Avs pelannut taas pari treenimatsia. Ensimmäinen Flamesia vastaan vedettiin b-kokoonpanolla (1-0 takkiin), eikä Rantanenkaan ollut kokoonapanossa. Eilen sitten Kingsiä vastaan molemmat joukkueet olivat liikkeellä melko lähelle parhaalla miehistöllä. Avs hävisi 2-1 rankkareilla ja oli ilmeisesti pelillisestikin selvästi altavastaaja. Mutta mikä tärkeintä viiletti Rantanen taas skandinaavikentän laiturina ja raporteista päätellen esiintyi edukseen. Alla ote pelaaja-arvioinneista. NHL alkaa olla selvästi AHL:ää todennäköisempi asemapaikka kauden alkaessa, on se kova poika!
Mikko Rantanen (A) – The only skater to earn above a “B” because he was easily the stand out player for the Avs up front. His creativity and puck possession, for an 18 year old, are impressive. One thing he showed tonight was that he’s not afraid to cut to the middle of the ice, as he did it several times with relative ease. While his acceleration isn’t the greatest, his quickness in turns and his edge work with his skates is tremendous. There were multiple times where he would quickly spin away from a Kings defender to create more space for himself. His shining moment in the 3rd came after a turnover in the offensive zone, which led to the above mentioned 2 on 1 that Johnson broke up. Soon after, Rantanen stole the puck from the Kings, carried the puck through the neutral zone into the offensive zone, across the slot below the goal line and behind the net, all while carrying a defender. Unfortunately, Budaj robbed him on the wrap around, but on a night where the Avs struggled to create offense, he was easily the best. At this point, it would be an upset if he didn’t start the year in Colorado, and although he looks great with the two Swedes, I would really like to see him tried with Matt Duchene at some point
Mikko Rantanen (A) – The only skater to earn above a “B” because he was easily the stand out player for the Avs up front. His creativity and puck possession, for an 18 year old, are impressive. One thing he showed tonight was that he’s not afraid to cut to the middle of the ice, as he did it several times with relative ease. While his acceleration isn’t the greatest, his quickness in turns and his edge work with his skates is tremendous. There were multiple times where he would quickly spin away from a Kings defender to create more space for himself. His shining moment in the 3rd came after a turnover in the offensive zone, which led to the above mentioned 2 on 1 that Johnson broke up. Soon after, Rantanen stole the puck from the Kings, carried the puck through the neutral zone into the offensive zone, across the slot below the goal line and behind the net, all while carrying a defender. Unfortunately, Budaj robbed him on the wrap around, but on a night where the Avs struggled to create offense, he was easily the best. At this point, it would be an upset if he didn’t start the year in Colorado, and although he looks great with the two Swedes, I would really like to see him tried with Matt Duchene at some point