in that movie, and quite a lot does, nothing sort of obviated a sense of inevitability where I thought the story could go.
Rey has a whole fan base of her own. What was the original idea behind the character?
The idea was to tell a tale of a young woman who was innately powerful, innately moral, innately good, but also struggling with her place in the world and forced to fend for herself in every way. As exciting as it was to get to play in the
Star Wars universe, it was this young woman that I felt oddly compelled to get to know. Even at the very first meeting with Kathleen Kennedy, the idea came up about having a female at the center of it. There was an inherent sense of “We’ve seen the story before of the young hero,” but we’d never seen it through the eyes of a woman like this, and that, to me, was the most exciting thing.
One thing you hear from people is that the character of Rey feels preternaturally gifted, even for a Jedi — that she learns things faster than, say, Luke Skywalker ever did.
Yeah, spooky, right? [
Smiles] It’s a fair point. It’s not an accident.
Eli kuulostaa kyllä viimeistään nyt siltä ettei nuo ohjaajat/tekijät kauheasti ole suunnitelleet miten tarina etenee tai mihin tarinaa pitäisi viedä. Rivien välistä voi lukea miten JJ ei varmaan oikeasti pidä yhtään Last Jedistä, mutta "arvostaa Riania elokuvantekijänä". Vähän kuten muusikko kommentoisi kilpailevan bändin uutta levyä "en tekisi noin, mutta arvostan häntä taitelijana" kun oikeasti tekisi mieli sanoa "vittumitäpaskaa". Tarinaa tärkeämpi asia on myös ollut selkeästi naishahmo, joka on "synnynäisesti voimakas, moraalinen ja hyvä" heti alusta alkaen. Ilmeisesti Leia, Padme, Ahsoka yms on tuntemattomia tapauksia. Viimeinen lause kuulostaa siltä, että Rey on joko itse Voima, Voimasta syntynyt tai joku naiseksi muuttunut Anakin.