Jos joku seuraavan tietää, niin hattu nousee päästä. Helpotetaan sen verran, että kyseessä on tunnetun ohjaajan hieman pienemmälle huomiolle jäänyt elokuva. Mikäli on ko. leffan nähnyt, niin on voinut hyvin jäädä seuraava keskustelu mieleen:
X: Is there a murder in your film?
Y: Uh, no. It's not part of the story.
X: No, I think you are wrong about that.
Y: No.
X: Brutal fucking murder!
Y: I don't like this kind of talk; the things you've been saying. I think you should go now.
X: Yes. Me, I... I can't seem to remember if it's today, two days from now, or yesterday. I suppose if it was 9:45, I'd think it was after midnight! For instance, if today was tomorrow, you wouldn't even remember that you owed on an unpaid bill. Actions do have consequences. And yet, there is the magic. If it was tomorrow, you would be sitting over there.