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Suru-uutinen kiiri ison veden takaa; Johnny Cash on siirtynyt ajasta ikuisuuteen.Yläkerran orkka sai taas yhden loistavan artistin lisää.Hattu päästä ja syvä hiljaisuus.
Cash oli suosikki-countrylaulajani ja muutamaa biisiä tulee aina hoilattua mukanaki (I walk the line, Highway man). Todella suuri menetys countrymusiikille ja sen ystäville. Mutta hyvät laulajat eivät koskaan kuole, eivät koskaan..:(
Näyttelijä John Ritter kuollut
EDIT2: vielä eilen uutisointiin näin :
"Johnny Cash out of hospital Wednesday, September 10, 2003 Posted: 1708 GMT ( 1:08 AM HKT)
NASHVILLE, Tennessee (AP) -- Johnny Cash has been released from Baptist Hospital, where he had been treated for an unspecified stomach ailment for two weeks.
Cash, 71, was admitted to the hospital August 25. It forced him to miss the MTV Video Music Awards in New York City, where his video, "Hurt," a song about drug addiction written by Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails, won for best cinematography.
"He's home resting," Nicole Bates, a hospital spokeswoman, said Tuesday night.
Cash, whose hits include "I Walk the Line" and "A Boy Named Sue," suffers from autonomic neuropathy, a disease of the nervous system that makes him susceptible to pneumonia. He's been in the hospital several times in recent years. "
EDIT3: uutisointia aiheesta