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Musta Nuoli

Suomen maajoukkue, TuTo. Varauksellisesti.

You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste. Good nutrition's given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you...?

Haiskahtaisi vähän Hannibalilta, eli tohtori Lecterkö se siinä kritisoi Clarice Starlingia Uhrilampaissa? Ei uskaltaisi edes Lecter kirjoittaa Jatkoajan Naisasiat-ketjuun, sieltä tulisivat oman elämänsä Dr. Philit kertomaan tasapainoisen kahden aikuisen yli-inhimillisen kypsästä parisuhteesta.
Caps, Zlatan, Läski-Ovi, Orpik, Tom Wilson
Joulun kunniaksi laitetaan tälläinen hieno monologi :

"If I'd known I was gonna have to put up with screaming brats pissing on my lap for days out of the year, I would have killed myself a long time ago.
Come to think of it, I still might. Where I come from, we didn't celebrate Christmas.Not because we were Jewish, but because my dad was a worthless-coward fucking asshole whose idea of a present was a daily punch to the back of the head. He did teach me how to crack a safe, though. My dad never did shit with his life, so he took it out on me. You could say I'm no different. I'd have to say you were right. But at this point, it's too late to start over.
Funny how things work out. It's fucking hilarious."


Helsingin I.F.K (Rikollislauma) , NP#10 DEFC#16
Joulun kunniaksi laitetaan tälläinen hieno monologi :

"If I'd known ...

Kyseessä on loistelias Bad Santa. Harvassa leffassa olen nauranut niin monessa eri kohdassa kuin tässä. Tämä ja Sekaisin Marista sai usein nauramaan niin paljon, että seuraava juttu meni jo ihan ohitse.

Tuli myös mieleen kohtaus kyseisestä leffasta, jossa Bernie Mac kysyy uhoavalta kääpiöltä ymmärtääkö tämä varmasti, että Bernie voisi halutessaan työntää tämän pikku apulaisen perseeseensä. :D


Tappara, Suomi, Panthers
Saataisko uutta eloa ketjuun? Muutama uusi arvuuttelu, pari helppoa ja luultavasti pari vaikeampaa:

You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell!

Take me now, subcreature.

She was the Picasso of passive-aggressive karate.

- Peter, did you ever stop and ask yourself how many squares are on a chess board?
- 64. It's an 8 by 8 grid.
- Well... but don't you see how limited that is?
- No, it's actually very complex once you start to think about it as a programming problem. Just the number of possible games explodes exponentially with each move, it's close to 10 to the 120th power. And to try and compute all those games might take even longer than humanity would be around to do so.


-Harvinaisen lahjaton yksilö... sopiii ministeriöön.

Komisario Palmu. Olisiko se "uusin" värillinen, jossa Palmu kommentoi Kokille tämän nuoren poliisin (Matti Raninin hahmo) uutta duunia? Eli: "Vodkaa Komisario Palmu"

Palmut ovat kyllä parhaita kotimaisia elokuvia.


Tappara, Suomi, Panthers
Kaipaa pientä helpotusta?

She was the Picasso of passive-aggressive karate.
Samasta leffasta:

- Life is ridiculous. And you know that I would never say anything bad about your father in front of you, but your father is a sick son-of-a bitch.
- Daddy's a sick son-of-a-bitch?
- Don't repeat that... but yes.

- Peter, did you ever stop and ask yourself how many squares are on a chess board?
- 64. It's an 8 by 8 grid.
- Well... but don't you see how limited that is?
- No, it's actually very complex once you start to think about it as a programming problem. Just the number of possible games explodes exponentially with each move, it's close to 10 to the 120th power. And to try and compute all those games might take even longer than humanity would be around to do so.
Ja tämä nelosesta:

- Do you think a human being will ever beat a person at chess?
- Oh... between a human being and a person? My money's on the computer.


Pittsburgh, Jokerit, Saipa, Jokipojat, Titaanit
Komisario Palmu. Olisiko se "uusin" värillinen, jossa Palmu kommentoi Kokille tämän nuoren poliisin (Matti Raninin hahmo) uutta duunia? Eli: "Vodkaa Komisario Palmu"

Palmut ovat kyllä parhaita kotimaisia elokuvia.

Sehän se.

Nick Neim

X: We're running the world's greatest covert security network and you're gonna leave the fate of human race to a handful of freaks.
Y: I'm not leaving anything to anyone. We need a response team. These people may be isolated, unbalanced even, but I believe with the right push they can be exactly what we need.
Z: You believe?
X: War isn't won by sentiment, Director.
Y: No, it's won by soldiers.


Tappara, Suomi, Panthers
X: We're running the world's greatest covert security network and you're gonna leave the fate of human race to a handful of freaks.
Y: I'm not leaving anything to anyone. We need a response team. These people may be isolated, unbalanced even, but I believe with the right push they can be exactly what we need.
Z: You believe?
X: War isn't won by sentiment, Director.
Y: No, it's won by soldiers.

Kuulostaa tutulta. Olisko The Avengers?

Nämä pari aiempaa oli jäänyt vaille vastausta.

She was the Picasso of passive-aggressive karate.
- Life is ridiculous. And you know that I would never say anything bad about your father in front of you, but your father is a sick son-of-a bitch.
- Daddy's a sick son-of-a-bitch?
- Don't repeat that... but yes.
Nämä kaksi oli American Hustlesta.

- Peter, did you ever stop and ask yourself how many squares are on a chess board?
- 64. It's an 8 by 8 grid.
- Well... but don't you see how limited that is?
- No, it's actually very complex once you start to think about it as a programming problem. Just the number of possible games explodes exponentially with each move, it's close to 10 to the 120th power. And to try and compute all those games might take even longer than humanity would be around to do so.
- Do you think a human being will ever beat a person at chess?
- Oh... between a human being and a person? My money's on the computer.
Ja nämä pikkubudjetin härömukadokumentista Computer Chess.
Viimeksi muokattu:

Nick Neim

Kuulostaa tutulta. Olisko The Avengers?

Tämähän se. Eilen vasta näin tuon tekeleen ensimmäisen kerran, ja ajattelin nostaa tätä loistavaa ketjua ylös. Noihin sun kysymyksiin ei ollut mitään hajua, joten otin vapauden pistää uuden pähkinän purtavaksi ennen kuin edellisiin on vastattu..

X: People hurt the ones they love. That's how it is all around the world.

X: Do you leave a light on after bedtime? Because I get a little scared in the dark sometimes. If it's a strange place.

Jatketaan helpolla..

E: Siis sama henkilö kyseessä, eri kohtaukset.


Helsingin I.F.K (Rikollislauma) , NP#10 DEFC#16
Tämähän se. Eilen vasta näin tuon tekeleen ensimmäisen kerran, ja ajattelin nostaa tätä loistavaa ketjua ylös. Noihin sun kysymyksiin ei ollut mitään hajua, joten otin vapauden pistää uuden pähkinän purtavaksi ennen kuin edellisiin on vastattu..

X: People hurt the ones they love. That's how it is all around the world.

X: Do you leave a light on after bedtime? Because I get a little scared in the dark sometimes. If it's a strange place.

Jatketaan helpolla..

E: Siis sama henkilö kyseessä, eri kohtaukset.

Kyseessä on The Green Mile ja jättikokoinen John Coffey ( like the drink only spelled different. )


Erilliset saarekkeet
Rasittavan kyselyiän uhallakin kysytään parista elokuvasta, jos sallitte, :


-Why am I calling you by your first names? I don't even know you. I still call my boss "Mister", and I've been working for him for seven years, but all of a sudden I walk in here and I'm calling you Rick and Sheila like we're in some kind of AA meeting... I don't want to be your buddy, Rick. I just want some breakfast.
-You can call me Miss Folsom if you want.


-Of course he knew. Just when he knew is something of a mystery. You mind telling me, Ethan? Was it before or after I showed up in London?
-Before London. But after you took the Bible from the Drake Hotel in Chicago.
-They stamped it, didn't they? Those damn Gideons.


HIFK, Ketterä
Rasittavan kyselyiän uhallakin kysytään parista elokuvasta, jos sallitte, :


-Of course he knew. Just when he knew is something of a mystery. You mind telling me, Ethan? Was it before or after I showed up in London?
-Before London. But after you took the Bible from the Drake Hotel in Chicago.
-They stamped it, didn't they? Those damn Gideons.

Luulisin tämän olevan Vaarallinen tehtävä I . Jon Voight ja Cruisen Tomppa?


Detroit Red Wings, HPK

-Why am I calling you by your first names? I don't even know you. I still call my boss "Mister", and I've been working for him for seven years, but all of a sudden I walk in here and I'm calling you Rick and Sheila like we're in some kind of AA meeting... I don't want to be your buddy, Rick. I just want some breakfast.
-You can call me Miss Folsom if you want.

Michael Douglas myöhästyy aamupala-ajasta Dinerissa kevyessä vitutuksessa ja pyssy alkaa heilumaan. Rankka päivä on elokuva ja kohtaus ysärihelmiä.


JYP ja maajoukkueet
The plague of the 21st Century, remember mad cow disease? Well mad cow became mad person became mad zombie. It's a fast acting virus that leaves you with a swollen brain, a raging fever, makes you hateful and violent and leaves you with a really bad case of the munchies.


1: Well Abby, can I tell you something about bears?
2: Sure.
1: The bear is a solitary animal. They like their space. They live in a magic circle. They don't mind if you're like a mile away, but if you get inside their circle, they will maul you. If a bear's claw would ever strike your face, it would take your whole face right off your skull... your eyes, your nose, your lips, everything.
2: Wow. Didn't know bears could be so vicious.


1: I don't what we're gonna do now. Even if I could take off, I could never get past the tractor beam.
2: Leave that to me.
1: Damn fool, I knew you were going to say that.
2: Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?


1[b/]: I don't what we're gonna do now. Even if I could take off, I could never get past the tractor beam.
2[b/]: Leave that to me.
1[b/]: Damn fool, I knew you were going to say that.
2[b/]: Who's the more foolish? The fool, or the fool who follows him?

Star Wars, se ensimmäinen. 1=Harrison Ford, 2=Alec Guinness


JYP ja maajoukkueet
Kaksi on oikein. Vielä puuttuu tuo keskimmäinen. Viiden pisteen vihje: Kyseisen elokuvan pääosan näyttelijä on Alankomaissa syntynyt ja tehnyt pitkän uran näyttelijänä. Hän on näytellyt myös eräässä kaikkien aikojen parhaassa (ei välttämättä absoluuttisesti paras) scifi-elokuvassa.


Tyhjäntoimittajan sijaisnäyttelijä Nybondas.
A : You know nothing. In fact, you know less than nothing. If you knew that you knew nothing, then that would be something, but you don't. You're a real blue flame special, aren't you, son? Young, dumb and full of cum, I know. What I don't know is how you got assigned out here in Los Angeles with us. Guess we must just have ourselves an asshole shortage, huh?

B: [quietly] Not so far.

C: Listen, you snot-nosed little shit! I was takin' shrapnel in Khe Sanh when you were crappin' in your hands and rubbin' it on your face!

B: You mad?

C: Yeah, I'm mad!


C: Yeah, I'm mad! Whatcha gonna do about it?!

B: Feels good, doesn't it?
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