Philadelphia Flyers 2024–2025

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Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Tässä vielä päivän loput varaukset, joista ei enää suuremmin omia havaintoja ja näkemyksiä löydy.

Viidennellä kierroksella vuorolla 148. varaus osui LW/RW Noah Powelliin (185 cm / 95 kg). Vuoden yli-ikäinen peluri USHL:stä. Itselle siis tuntemattomampi suuruus, joten mennään puhtaasti muiden luonnehdintojen kautta, mutta tilastojen ja profilointien puolesta vähintään mielenkiintoinen tapaus.


"The USHL’s breakout star filled the net, but his NHL role will likely be a power-playmaker thanks to high-level deception and passing skill – provided the skating improves.

Powell’s an intelligent, inside-driven power forward who easily manipulates opponents. He baits defenders to charge at him, then intercepts them with a shoulder and attacks the inside. He deftly pulls pucks off the wall, often in highly creative ways. The passing shines in all three zones, as he connects through passing lanes of all sizes and distances, drawing and deceiving defenders as required. Off the backhand, he’s one of the best passers in the draft.

The goalscoring side of Powell’s game is also exciting. He combines intelligent off-puck movement, physical skills to create space for himself, and powerful off-the-catch wristers. Handling skill allows him to convert tricky passes into clean shots and pull pucks around sticks before releasing.

While Powell does force some plays and rely on individual skill too much, the give-and-goes and delay game are there. Skating is the biggest concern. He lacks speed, acceleration, and stability on his edges. It already limits his effectiveness against fast moving USHL teams.

If Powell adds more explosion to his skating, he could become a productive, versatile power forward in the NHL. Even if that chance is slight, the home run potential makes Powell one of the draft’s most fascinating prospects."

Aloittaa syksyllä NCAA-uransa Ohio Statessa.


Kuudennella kierroksella 173. varauksella oli vuoro ensimmäisen venäläisen eli RW Ilya Pautovin (180 cm / 76 kg). Selvästi pienempi tapaus, mitä aiempi katras. Veti kuitenkin piste per teli tahtia MHL:ssä, joten kaipa siellä taitoa on.


"One of the craftier players in the MHL last season. Hands and vision are pluses, but he has a ways to go.

When Ilya Pautov sees a pack of defenders line up, his first instinct is to dangle through them all before slipping the puck five-hole on the goalie.

While this remains a low-percentage play even in the MHL, the winger has the handling skills, the boldness, and the puck protection skills to pull it off more often than others. He gets by defenders and into high-danger areas with surprising regularity. And he would become even successful at making those plays with some skating improvements.

His mobility grade dropped during the season, as the quirks in his strides became more and more evident. But his pace of play is so high that it can fool an evaluator into thinking he’s actually an above-average mover, at times.

“He really has that dog in him, it seems, as he fought through checks, somehow maintaining possession under intense pressure and then staying calm, cool, and collected as a crafty distributor with it,” wrote Elite Prospect Russia regional scout Dylan Griffing in an October game report. “He wanted that pressure, too, luring in defenders with the puck away from his body and then pulling it back. He was incredibly unpredictable despite the lack of efficient skating mechanics.”

Pautov made the difficult plays this season in the MHL, but his inability to manage the puck and to spot his advantages dropped his effectiveness. There’s an extra level he can reach as an advantage creator. With his tools and projectable passing game, he could be creating scoring occasions on nearly every shift in the MHL, if he improved his awareness, decision-making, and anticipation.

As a scouting team, we’re always rooting for creative, high-event players like him. They make the game more fun. Griffing watched him over and over again this season, hoping to see enough NHL flashes.

In the end, there’s a larger chance that Pautov is a good junior player than an NHLer, but he’s just the kind of prospect who is worth a late-round flier."


Seitsemännellä kierroksella vuorolla 205. nappasivat vielä toisen raamikkaan rightin pakin Austin Molinen (194 cm / 86 kg) muodossa, jonka pelaamista en ole myöskään nähnyt. Pelasi päättyneen kauden USHS-tasolla, josta on siis erityisen pitkä matka kuljettavana.


"A tall, underdeveloped right-shot defender who loves to activate. One of the longer-term projects in the draft.

The Las Vegas, Nevada product represents one of the rawer developmental bets in this draft. Crossover Scout Daniel Gee broke down how he operates, “He’s almost a lump of clay that is ready to be moulded. He benefits from being a 4-grade skater – a wonderful asset at his size. This gives him range while defending the rush. Early in the second, he killed a few transitional attacks, swinging aggressively on carriers, even lifting sticks in the neutral zone.”

Workable four-way mobility and stable edges combined with his reach represent his biggest advantages, albeit he is very susceptible to attackers who leverage delay elements.

Under pressure in his defensive zone, Moline’s play was mixed this season. There is still an element of aggression present, not afraid to fray out and disrupt the release of a shot or pressure a carrier to the outside of the ice. He even had some incredible secondary threat close-out sequences, eliminating the off-puck attack. On the flip side, Moline is more of a reactor than a processor, hampered even more by a resistance to leverage his size physically.

Where Moline starts to become more interesting is in transition. An ever-willing activator on the rush, it’s rare not to see him sprint up the ice on the weak side or as a trailer in position for a drop. When he is utilized, there are small flashes of handling skill and delay use to open up passing lanes, but he’s very much an awkward on-puck player in his current form. On the flip side, Moline’s breakout game is lacking. Too many unpressured, static passes picked off into turnovers

The same activation qualities existed when Shattuck exerted pressure in the offensive zone. He drops backdoor non-stop but struggles with processing play. Short-stepped crossovers allow for some lateral movement on the blue line, and he will attack downhill into available space, but the offensive tools lack in their current form.

Joining the Brooks Bandits next season before jumping into the NCAA with Northern Michigan, Moline is the definition of a project that requires a fair amount of imagination. His right-shot handedness, height, and even his room to grow into his frame are all positives. Add in activation qualities and workable mobility, and there may be enough upside for an NHL team to take a shot at the rangy defender."
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Flyers, Eagles, HPK ja Barça
Ollaanko toimistolla fiksaantuneita nyt tuohon kokoon?

Toisaalta Flyersin hyökkääjien prospect-pooli oli varsin pienikokoinen, joten ei koon korostaminen yksittäisessä draftissa ole välttämättä huono juttu, mikäli eivät liian sokeasti tuota tee. Kookkaita pakkeja ovat varanneet jo useamman vuoden. Lisäksi nyt oli toinen draft putkeen jossa kaikki varatut pakit olivat righteja.

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Tämä Ruohosen jo ratkaistu USHL-kuvio oli itselle uutta tietoa.

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Myös Petersenistä tuli Briereltä kommenttia, että viimeisen vuoden ulosostaminen ei olisi suunnitelmissa.


Philadelphia Flyers


Erik Johnson jatkaa vuoden verran 1M lapulla. Saas nähdä miten monta peliä pelaa terveenä ollessaan.


Bruins, Carolina, Dallas, JYP ja Leijonat
Erik Johnson jatkaa vuoden verran 1M lapulla. Saas nähdä miten monta peliä pelaa terveenä ollessaan.
Kunhan nyt sen 13 peliä pysyisi ehjänä niin saisi sen ansaitsemansa tuhannen peliä täyteen, soisin sen tälle parjatulle kovan onnen ykkösvaraukselle.


Philadelphia Flyers
Johnson sekä Hathaway diilit on ihan asiallisia, Michkov diili oli se odotetuin ja sillekkin saatin sitten sinetti. Näillä on hyvä jatkaa, huhuttu Chychrun meni ohi mihin tyytyväinen. Katsotaan leipooko Brière vielä kesän aikana kauppoja, mikään pakko niitä ei ole tehdä, rakennus vaihe menee ihan asiallisesti eteenpäin.

Michkov diilin tarkemmat tiedot.


Philadelphia Flyers, KalPa
Odotetusti Flyers ei lähtenyt hulluttelemaan UFA-markkinoilla, mutta hunajaa kannattajille tarjoillaan Michkovin tulokassopimuksen muodossa. Kyllähän tämä nostaa kiinnostuksen ensikauden joukkuetta kohtaan aivan uusiin sfääreihin.

Hathawayn jatkosopimuksessa (2×2,4 milj.) ei sinänsä muuta yllättävää, kuin ajankohta. Harvemmin tuon roolin ukoille vuosi etukäteen jatkoja tarjotaan. Kertonee jotain organisaation arvostuksesta pelaajaa kohtaan. Hathaway oli viime kaudella roolissaan odotetun hyvä, mutta itse olisin ehkä katsellut vaikka jonnekin joulukuulle, että luistin kulkee edelliskauden tapaan ennen pidempää sitoutumista.



Philadelphia Flyers
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