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Erilliset saarekkeet

-Mind if I share your table?
-I'm Sandy.
- So was I, last week. On a beach in Florida.
-What's your name?
-Jimmie Reese.
-You don't look like a Jimmie.
-What do I look like?
-I don't know, but not a Jimmie. So you're new in town?
- It's kind of loud in here. Do you wanna, maybe, go someplace quieter? I have a car.
-Are you old enough to drive?
- I'm old enough to do a lot of things.
- I'm on a budget, Sandy.
-I can't afford you.
-I'm not a hooker.
-Oh, then I *really* can't afford you.


-I don't go to bed with no whore, and I don't wake up with no whore. That's how I live with myself. I don't know how you do it.


-Yeah. That sounds like a really good deal. But I got a better one. How about... I give you the finger... and you give me my phone call?
- Mr. Anderson... you disappoint me.
- You can't scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call.
- Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?


-We never dealt with domestic. With us, it was always war. We won the war. Now we're fighting the peace. It's a lot more volatile. Now we've got ten million crackpots out there with sniper scopes, sarin gas and C-4. Ten-year-olds go on the Net, downloading encryption we can barely break, not to mention instructions on how to make a low-yield nuclear device. Privacy's been dead for years because we can't risk it. The only privacy that's left is the inside of your head. Maybe that's enough. You think we're the enemy of democracy, you and I? I think we're democracy's last hope.


HIFK, Ketterä


-Yeah. That sounds like a really good deal. But I got a better one. How about... I give you the finger... and you give me my phone call?
- Mr. Anderson... you disappoint me.
- You can't scare me with this Gestapo crap. I know my rights. I want my phone call.
- Tell me, Mr. Anderson... what good is a phone call... if you're unable to speak?
Tämä on Matrix


Jokerit, Red Wings, PattU, Wolves, Patriots

-We never dealt with domestic. With us, it was always war. We won the war. Now we're fighting the peace. It's a lot more volatile. Now we've got ten million crackpots out there with sniper scopes, sarin gas and C-4. Ten-year-olds go on the Net, downloading encryption we can barely break, not to mention instructions on how to make a low-yield nuclear device. Privacy's been dead for years because we can't risk it. The only privacy that's left is the inside of your head. Maybe that's enough. You think we're the enemy of democracy, you and I? I think we're democracy's last hope.

Enemy of the state. Tuli vasta katseltua Will Smith -leffoja enemmänkin :) Tämähän ei tosin hänen roolihahmonsa suusta tokikaan tule.


JYP ja maajoukkueet

-Mind if I share your table?
-I'm Sandy.
- So was I, last week. On a beach in Florida.
-What's your name?
-Jimmie Reese.
-You don't look like a Jimmie.
-What do I look like?
-I don't know, but not a Jimmie. So you're new in town?
- It's kind of loud in here. Do you wanna, maybe, go someplace quieter? I have a car.
-Are you old enough to drive?
- I'm old enough to do a lot of things.
- I'm on a budget, Sandy.
-I can't afford you.
-I'm not a hooker.
-Oh, then I *really* can't afford you.

Jack Reacher. Tässä kohtauksessa Jack Reacher on baarissa ja jotkut onnettomat luulevat kohdanneensa helpon huijattavan. Tämä kohtaus loppuu siihen kun Jack pistää nilkit pinoon baarin ulkopuolella.


JYP ja maajoukkueet
Heitetään vaihteeksi yksi oma arvuuttelu kehiin.

1: Fuck her. Fuck her brains out. Suck her tits, squeeze her buns. You know she wants it.
2: For shame! Lawrence, I'm surprised at you!
1: Aw, don't listen to that jack-off. Look at those gazongas. You'll never get a better chance.
2: If you lay one finger on that poor sweet helpless girl, you'll despise yourself forever... I'm proud of you, Lawrence.
1: You homo.


Erilliset saarekkeet

-At the risk of appearing to be making light dinner conversation,may l ask exactly why l am here? l mean, after all, you do have the egg.
-True. But we don't have all the answers.
-Well, supposing, for argument's sake, l don't feel like talking?
-Don't worry, you will.
-Let me guess.
-Thumbscrews and hot coals.
-Hardly. We're much more sophisticated than that.
- Sodium Pentothal?
- A bit crude. Very unreliable.
-We prefer curare with an effective psychedelic compound. Guaranteed results.
- But with permanent brain damage. An unfortunate side effect.
-One of our specialities. Stuffed sheep's head.
-lt's odd, but when l'm stared at l seem to lose my appetite.
-Oh, thank you for dinner.
-Until tomorrow, then.
- Well, l'll say good night. l could come in for a nightcap.
-Some other time, perhaps.
-l don't suppose you'd care for a nightcap? No


-There's a direct connection, isn't there?
-Are you going to pull my fingernails out now?.
-What happened sophomore year at the Point?
-Murder or accessory to murder; Either wary, you get burned.
-Nobody's going to bail you out.
-lt was awful.
-lt was awful. Go ahead.
- She cheated, she lied, what?
- Worse.
- Drugs.
- Worse.
- Worse.
- What's worse than rape?
-When you find that out, you'll know everything.


-Knock it off! Knock it off! You remind me of a couple of old women!
-He speaks English?
-Yeah, only when he's really pissed off.



HIFK, Ketterä
Mietin, että voisiko Balrogin vaihtoehto 2 olla Basic. Siis se missä niitä sotilaita kuulustellaan. Travolta ainakin taisi olla mukana.


1.Hast du dieses gesegen?
2. Ach so, du hast ein grosses schwantz. Ich wil dir bumsen.
1. ooohh...
2. mmmmmmm....
1. ach ach ach....
2. mehr mehr mehr...
1. uuuuuhhhhhhh...
2..... aaaahhh.. und jetzt in die arschöle....
1. oohh oooh es tut so gut!!
2... oooohhh....
1. Ich komme, ich komme... die Taifun!
2. MMmmmmmmm... aaahhh..


JYP ja maajoukkueet
Heitetään vaihteeksi yksi oma arvuuttelu kehiin.

1: Fuck her. Fuck her brains out. Suck her tits, squeeze her buns. You know she wants it.
2: For shame! Lawrence, I'm surprised at you!
1: Aw, don't listen to that jack-off. Look at those gazongas. You'll never get a better chance.
2: If you lay one finger on that poor sweet helpless girl, you'll despise yourself forever... I'm proud of you, Lawrence.
1: You homo.
Kun tätä ei kukaan tiennyt, paljastetaan että haettu elokuva oli komediaklassikko Delta Jengi.

Nick Neim

Nostellaas ketjua takaisin pinnalle helpolla:

X: When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the entire court can watch him die.


Suomi Fineland, North Atlantic Hawks, EU, Jokerit
Haluaisin tietää missä Pantteri-leffassa oli tämänkaltainen dialogi:

Residenssin emäntä, Lady of the House: "That is a priceless Steinway."
Tarkastaja Clouseau: " Not anymore."

Tämä siis Clouseaun jälleen kerran käsistä lähteneen tumpuloinnin finaalirepliikki.

Itse en muista, joten kätevästi käytän tätä ketjua muistini paikkaamiseen.


Suomi Fineland, North Atlantic Hawks, EU, Jokerit
Kiitos, tulipas vastaus pikaisesti. Tuota ei arkitoistani taida löytyä.


Pimeä Aitio
Nostellaas ketjua takaisin pinnalle helpolla:

X: When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the entire court can watch him die.

Gangs of New York. Amsterdam miettii Bill the Butcherin päiviltä poistamista.

Heitetääs oma joukkoon:

"Now listen here mister. We got no way of understandin' this world. We got about as much sense of it as a bird flyin' in the sky. Now there's a whole lot that bird don't know, but the world is happenin' around him just the same. What I'm tryin' to say is, the course of your life is changing right in front of you, and you don't even see it..."
Viimeksi muokattu:


Tappara, Suomi, Panthers
Välillä taas kotimaista.

- Herra valtakunnansovittelija, SYCKT ja PKY eivät ole päässeet tässä nykyisessä palkkaratkaisussa yksimielisyyteen.
- Tyypillistä herjausta PKY:n taholta! On aivan turha syyttää SYCK:ta yksimielisyyden puutteesta. SYCKT on päässyt yksimielisyyteen palkoista, mutta tämä PKY on palkoista eri mieltä!


- Herra valtakunnansovittelija, SYCKT ja PKY eivät ole päässeet tässä nykyisessä palkkaratkaisussa yksimielisyyteen.
- Tyypillistä herjausta PKY:n taholta! On aivan turha syyttää SYCK:ta yksimielisyyden puutteesta. SYCKT on päässyt yksimielisyyteen palkoista, mutta tämä PKY on palkoista eri mieltä!

Viu-hah hah-taja


Erilliset saarekkeet

-There's a direct connection, isn't there?
-Are you going to pull my fingernails out now?.
-What happened sophomore year at the Point?
-Murder or accessory to murder; Either wary, you get burned.
-Nobody's going to bail you out.
-lt was awful.
-lt was awful. Go ahead.
- She cheated, she lied, what?
- Worse.
- Drugs.
- Worse.
- Worse.
- What's worse than rape?
-When you find that out, you'll know everything.

Kenraalin tytär oli kyseessä, John Travolta kuulustelee James Woodsia tuossa kohtauksessa.


Helsingin I.F.K (Rikollislauma) , NP#10 DEFC#16
I've been in prison for three years. My dick gets hard even if the wind blows.


I've been in prison for three years. My dick gets hard even if the wind blows.
Eddie Murphy taisi noin taiteilla 48 hrs. nimisessä elokuvassa. Eli Reggie ja 48 tuntia.

Koeteaanpas muistin syövereistä heittää joku. En tiedä onko kuinka helppo, kun elokuvasta tunnetaan varmasti useita lainauksia paremmin. En mene takuuseen onko sanasta sanaan oikein. Oikeastaan olen melko varma, että vähän heittää, mutta pitäisi olla pääpiirtein oikein.

1. Who are you?
2. Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
1. I can see that.
2. Of course you can. I am not questioning your powers of observation I am merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a man in a mask who he is.

E: Heitetäänpäs toinenkin näin sunnuntain kunniaksi.
“It is not our abilities that make us who we are. It is the choices we make.”
Viimeksi muokattu:


Helsingin I.F.K (Rikollislauma) , NP#10 DEFC#16
Eddie Murphy taisi noin taiteilla 48 hrs. nimisessä elokuvassa. Eli Reggie ja 48 tuntia.

Koeteaanpas muistin syövereistä heittää joku. En tiedä onko kuinka helppo, kun elokuvasta tunnetaan varmasti useita lainauksia paremmin. En mene takuuseen onko sanasta sanaan oikein. Oikeastaan olen melko varma, että vähän heittää, mutta pitäisi olla pääpiirtein oikein.

1. Who are you?
2. Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
1. I can see that.
2. Of course you can. I am not questioning your powers of observation I am merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a man in a mask who he is.

Heitetään arvalla ja itse leffaakin jaksoin katsoa aikanaan alle puolet, mutta Jim Carreyn Mask ?


1. Who are you?
2. Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask.
1. I can see that.
2. Of course you can. I am not questioning your powers of observation I am merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a man in a mask who he is.
V For Vendetta. Natalie Portmanin hahmo kyselee V:ltä.
E: Heitetäänpäs toinenkin näin sunnuntain kunniaksi.
“It is not our abilities that make us who we are. It is the choices we make.”
Tämä kuulostaisi olevan jostain X-Men elokuvasta, mutta en osaa yhdistää mihinkään tiettyyn.
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