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The world's largest shiplift is being tested at the Three Gorges Dam in central China's Hubei Province and will enter service in late December, the China Three Gorges Corp. said on Wednesday. According to the company, the Three Gorges shiplift is the most sophisticated in the world. The vertical-hoisting elevator is designed to lift ships as heavy as 3,000 tonnes.
Testing begins on world's largest shiplift on China's Yangtze River

Ohessa kuvaa edellisestä maailman suurimmasta laivahissistä.

The Biggest Shiplift in The World - YouTube


Physicists have shed new light on one of the greatest mysteries in science: Why the Universe consists primarily of matter and not antimatter. For the first time, scientists have measured the forces that make certain antimatter particles stick together. The findings, published in Nature, may yield clues to what led to the scarcity of antimatter in the cosmos today.
Strong forces make antimatter stick


The appearance of a massive rat in a Stockholm family's kitchen has made headlines in Sweden, where it is being dubbed "Ratzilla".

Measuring 40cm (nearly 16in) plus tail, the creature terrified the family in Solna district.
Giant rat: Swedes agog at 'Ratzilla' in Stockholm

Ratzilla oli pieni rotta ohessa mainittuihin verrattuna. Ratzilla painoi noin kilon.

Archaeologists have discovered fossils of seven giant rat species on East Timor, with the largest up to 10 times the size of modern rats.

"They are what you would call mega-fauna. The biggest one is about five kilos, the size of a small dog," Dr Louys said.
Rat fossils of largest rat that ever existed


The New Zealand developers of a personalised jetpack said Tuesday that aviation regulators have issued the device with a flying permit, allowing for manned test flights. Martin Aircraft chief executive Peter Coker said the certification was a significant milestone in the development of the jetpack, which the company hopes to begin selling next year.
Personal jetpack gets flight permit for manned test

Despite regulatory questions about its large-scale commercial future, the Martin Jetpack, with which users can suit up and travel like Ironman, is expected to make its maiden flight in China on Dec 6. The jet pack, created by New Zealand's Martin Aircraft Co, is said to be able to fly nonstop for 30 to 45 minutes at altitudes of up to 1,500 meters.
Watch out, Ironman, jet pack is coming to Shenzhen

Kyllähän tuossa ainesta on, mutta lentolaite pitäisi olla pienempi ja halvempi. Lisäksi lainsäädäntö varmaan rajoittaa monessa maassa vastaavien värkkien yleistymistä, vaikka hinta laskisikin murto-osaan tulevaisuudessa.


An international team of architects and scientists have observed "thermal anomalies" in the pyramids of Giza, Egyptian antiquities officials say. Thermal cameras detected higher temperatures in three adjacent stones at the bottom of the Great Pyramid. Officials said possible causes included the existence of empty areas inside the pyramid, internal air currents, or the use of different building materials. It comes as experts search for hidden chambers within the pyramids.
Egypt pyramids scan finds mystery heat spots - BBC News




Huge attention has focused on the mysterious large holes that have suddenly appeared in the Siberian Arctic recently, and now there is evidence of a similar process underwater in southern areas of the Kara Sea.

Large mounds - described as pingos - have been identified on the seabed off the Yamal Peninsula, and their formation is seen as due to the thawing of subsea permafrost, causing a 'high accumulation' of methane gas.
Leaking pingos 'can explode under the sea in the Arctic, as well as on land'


Researchers at South China Agricultural University, lead by Liu Jianhua, have discovered a gene in China, called MCR-1, which makes bacteria resistant against polymyxins. These are antibiotics seen as a last-line of defence for humans in the fight against superbugs. Worse still, MCR-1 enables the bacteria to spread easily from one strain or species to another, according to the study by the researchers which was published in the respected medical journal 'Lancet Infectious Diseases.'

"Without urgent, coordinated action," WHO stated, "the world is heading towards a post-antibiotic era, in which common infections and minor injuries, which have been treatable for decades, can once again kill."
Superbug gene against all forms of antibiotics discovered in China

Pari viestiä ylempää löytyy lisää juttua tästä aihealueesta.


More than six years in the making, the Ivanpah Solar Power Facility is now slated to begin generating power before summer's end. It was designed by BrightSource Energy to use more than 170,000 mirrors to focus sunlight onto boilers positioned atop three towers, which reach nearly 500 feet (150 meters) into the dry desert air. At 377 megawatts (MW), Ivanpah's capacity is more than double that of the Andusol, Solnava, or Extresol power stations in southern Spain, which previously were the largest in the world (150 MW each).
Mojave Mirrors: Worlds Largest Solar Energy Ready to Shine

Joko keskittävällä aurinkovoimalla tai aurinkokennoilla toimivia useiden satojen MW:n voimaloita on viime vuosina otettu käyttöön ympäri maailmaa. Yllä oleva on tiettävästi tällä hetkellä keskittävistä aurinkovoimaloista suurin, mutta aurinkokennoilla toimivista suurin taitaa tällä hetkellä löytyä Intiasta (600 MW).

Ohessa tuoretta juttua rakenteilla olevasta erittäin suuresta keskittävästä aurinkovoimalasta (580 MW). Maailmalla tosin kaavaillaan jo GW:n kokoluokassa olevaa keskittävää aurinkovoimalaa. Kyseinen laitos levittäytyisi jo useamman neliökilometrin alalle.

Moroccan solar plant to bring energy to a million people - BBC News


Over the years China has claimed many world titles, including for the fastest computer. The world's second largest economy continues to stun with amazing "China speed" - a bridge swapped in 43 hours; a skyscraper built in 19 days. Let's have a look at some achievements.

1. Chinese high-speed train passes speed test at 385 km/h
2. Tianhe-2 retains spot as world's most powerful supercomputer
3. Overpass bridge replaced in 43 hours
4. China's e-commerce roars on Singles' Day
5. 57-story skyscraper completed in 19 days
'China speed' amazes world

Ohessa pari videota liittyen yllä olevaan listaan.

Beijing's Sanyuan Bridge to Be Retrofitted within 43 Hours - YouTube
China builds complete 57 story skyscraper in record 19 days - YouTube


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