Otetaas tämä vielä esiin kun sitä ei ole kukaan vielä keksinyt...
1: Who told you this guy was in here?
2: Nobody. I just know what kind of woman he likes. Going to check all the joy houses till I find him.
1: Oh, well maybe I could help you, if you tell me his name.
2: I doubt it. Which way are the rooms?
1: Right through there. But I wouldn't go in there if I were you.
2: What you are going to do, call the cops?
1: I don't have to. You'd be busting in on the Chief of Police just up the hall.
Helpotukseksi että kyseessä on kahden klassikkonäyttelijän tähdittämä leffa. Vanhempi legendoista on jo siirtynyt mielikuvituksen tuolle puolen...
Ja perään toinen yhtä vaikea.
1: Damage report!
2: Guidance system out. Auxiliary steering out.
1: Divert! Divert!
2: She won't answer the helm! We're locked into the moon's gravitational pull. What do we do?
1: We die.
Ja laitetaan sitten vaikka samasta leffasta toinenkin jos se vaikka vähän helpottaisi.
1: Wait a minute, what are you doing back?
2: Are you kidding? It's war up there!
1: Oh, save the whales, but not the universe, huh?
Nonni. Nyt erotetaan jyvät aikanoista. (Christopher Lambertin Raiden nauru tähän)