Paskinaamio kirjoitti:
En paase biosiin saakka kaatuu heti virtojen paalle laiton jalkeen, ei virhe ilmoituksia eika piippauksia, ja kone jumii ei boottaile.
En moiseen ole aiemmin tormanny, etta jumahtaa heti virtojen paalle laiton jalkeen.
Tollanen chekkauslista löyty, en tosin vaikka olisit jo tehnyt kaikki nuo, mutta mikäli et niin kokeile. Viimeisenä vaihda vanha emo takaisin ja jos toimii niin vie uudempi emo kauppaan ja pyydä tilalle uusi.
To resolve this issue:
1. Remove the all the memory sticks from the motherboard and verify the case speaker is plugged into the motherboard. Turn on the system, if you hear beeps, try another memory stick or replace the memory. If no beeps heard continue on to the next step.
2. Clear CMOS battery. (JP5 connector, see Quick start guide for more info on how to clear the CMOS)
3. Check all the jumper settings on the M/B. Please refer to your manual in the installation section for Jumper settings and installation procedures.
4. Check if the CPU is supported by your motherboard (check the Quick start guide for CPU supported or jumper settings on the M/B). Also check the CPU for damage by removing the CPU form the board and verifing the pins are not bent.
5. Check the power supply and verify that it is working and the Fan is spinning. Also verify that you have all the power connectors connected properly. The power supply should be at least 350 watts, AMD or P4 Approved.
6. Make sure the CPU fan is connected to CPUFAN1 connector (for K7 M/B only).
7. Try holding down the insert key on your keyboard, if this allows you to access the BIOS or the video comes on the screen please refer to your manual about the Fan of control function.
8. Remove the M/B from the case and test the system with the bare components. Test with one memory stick, video card, CPU and CPU fan, Power connectors, and the case speaker. The M/B might be shorted to the case.
edit. Poista kaikki ylimääräiset lisälaitteet (dvd-asemat ym.) kun kokeilet niin se sulkee tuon virtalähteen ylikuorman pois jos ei sittenkään pelaa.