Ei jaksa ja ehdi tätä nyt seuramaan, saa joku toki ottaa vähän pointteja ylös miten etenee, Eiköhän iltauutiset kerro toki sitten tarkemmin.
Tuosta Guardianin feedistä voi helposti poimia joitakin pointteja.
- FIFAn kokous pidetään normaalisti (mikä tarkoittanee Blatterin uudelleenvalintaa, toim. huom.)
- MM-kisat 2018 ja 2022 pidetään Qatarissa ja Venäjällä - ainakin näillä näkymin (pientä toivoa siis vielä on, toim. huom.)
- "This for Fifa is good. It is not good in terms of image or reputation, but in terms of cleaning up, this is good … It is not a nice day, but it is also a good day. The process goes on and we are looking forward.”, sanoo FIFAn tiedottaja.
- Kysymys: kuinka Blatter voi jatkaa? Vastaus: “He is not involved. That is important information.” (niinpä tietenkin...)
Eli mikään ei ole muuttunut, loppujen lopuksi.
Edit. lisättäköön vielä, että toisaalla US DOJ on julkaissut pidätettyjen henkilöllisyydet:
Jeffrey Webb: Current Fifa vice president and executive committee member, CONCACAF president, Caribbean Football Union (CFU) executive committee member and Cayman Islands Football Association (CIFA) president.
Eduardo Li: Current Fifa executive committee member-elect, CONCACAF executive committee member and Costa Rican soccer federation (FEDEFUT) president.
Julio Rocha: Current Fifa development officer. Former Central American Football Union (UNCAF) president and Nicaraguan soccer federation (FENIFUT) president.
Costas Takkas: Current attaché to the CONCACAF president. Former CIFA general secretary.
Jack Warner: Former FIFA vice president and executive committee member, CONCACAF president, CFU president and Trinidad and Tobago Football Federation (TTFF) special adviser.
Eugenio Figueredo: Current FIFA vice president and executive committee member. Former CONMEBOL president and Uruguayan soccer federation (AUF) president.
Rafael Esquivel: Current CONMEBOL executive committee member and Venezuelan soccer federation (FVF) president.
José Maria Marin: Current member of the FIFA organizing committee for the Olympic football tournaments. Former CBF president.
Nicolás Leoz: Former FIFA executive committee member and CONMEBOL president.
Four of the defendants were sports marketing executives:
Alejandro Burzaco: Controlling principal of Torneos y Competencias S.A., a sports marketing business based in Argentina, and its affiliates.
Aaron Davidson: President of Traffic Sports USA Inc. (Traffic USA).
Hugo and Mariano Jinkis: Controlling principals of Full Play Group S.A., a sports marketing business based in Argentina, and its affiliates.