Toivoa vaan sopii, että Don Jr. ja Vanky jäävät vain näiden ”white power”- ja muiden äärioikeisto-hörhöjen suosioon ja kaikki edes vähällä järjellä varustetut Rebut löytävät oikeita poliitikkoja edustamaan itseään?
Ja Ted Cruz’sta tuli nyt kaikkien aikojen surkimus => jätkä hautasi oman poliittisen uransa tyypin takia joka haukkui Tedin muijaa rumaksi ja Tediä itseään tyhmäksi yms.
Best Hits kokoelma sisältää:
- Lyin' ja unstable Ted: "He'll say whatever he wants to say. I actually think he's a very unstable person. I really believe that. I think he's a very unstable person. But I've never had somebody take something that you believe in and just say the exact opposite."
- Ted on kanadalainen: "If Ted Cruz doesn’t clean up his act, stop cheating, & doing negative ads, I have standing to sue him for not being a natural born citizen."
- Huijari-Ted: "Ted Cruz didn't win Iowa, he stole it. That is why all of the polls were so wrong and why he got far more votes than anticipated. Bad! "
- Hullu-Ted: "Ted Cruz, he's seriously — he's got a mental problem. Ted Cruz is a liar. He's got a problem, that he's a liar. I've never seen anybody [lie] to that extent."
- Tedin ruma vaimo: "Trump then retweeted an unflattering photo of Cruz's wife, Heidi, next to a picture of his wife, Melania. The caption read: "No need to 'spill the beans.' The images are worth a thousand words."
- Pettäjä-Ted: Cruz after the National Enquirer released a story that strongly implied Cruz engaged in extramarital affairs with five women: "Well let me be clear: Donald Trump may be a rat, but I have no desire to copulate with him."
- Tedin isä tappoi JFK:n: " Donald Trump on Tuesday alleged that
Ted Cruz's father was with John F. Kennedy's assassin shortly before he murdered the president "