Ei tuo tutkimus tosiaan hiihdolle anna kummoisia pisteitä, mutta vaikea noihin kategorioihin paitsi endurance on hiihdolle kummoisia pisteitä antaa.
ENDURANCE: The ability to continue to perform a skill or action for an extended period of time. Example: cyclists or distance runners
STRENGTH: The ability to produce force (force=mass*acceleration). Example: NFL defensive linemen or weight-lifters
POWER: The ability to produce strength in the shortest possible time. Example: baseball sluggers
SPEED: The ability to move your body quickly. Example: Sprinters, speed skaters, or NFL wide receivers
AGILITY: The ability to change direction quickly. Example: Baseball shortstops or basketball players
FLEXIBILITY: The ability to stretch the joints across a large range of motion. Example: Gymnasts, divers, or figure skaters
NERVE: The ability to overcome fear and control your body’s
stress response. Example: boxers and race car drivers.
DURABILITY: The ability to withstand physical punishment over an extended period. Example: Boxers or football players (especially running backs)
HAND-EYE COORDINATION: The ability to react quickly to sensory perception. Example: A baseball player reacting to a knuckleball
ANALYTIC APTITUDE: The ability to evaluate, reevaluated, and react appropriately to strategic situations. Example: Russell Wilson breaking down the defense before hiking the ball.
Oman juttunsa tutkimukseen tuo, että amerikkalaisessa jalkapallossa on lukuisia pelipaikkoja mistä ei hypätä toiseen mutta tutkimuksessa laji katsotaan kokonaisuutena. Hiihdon osalta sprinttilajit olisi minusta antanut SPD kategoriaan paremmat pisteet. Hiihtoon tuskin on laskettu ampumahiihtoa mukaan, mikä olisi tuonut jonkun pisteen lajille lisää.