Väänäsen taklauksessa tuomarit menettelivät sääntöjen mukaan:
Important note: a player throwing a body check or making other actions, first strikes the
opponent’s body, and, sliding upward strikes his head or neck shall not be ruled guilty of checking
to the head or neck
а) A player who directly strikes an opponent with any part of his body or equipment to the head or
neck, or who “rolls” the opponent’s head toward protective glass above the boards, shall be
Minor Penalty + Misconduct penalty (2'+10');
b) A player, trying to injure or factually injuring the opponent’s face as a result of checking to the
head or neck, shall be assessed:
Major penalty + Automatic Game Misconduct penalty (5'+GM);
c) Relevant penalty for checking to the head or neck shall be assessed, if an attacking player
perform one of the flowing actions:
1) directly aims and strikes an opponent to the head or neck with any part of the body,
missing the opponent’s body;
2) “rolls” or forcefully drives the opponent’s head toward the protective glass or boards by
using any part of his body as stated under item 3;
3) puts forward or directs at, and strikes the opponent’s head or neck with his hand, arm,
elbow or shoulder;
4) straightens up his body in such a manner as to deliver a blow to the opponent’s head or
neck with any part of his body, as stated under item 3;
5) attacking player jumps or hops up to deliver a blow to the opponent’s head or neck;
6) strikes opponent’s head or neck with his stick held horizontally;
7) a goalkeeper hitting the opponent’s head or neck with his blocker», shall be assessed:
Iso jäähy oli ehkä liikaa mutta kannattaa muistaa, että tuomarit tekevät päätöksen sen mukaan mitä hetkessä näkevät. Ossin piikkiin että antoi a) vastustajalle mahdollisuuden mahdollisesti näytellä loukkaantunutta ja b) tuomareille mahdollisuuden uskoa siihen.
Tuosta irrallaan kommentti: TsSKA sai useita kiekottoman pelaajan jäähyjä syystä ottelun aikana joten ainakaan mun telkkarissa tuomarit eivät vetänet ZSKA:lle. Sanon kyllä heti jos sellaista näen.