There were also 3 Paavo`s in the election (No, Japanese leadels, not that), which is almost Paavis and one could call them Popes (or Pöpi`s, if you want). Also one candidate, T-ee-mou Soi-nee is a roman-catholic, who is against abortion, but gets angry big birds if somebody asks him about that. Roman-Catcholism is founded by Soi-nee in the 80`s and do not dare to ask him about his own things. So, if 2 of those people, 3 Paavo`s (pope`s) and Soi-nee would have been in the 2nd round, we could have had a papal-election (no, You Japanese people). Politicians go big secret room and when white smoke comes out of Mr prime-minister Jyrki Junipers "flower pot hit-head"-ears, we have a winner and a new president. Nobody normal people would have to vote anymore, with this system. A great victory to democrazy.