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HIFK, Arsenal FC, Florida Panthers
Yesterday there was a practice match when HAAC lost three four to Grain Village's Ball (GVB). HAAC player tackled a GVB player who got hurt but did not cry. He got a brain concussion. GVB's coach said " No no, Mr. Referees were bad" HAAC coach said Mr. Referees were not bad.

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It´s pretty unbeliavable that there are such little words written about my hometown team Cornsville Ball aka. COB. They were the last springs champion, you know. Unlike the local enemy Sword from Kuopio, who were only last autumns champion. As we know, that doesn´t count in long run so only COB´s name remains in histories leaves when we talk about last season.

Most fans fears came true during the summer. Big broom sweeped in Cornsville and many profile players left to the outer lands. Summer has been very challenging for player coordinator Jugs Holder and new chief editor Garry Clm. I think they have managed the situation pretty well and manager to purchase some new players to the club. Only question is that is COB now just an alien legion or is it gonna weld into a united group in such a short time.

One of the worst things is that won't anyone think of the horses? If you have read some newspapers COB-players are really interested in horses, but in a good way. They actually own one rave horse. Well, not the whole team but major ownersses Andy Philstream and Jay-Nee Tuppuray-Nee have leaved the team and only third big owner Giorgios Gaphazard is remaining in the team. My worry is that will Giorgios have enough energy to play and shovel maneur at the same time? We'll see that during the winter. I hope the minor owners help with daily tasks, it's not fair if one one guy smells like shit.

So far the scores in practise matches have been great. COB beated the crap out of Saimaas Ball last week and yesterday HAAC was crushed. Unfortunately, very promising and propably one of the winters comets Cory Quirk was abused violently by some HAAC player. That aggressor has played around 20 years in Finnish Championship League, but nobody remembers his name, maybe because his a little odourless, colourless and tasteless. I don't know, haven't meated the guy.

Anyway, I have heard that the balance of fear has entered in Finnish hockey. One of the "much noise for nothing" minor league teams, Puck'o'Kouvola has summoned former maniac, current overweight Matt Nickerson to their line-up. Word from the bunkers tell that there are no unpleasant deeds allowed against P'o'K players this season. If you violate them, Matt will drop gloves and everyone should be afraid. Maybe this will finally be the year that kouvoleans have a opportunity to make words to the deeds and challenge the worst team in SM-liiga and promote themselves among gods. You know, this Matt-character is already a god in Burgh, so the kouvoleans have choosed a really good tutor because you won't be god in Burgh for nothing! They have this madness, you know.

Well, that about that. I'll back to business when downhill for Sword starts.


Dufvan Lukko, JYP(ilman Tyni&Virtanen)
Yes, we the Cornhiders (later COB, CIM, BBBJ) played the practising match against the Helsinki AAC aka HAAC. We won 4-3 but there was ugly check for Quirks head by Mick Littlefastcorner aka Kirraa, and Headcoach mr. Glade lost his receiptnotebook after this. There was guys holding Jonne Littlestream on the bench with 2 hands while Glade was crying for the judge about the situation. Littlestream is our huli-man who has not done huli in years. So he must be eager to huli or milling in the games. Anyway, we won. What a match! Cant wait the disc-age to start! If the änäri lukkoaika starts Mr. Jonne surely will be milling and get huli all over the ice during the next disc-age as there is many milling man in änäri who wants also get huli on the ice and meet Jonne!


The tiny and sympathetic northernmost team Martens and Reindeers recruited What Cheeap from Urheilu, Vaasa.

Cheeap is a tiny and sympathetic winger and comes with a lot of pepper.

Martens and Reindeers is a farm team, they operate with small budget and everybody loves them, especially their energetic salesman J.Junno is popular all over the Ice Hockey World.

Their biggest sponsor is Ranua Wildlife Park.
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