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Chelsea FC
Alkaisiko tuon ISIS:n ilmoituksen myötä olla jo riittävästi paskaa tämän tuulettimen käynnistämiseen todenteolla? Jos siis ISIS toteuttaa uhkauksensa?


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Tässä on katsaukset mitä on partisaanien toimesta tapahtunut 14.3-27.3 ja 28.3-10.4. Ensimmäisessä on paljon mitä presidentin vaaleissa tapahtui.

  • On the 15th of March, the first day of the "elections" in Russia, actions were carried out at voting locations across the country. I Moscow, a voting booth was set on fire, and a ballot box was filled with green ink. In the Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug, a ballot box was damaged. In St. Petersburg, a molotov cocktail was thrown into a voting booth. https:// t. me/VDlegionoffreedom/4674
  • Green ink was also poured into a ballot box in Occupied Crimea. https:// t. me/astrapress/51001
  • A woman tried to set fire to a voting booth in Mytishchi, Moscow. https:// t. me/astrapress/51002
  • Green ink was also used to spoil ballots in the box in Volzhsky, Volgograd Oblast. https:// t. me/astrapress/51008
  • An elderly woman set fire to a ballot box in Ivanovo. https:// t. me/astrapress/51015
  • In Lytkarino, near Moscow, a man poured paint into a ballot box and was detained. https:// t. me/astrapress/51018
  • Other cases of paint or fire being used to destroy ballot boxes occurred in Moscow, Borisoglebsk, Rostov-on-Don and Karachay-Cherkessia. https:// t. me/tv_freedom/36429
  • In Asbest, Sverdlovsk Oblast, a partisan carried out an arson attack using flammable liquid to set fire to a polling station. https:// t. me/astrapress/51021
  • In Izhevsk, a ballot box was filled with green ink https:// t. me/astrapress/51035
  • In Veliky Novogord, a pensioner poured paint over a ballot box. https:// t. me/astrapress/51031
  • Green ink has also been poured into ballot boxes in Novosibirsk & Udmurtia https:// t. me/VDlegionoffreedom/4676
  • In Sochi, a woman poured ink into a ballot box. This also happened in Kurgan. https:// t. me/tv_freedom/36450
  • Another ballot box was set on fire in Volgograd
  • A woman tried to pour green ink into a ballot box in Yekaterinburg, but was detained. It later turned out that she is a professor of science from the Ural Federal University. https:// t. me/utrofevralia/50898
  • More attacks were carried out at polling stations in Altai & Samara Oblasts. https:// t. me/voynareal/85681
  • Paint was used to destroy ballot papers in Yekaterinburg again, and in Krasnoyarsk Krai. https:// t. me/tv_freedom/36475
  • An alleged partisan was arrested by the FSB in Sverdlovsk Oblast. He is accused of planning an attack on the Trans-Siberian Railway to stop trains transporting cargo for the war in Ukraine. https:// t. me/astrapress/51071
  • A woman in Kaliningrad was arrested after pouring green ink into a ballot box. https:// t. me/astrapress/51102
  • Further incidents occurred in North Ossetia and the Krasnogvardeisky district of St. Petersburg. https:// t. me/utrofevralia/50933
  • Another person was arrested trying to use green ink in Belgorod Oblast. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/761
  • In Sverdlovsk, an 18-year-old threw a molotov cocktail at her local polling station. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/761
  • A man was arrested after throwing a molotov cocktail into the Russian embassy in Moldova. https:// t. me/tv_freedom/36526
  • An explosion occurred at a polling station in Perm. https:// t. me/utrofevralia/50987
  • Allegedly, a group seeking vengeance for Navalny has carried out multiple attacks with explosives at polling stations. They also threatened to do the same at rail stations in Belgorod & Kursk Oblasts. Many are suspicious that it may be a provocation by the FSB to make the opposition look like terrorists.
  • 10 train cars carrying coal & 3 with diesel were derailed in the Trans-Baikal territory. This branch of the railway is used to transport ammunition & other weapons coming from North Korea. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2243
  • A young woman in Kirov set fire to a government building. She broke a window before throwing a molotov cocktail inside. She was quickly arrested afterwards. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/769
  • On the 22nd of March, partisans destroyed a gas distribution point in Kaliningrad. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2259
  • Skrepach partistans destroyed a relay cabinet in Bryansk Oblast. https:// t. me/c/1824092909/622
  • On the 25th of March, someone attempted to set fire to two stores for military personnel in Novosibirsk. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/775
  • A partisan attempted to set fire to a military enlistment office in Nizhny Novgorod using a molotov cocktail. She managed to escape the scene. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/779

  • An Uralmash plant in Yekaterinburg was set alight. Uralmash produces, amongst other things, drilling rigs for the oil & gas sector. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2268
  • An Elektroizolit plant near Moscow was set alight on the 1st of April. The factory is one of the largest in Russia's electrical industry, and was built to replace German manufacturers who left Russia in 2022. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2270
  • A plane crashed into a facility in Yelabuga, Tatarstan, which was used to produce Shahed drones. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2271
  • The governor of Murmansk Oblast, Andrei Chibis, was stabbed in the stomach in an attempted assassination in the city of Apatity. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2281
  • A freight train was derailed in an apparent partisan attack in the Moscow area. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2282
  • On the 3rd of April, two explosive devices were detonated at the Rzhevskaya electrical substation in St. Petersburg. It is likely that the attack was carried out to inhibit the work of military facilities in the city, such as the "Special Technology Centre" which produces the Orlan-10 drone.
  • 3 young partisans were detained in Ufa, Bashkortostan during an attempt to sabotage a communications tower. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/789
  • Molotov cocktails have been thrown at the Russian embassy in Vilnius for two nights in a row as of the 8th of April. https:// t. me/rospartizan/2287
  • In Samara Oblast, partisans attacked signalling cabinets and other electrical infrastructure along the railways. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/800
  • A museum for the "Special Military Operation" in Saratov was set on fire with a molotov cocktail. This is the second time this has happened, but unlike last time, this time it appears the partisan was able to escape. https:// t. me/HeraldOfRebellion/801
  • In addition, Ilya Ponomarev (leader of the political wing of the Freedom of Russia Legion, and a member of the Council of People's Deputies, which is positioning itself to be a 'transitional government' to turn Russia into a democracy if Putin's regime falls) stated that Russian anti-Putin partisans are involved in most of Ukraine's drone strikes deep inside of Russia.


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Kadyrov on julistanu verikoston, liittyy siihen Wildberries parin riitaisaan avioeroon(Linkki YLE:n sivuille uutiseen asiasta)
Ilmeisesti ensimmäiset laukaukset jo ammuttu koston merkeissä:

Chelsea FC
Kadyrov on julistanu verikoston, liittyy siihen Wildberries parin riitaisaan avioeroon(Linkki YLE:n sivuille uutiseen asiasta)
Ilmeisesti ensimmäiset laukaukset jo ammuttu koston merkeissä:

Nyt on oikeansuuntaista meininkiä, näitä tarvitaan ehdottomasti lisää.


Venäjän sotilaat ilmeisesti jatkuvasti vanhempia kuin aikaisemmat... Uudet sotilaat siis tyypillisesti tyyliin 45-50 vuotiaita.

Raha houkuttaa kokeilemaan onneaan ja sitä on jo jaossa ihan merkittäviä summia (ainakin venäläisille).

Harmillisesti tuollainen vuoden sopimus muuttuu ikuiseksi, ellet sitten kuole tuon vuoden aikana ja tämä on jo pitkään laittanut hermot kireällä venäjän armeijassa.

Saa nähdä meneekö joskus oikeasti vati nurin ja alettaisiin toimiin... Epäilen vahvasti.


SaiPa,sympatiat Itä-Kaakkois-Suomi-Turku akselille
Moskovassa pientä nahistelua

Moscow region, Russia Eyewitnesses report a fight and shooting in a park near Moscow!!!Some people probably know these fake videos about how beautiful it is in St.Petersburg or Moscow, well... let's go back to reality!!!According to eyewitnesses, shooting from a traumatic weapon was opened in the central park of Pushkino due to a conflict. Police and Rosgvardia officers are working at the scene. Information about the victims is being clarified.“I ran away with everyone and heard screams,” an eyewitness reports! Source: Telegram / ostorozhno_moskva
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