World Wrestling Entertainment – WWE

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Harmi kun ei ole muutamaa nuoruudesta mieleen jäänyttä jaksoa ainakaan vielä katsottavissa.

13.12.2001 Smackdown/Supermarket Brawl. Stone Coldin ja Booker T:n välinen "sota" saa huipennuksen supermarketissa.
Jos kiinnostaa:

Mistähän sitä repisi aikaa katsoa säännöllisesti noita vanhoja jaksoja. Ne kyllä kiinnostavat, kun monista tapahtumista ja asioista on vain lukenut. Tai nähnyt irrallisia otteluita.


Rauman Lukko, San Jose Sharks

Vince on sopinut hyssyttelyraha-juttunsa SECn kanssa.

Vince: “The case is closed. Today ends nearly three years of investigation by different governmental agencies. There has been a great deal of speculation about what exactly the government was investigating and what the outcome would be. As today’s resolution shows, much of that speculation was misguided and misleading.

“In the end, there was never anything more to this than minor accounting errors with regard to some personal payments that I made several years ago while I was CEO of WWE. I’m thrilled that I can now put all this behind me .”

Ja kohtahan se on oranssi bestis vallassa auttamassa toisen jutun kanssa.
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