Moldovan kuulumisille ei ole oikein hyvää ketjua, mutta avataan nyt sellainen. Eli viime aikoina Moldovan alueista sekä Transnistria, että Gagauzia ovat pyytäneet Venäjältä suojelusta ja Moldovassa pelätään Venäjän suorittamaa vallankaappausta.
Lisäksi Moldova hiljattain irtisanoutui Varsovan sopimuksen ja NATO- maiden sopimuksesta joka rajoitti aseistautumista.

Gagauzia – Wikipedia
Ranska ja Moldova solmi puolustussopimuksen.The government of Moldova has decided to withdraw from the Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe (CFE) after Transnistria's appeal to Russia. The CFE Treaty was signed in 1990 in Paris by representatives of 16 NATO countries and six countries of the Warsaw Pact. This document establishes the same limits on armaments and military equipment for all participating countries, as well as limits the number of armed forces in the treaty area. The government's decision now needs to go through parliament and be signed by the president. Head of the Russian State Duma defense committee Kartapolov called Moldova's decision directed against Russia and its interests. In late February, the Transnistrian authorities asked Russia to intervene due to "pressure" from Moldova. A declaration to this effect was adopted at a congress of deputies of all levels, which was held in the region for the first time in the last 18 years. "It was decided to address the Federation Council and the State Duma of Russia with a request to implement measures to protect Transnistria in conditions of increased pressure from Moldova," the document says.
Moldova and France sign defense cooperation agreement - Elysee Palace The signed agreement establishes a legal framework for future military training, regular dialog and intelligence exchange. A #French defense mission will open in Chisinau in the summer to help assess the country's needs and begin negotiations on possible arms contracts, the French Defense Ministry said. #Macron said the agreement shows the country's determination to protect and help #Moldova.