Free discussion in England's tongue

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JYP, Habs, D Team + Maajoukkue
This reminds me of the a joke that I use when I make little talk with barbarians (outsiders), in other countries, it explains how we real people are:

American male, Swedish male and Finnish male went to the Zoo (place of imprisonment but for animals, not to be mixed with prison wich is for humans behaving like idiots). While in the zoo they came into the front of cage where elephant was kept.

The American saw the elephant and tought: "What a funny looking animal, it has a nose that looks like a snake!"

The Swedish man saw same animal and tought: "It must be awful for animal that big to live its life in such close quarters, I wish they would let it free or at least build bigger cage."

The finnish gubbe saw the animal and tought: "I wonder what it thinks of me..."

Strange beings, these foreign people, don't even talk finnish and I did it already when I was but a wee lad...


Suomen maajoukkueet
One even keeps proudly a blog in English, the second native language as they call it here:

Botanist on Alp

I started to write that in order to keep my English writing skills at least somewhat fresh. I have always had a soft spot for English - I don't really know why, it just seems a very flexible and expressive language. Somehow more logical and abstract than Finnish which is better suited to emotion. I don't know whether this really makes sense or if such a distinction is even possible to be made but that's my feeling anyhow. In comparison Swedish and German have not felt very comfortable or likeable at all. German especially is just plain silly.... English was also our home language in 2001-2007 which was somehow very nice indeed. Of course English literature is one of my main interests in life, it is not easy to find a comparable literary tradition. Shakespeare is pretty much the "national" writer of the whole modern Western culture.


Vegas Golden Knights, TPS, Florida Gators
If only everybody wrote as masterfully and skillfully as mjr, I could check this thread more often. Anyway, I think the official language of Overtime is Finnish, so why do these English language threads keep popping up? Nuke 'em all! Keep writing in our beautiful mother tongue!


HPK, BC Lions
Hey, another topic for writing English badly in a funny way. Or not even so funny. Just badly. Anyway, since there is one at SM-Liiga section it is just natural that there is one at Recycling Centre, too. It's going to be interesting to see how long this one manages before falling into history among the so many other topics that had their moments and were then forgotten.

Some of the discussion topics that indicate the end for this one is near:

- True finns
- Multiculturalism
- Size of Vanha Len's johnson
- Tenuous quality of moderation
- Some old man called Pena and the endless chain of mistakes he makes.


Lukko, Piraattiryhmä, Caps, ManU
- Some old man called Pena and the endless chain of mistakes he makes.
If something like this should erupt, we always have an extremist group called DNPPAPIOF to intervene.


Devils, HIFK, Arsenal, Athletic Club de Bilbao
Lately the piss porn of dwarves has been on wallpaper.


Kärpät, Päätalo, Huovinen, Sympathy For The Devil
Designer kirjoitti:
Some of the discussion topics that indicate the end for this one is near:

- True finns
- Multiculturalism
- Size of Vanha Len's johnson
- Tenuous quality of moderation
- Some old man called Pena and the endless chain of mistakes he makes.

I would like to conversate about using the dog on the out when there is more minus degrees than crowd in an ice ball match.

I was using my olders dog on the morning. The dog had critisised and whined. I guess he had a shit emergensy. A piss emergency at least. So putted clothes to my head and went out with the dog. First he critisised to humans. Then he runned in the snow hang. I shouted to dog that shit you devil's rack!


KooKoo, Ässät, KPL, Kiovan Dynamo
I would like to use this occasion to point out the usefulness of Overtime in its many useful question chains.

For instance, Thatfishy Questions chain 2 (The original Thatfishy Questions chain became so long that it melted the software) gives You the opportunity to get information about almost anything.

And if You cannot ask anything sensible, try the Stupid Questions chain!

One of the chains filled with extreme expertise is the What was the Biece's Name (The Biece in Wolf)? You cannot hide a slightest fragment of a melody from the radar ears of those constantly dejouring specialists.


We are planing to visit Trapani in Italy at march with my friends. I just wrote to the owner, who rent's apartment what we are interested. Some details to ask for. They told me to write to him as always...
I have known, that many of people, including some my my friends are little bit of afraid to speak english when we are travelling. I don't know why is that.
I know that they can speak english, but there is something stoppening them.
But only thing what wonders me about the the visitiing in Sicily Italy...five words and it starts with M :)

It might be that I have watched too much some kind on movies...


SaiPa, Jatkoaika HC, Colorado Avalanche
I will get pussy tonight.
Please, handle the creature with great care 'cause it can transform to a squirrel that climbs your tree so fast you will lose your tree and you can be called an eunuch.

Why is elastics partner called great-H, shouldn't him be called stiff


Kärpät, Päätalo, Huovinen, Sympathy For The Devil
Please, handle the creature with great care 'cause it can transform to a squirrel that climbs your tree so fast you will lose your tree and you can be called an eunuch.

One construction master from Distance Rapids (Calle Headhouse) wrote in his book in iRiver-series that squirrel pussy is the best pussy because it climbs the dick. But I think that some of the Finnland's squirrels is time tired after climbing one knowed yorma from varsinnice-Finland or is it Hundredmunicipal?
One construction master from Distance Rapids (Calle Headhouse) wrote in his book in iRiver-series that squirrel pussy is the best pussy because it climbs the dick. But I think that some of the Finnland's squirrels is time tired after climbing one knowed yorma from varsinnice-Finland or is it Hundredmunicipal?

I once dated girl who went to Headhouse dates at Trekfalls. Thought she was bit weird but little sourpussy sure tasted good.


This was very interesting Week's End.

Tonight voters chose new Bresident who is Sauli Niinistoe from The National Whole-Omus. Pekka Haavisto placed second but his slogan was the second is the first. Pekka loves Antonio's brown eye.

Yesterday Winterclassic was played in Olympic Stadium. Sakari Kuosmanen pulled the Finlandia before the game. It was very cold. Matti Hagman did not have long underwear because it does not belong to HIFK's suitboothculture.
Shit Eater was happy because the team played good.

Soon American Leg Ball final will begin. Worm's-Na will perform at half-time show.


HIFK, jääkiekko.
Whe Juu transleit Katainen in Guugl tränsleit, it tells, that Katainen is cover a. I must believe that, because Jyrki covered his home-coming last night as "I hit my head to a flower pot". Poor Jyrki, his wife must have been angry. It must have been a rather juniper night for Mr Cover A, when we he was with all the other drunks getting stiches in his head in Toeoeloe accident-station. In Finland these things often in reality happen in snack stand line during the night, when somebody comes there and shouts: "Don`t You know who I am. I am the prime-minister of Finland. I order my hamburger and fries first and You else, after me." First everybody laughs and "the prime-minister" gets from the bone 5-treatment, which translates afterwards "I hit my head to a flower pot"-explanation of what happened. Of course we believe real-Jyrkis explanation, because he is the prime-minister of Finland in real life, believe it or not.
Our Head Minister Katainen (who.) did a air crank yesterday. His vale party ended in putting 7 tricks into his foreheadskin. He drinks too much in vale-stay-awakes and this morning peoples representative Clutterbuck (ass.) pussies to him. Luckily he continues giving support packets to Greece.


Good spekulations, gentlemans! What do you think, should swerige be an official tongue anymore in Suomi? Just spekulating, because now we don't have a president such ass tolerant-Haavisto or swerige-Biudee...

Can't wait until seeing Sauli and Jenni in president's castle in independenceday's handsheikkers!
From my minds, all Swedish Peters should be moved to perch-an-land. Force Sweden discriminates heel population. But it is true that it belongs to public sophistication and Finland is a two-tongued country.

Central Crime Police Party is still not as bad as Green Nazi Party. Germ hippies smoking joints are destroying Finlands contest skills and driving down core power.

Also unfair political job namings done by partys are wrong. Words liberty is a important worth.


HIFK, jääkiekko.
Pekka Net-sto and his married gay-Antonio could be nominated as the baron and the baroness of Perch-an-Land by the new president Mr Sauli Bast-stö and they could move to Mary`s Hamina and live there and prosper with swedish-speaking Finns and other gay people like Mr Clutterbuck (Ass.) suggested last year. That would be like a happy end.


Iddrott Förskott Puukädet
Now that we´ve got a new president, who is not a member of SETA (kwg!), I also have a possibilita to open my keyboard and feel free to diskuss about all the things that have been bothering me last fourty years.

Earliers it was not possible,´cause we had president UKK. In foreihn language it is expelled as Brave Bald Gekko-nen. He was the president who went fishing with sovjet-people, were drinking with them ´til early morning with Ahti and bought to Finland all Mig´s and Ladas and other shitstuff and in the meantime was fuckin with all the other ladies but his wife. Btw. as you all foreigners know, in all savolax-names there is -nen in the end. And UKK was originally from Pielavesi, which is near Kuopio and in Kuopio Bald-Balls-team there are no other players names but all end to -nen. Masuhr is an exception but he is hurri; even one of the owner´s brother, who is neeker, has -nen in the end. I wonder what people in Kenia think about that.

Eniways, i was going to tell why I could not speak freely earlier even in Free Discussion. Of course the reason was Sovjet Union and DDR; they were the Moderators of that time. So don´t you talk about our Moderators anything. (licking their asses..) Those days you had to be very sharp about what you were writing. Ofcourse we had then only a small piece of toiletpaper and a cosmos-pencil, but there were enemies and hearing ears and walls all over, we called these spyis as Teiniliitto (kvg, vittu mä jaksa kaikkea selittää). If we wanted to print our opinions, we had telefax, but only in far 80`s. Time with The Sir Pena I´ll explain later.

Ok, now have a new president and because of the wall campaign I can call any people I meet as Homo. We as so tolerant nowadays.


Rauman Lukko

Came a feeling that I must divide this link with you fellow limbs of disgustion parcel.
Grate poetry by bjorneborgir word-william Jasa: POETRY - JTAIVAS


Kärpät, Päätalo, Huovinen, Sympathy For The Devil

Came a feeling that I must divide this link with you fellow limbs of disgustion parcel.
Grate poetry by bjorneborgir word-william Jasa: POETRY - JTAIVAS

I read that vision-pome. It was a good pome. I admire pomers that are enough braves to write in england. I is been always that mind, that No-well Lay-well is a shit pomer. His name is shit in england's tongue, paska in finland. langat jo harmaat lyö elon kultainen pirta Butter pussy what shit nuk (lol). Remember always guys and sister that tongues are written in little in finland's tongue, finland is written in little letter if its tongue.

I also wanna conversate about our presidentsvale. There was a wing in Finland - our beautiful earth - that was very active in some. Some is one of the most irritating words that you know in extended time. Green party (not that festival) tried to wake up forces of darkness, nastiest trying was Ultra Bra's (Jokerits supporters man tits boobvests) awakening. Haa-nasty still lost. Im very beep-yväinen that swedens hannugooses didnt winned. Its funny that a goose can be a duck's cousin. Batery Duck is forbidden in Finland bigause it wears no hosen.
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