Beagle Boy kirjoitti:
Onko tappeleminen normaalia lacrossessa? Aika lunkisti tuomarit näkyivät ottavan. Millaisen rangaistuksen tuosta saa?
· A major penalty shall be assessed to any player who fights.
NOTE: In Minor Lacrosse, a game misconduct shall also be assessed to any player who fights.
· If there is an instigator or a clear aggressor in a fight, a game misconduct plus any other penalties shall be assessed to the offending player(s).
· A game misconduct penalty shall be assessed to a player who restarts a fight after once being separated.
NOTE: This does not apply to a player who is defending himself.
· A game misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any player involved in fighting off the playing surface.
· Should a fight start on the floor, those players not involved will immediately move to their respective benches. Should a fight start near the players' bench(es),
those players not involved will move to their respective goal creases. Should a fight break out near the goal crease, the goalkeeper will also move to his players'
bench. Failure to do so will result in the offending player(s)/goalkeeper(s) being assessed game misconduct penalties.
NOTE: This includes between periods and the end of the game.
· A game misconduct penalty plus any acquired penalties shall be assessed to a player who incites and/or instigates an altercation during a stoppage in play.
tuossa pätkä säännöistä.
Itse en ole ikinä pelannut lacrossea joten tietoni ovat kohtuu vajaavaiset.