Tulee mieleen Bomfunk MC's Freestyler videolla esiintynyt Marlo Snellman (äiti Laila Snellman), joka yritti itsekin jotain musaa tehdä.
Just tämä kaveri oli mielessäni!
Aika hirveen kuulosta, et varmaan tätä tarkoittanut?
Kyllä tarkoitin! En tosin muistanut, että sen "
musiikki" oli noin järkyttävää paskaa.
Jostain vuosituhannen vaihteen
Bomfunkin sivuilta löytyi jonkinlainen biografia/haastattelu:
Marlo Snellman (a.k.a. the kid from the Freestyler clip)
Marlo Snellman
- Is 15 years old, born 8 November, 1985, in Helsinki
- Used to live in Espoo, now lives in Helsinki
- He is in the video clips for Bomfunk's "Freestyler" and "B-Boys & Flygirls"
- He is a photo model, an actor and a DJ, and he has released his own single called "Dust"
- He spent some time in Berlin and Helsinki with several producers to go over various projects
- One of the producers that Marlo is worked with was Rob Playford of the label "Moving Shadow", who also produced Goldie.
- Started playing drums at the age of 5, even before he started going to school, and plays piano as well
- His room is packed with computers, samplers, synthesizers and drum-machines!
- Lists the Roni Size, Squarepusher, Chemical Brothers, Daft Punk and Fatboy Slim as his musical influences. I can only guess he likes Bomfunk too...?
- He would one day like to direct his own music video
- Producer Hannu Koro, who manages Marlo, is willing to admit that Marlo's participation in the Freestyler video "opened a few doors"
- A dream of his would be to work and do a track with Madonna!
- He would also like to convince his brother to work with him on a project
- He has a younger sister called Claudia, who is 13, and an older brother called Toni, who is 22, and plays guitar in a BritPop rock band
- His father used to be a tour manager for countless Finnish bands
- His mother Laila owns a modelling agency called Paparazzi, which is why he started modelling at such a young age
- He has a girlfriend
- He wears braces
- He likes to skateboard and snowboard
Eli tietääkö joku mitä Marlolle kuuluu nykyään? Ilmeisesti ei ainakaan musiikkiura auennut...