Milloinhan tämä muuten loppuu? Joo, tottakai ollaan rasismia vastaan, mutta mitä tässä nyt varsinaisesti vaaditaan ja keneltä? Odotellaanko, että jenkkien poliisijärjestelmä on uusittu JA rikolliset ovat alkaneet kunnioittaa aseellista käskytystä? Rasismi nyt tuskin ainakaan BLM -keinoilla loppuu Amerikasta, tietyillä alueilla varmaan lisääntyy. Etenkin kun liike itsessään on osin rasistinen.
Tästä twiittiketjusta voi käydä katsomassa, mitä HDA vaatii/toivoo NHL:ltä. Se tavallaan linkittyy tähän boikottiin.
"The HDA has also made several other requests of the NHL, among them that team owners offer NHL rinks to be used as polling stations for the upcoming US election.
The HDA on July 14 provided the NHL with a proposed pledge. It wants the NHL to commit to diversifying NHL & team staff and suppliers. “Black suppliers” should deliver at least 10% of NHL procurement expenditure by 2020-21 season, the HDA says.
The HDA also wants the NHL to be fully transparent about “all information related to the policies, targets and commitments” related to the hiring of employees who are visible minorities.
The HDA has also asked the NHL to commit to funding $100M over 10 years to battle systemic racism. The association has suggested that money go towards grassroots programs, social justice initiatives, anti-racism education, youth scholarships and exec & coach training.
The NHL has yet to sign the pledge. It’s unclear if or when the league will do so.
The HDA asked for the NHL to run PSAs for the alliance during the playoffs this summer. And for the NHL to have on-ice presence of the HDA logo. The league to this point has not agreed to those requests.
The HDA has also proposed “Black out” warm up jerseys to help build awareness of the alliance and its agenda. Such jerseys could be sold through Fanatics to help raise money for its initiatives. Again, HDA members say no response from the NHL on this."