En ymmärrä, miksi sitaattien pitäisi olla suomeksi. Niinpä arvuuttelen, että mistä kirjasta löytyy seuraava tekstinpätkä, joka summaa maailmanmenon melko laittamattomalla tavalla:
"My father had sent me to that rich high school hoping that the ruler’s attitude would rub off on me as I watched the rich boys screech up in their cream-colored coupes and pick up the girls in bright dresses. Instead I learned that the poor usually stay poor. That the young rich smell the stink of the poor and learn to find it a bit amusing. They had to laugh, otherwise it would be too terrifying. They’d learned that, through the centuries. I would never forgive the girls for getting into those cream-colored coupes with the laughing boys. They couldn’t help it, of course, yet you always think, maybe … But no, there weren’t any maybes. Wealth meant victory and victory was the only reality."