A headline on the website of conservative columnist and radio show host Todd Starnes declared: "The Australia Bushfires
Tuossa ammutaan alas ainakin tässäkin ketjussa kerrottua totuutta 180 pidätetystä tuhopolttajasta. Eli vahvaa liioittelua kyseessä.
Ja vielä lisää käynnissä olevasta disinformaatiokampanjasta:
Communications Minister Paul Fletcher has urged Australians to maintain a "healthy scepticism" towards online content.
Daily Mail on niin luotettava lehti, ettei sitä saa käyttää lähteenä Wikipediassa.
QUESTIONABLE SOURCE A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, consistent promotion of propaganda/conspiracies, poor or no
What do the websites of the Daily Mail, RT, and Sputnik no longer have in common? A red (bad) rating from NewsGuard, the startup aiming to filter the internet with trustworthy rankings through a browser extension. Now The Daily Mail's rating will show as green on a shield when you visit the webs…
Daily Mail ja Daily Express operoivat sillä tasolla joka vastaa Suomessa pyöreästi MV-lehteä.
Seiska, Hymy ja iltapäivälehdet Suomessa ovat jo huomattavasti luotettavampia lähteitä kuin nuo.
Jos joku on paskaa niin tämä. Täällä esitetään luotettavina lähteinä jotain todellisia ei kenenkään luotettavina pitäviä paskalähteitä "fact chech" facebook MV tasoa vielä alhaisempia nettisivustoja. Olette te hauskoja.
Varmasti Daily Mail on myös sensaatiohakuinen, mutta eihän näistä nyt voi puhua samana päivänä kumpi on luotettavampi. Edes wikipedia ei tätä asiaa päätä, mutta varmasti Daily Maililla on asioissa parantamisen varaa.
The Daily Mail was named Newspaper of The Year at the Press Awards last night for its “strong and provocative voice”, campaigning journalism and shaping of the national conversation, judges said.
Judges said the Mail had “dominated the narrative and produced agenda-setting and stand out coverage in 2016”.
They added: “In the seismic year of Brexit, the battle for No.10 and campaigning journalism, the winner had its finger on the pulse of the national conversation.
“Not only did it shape both the agenda and the narrative it reflected the temper of a large part of the country in a year of political upheaval. It was a must-read across the political and public spectrum and its strong and provocative voice never wavered.
“From crusading reports on press freedom to Brexit, the Sepsis scandal, the madness of drivers using mobile phones, wasteful foreign aid spending, betrayal of Afghan interpreters, the harm caused by ‘plastic poison’ and the battle to end the witch-hunt against British troops, the conviction of the paper’s commentary and campaigning in 2016 was matched only by its energy.
“It is also never afraid to have a strong opinion.”
The Daily Mail was named Newspaper of The Year at the Press Awards last night for its “strong and provocative voice”, campaigning journalism and shaping of the national conversation, judges said. It is the second time the newspaper has taken the top prize at the Press Awards since the event was...
Ottaisitteko luotettavana lähteenä jos joku teille vastaava linkkaisi tällaisia mitä linkkasitte
Niin kauan kuin wikipedia pitää Putinin käsissä olevaa mediaa luotettavana, en pysty ottamaan tätä asiaa täysin vakavasti. Tosin jos kannatatte Putinia niin hyvä teille. Täysin tarkoitushakuista. Wikipedia antaa paljon tietoa ja sitä voi käyttää lähteenä, mutta ei se suoranaisesti ole ydin ja korkein aste faktalle.
Online encyclopaedia editors rule out publisher as a reference citing ‘reputation for poor fact checking and sensationalism’
The move is highly unusual for the
online encyclopaedia, which rarely puts in place a blanket ban on publications and
which still allows links to sources such as Kremlin backed news organisation Russia Today, and Fox News, both of which have raised concern among editors.
A spokesman for Mail Newspapers said that only a tiny portion of the site’s millions of anonymous editors had been involved in the decision, adding: “It is hard to know whether to laugh or cry at this move by Wikipedia.
For the record the Daily Mail banned all its journalists from using Wikipedia as a sole source in 2014 because of its unreliability.