40 v ja neitsyt tuli katsottua eilen.. paikoitellen hyviä tai loistavia heittoja, mutta varsin keskinkertainen leffa muuten. Toki katsomisen arvoinen kuitenkin.
Repeilyn aiheutti seuraavat heitot:
Jay: [to Andy, in a bar] All you got to do is use your instincts. How do you think a lion knows to tackle a gazelle? It's written, it's a code written in his DNA, says, "tackle the gazelle." And believe it or not, in every man there's a code written that says, "tackle drunk bitches."
(tässä paras..)
Cal: You know what's a fun game? Take 3 Excedrin PM's (unilääkkeitä) and see if you can whack off before you fall asleep. You always win, that's the best part about the game.
Mooj: Life is about people. It's about connections.
Andy Stitzer: It's all about connections.
Mooj: It's not about cocks, and ass, and tits.
Andy Stitzer: Yeah.
Mooj: And butthole pleasures.
Andy Stitzer: It's not about butthole pleasures at all.
Mooj: It's not about these rusty trombones, and these dirty sanchez.
Andy Stitzer: Please stop.
Mooj: And these cincinatti bowties, and these pussy juice cocktail, and these shit stained balls.
Andy Stitzer: Mooj, just please stop.