Viestin lähetti Markus91
Kysyisinkin että onko näillä väliä miksi nämä ketjut määrittää ja kuinka suuri merkitys niillä on?
NORMAL : This setting is what would be used for most of the game. In cases where you are doing a strictly stock replay of a season, it’s recommended that this setting be used all the time.
PRESSURE: This setting puts the line into an offensive mode. The line may generate more scoring chances, but is particularly vulnerable to giving up breakaway chances to the defensive team.
CHECKING 1: This setting puts your team into a semi-defensive posture. Players won’t take chances and will pay more attention to defence. The chances of developing a scoring chance are reduced slightly, while the chances of surrendering a good scoring chance are reduced slightly as well.
CHECKING 2: This is the Katie-bar-the-door defensive mode. Players will “hang back” and attempt to play a defensive game, almost completely forsaking offence.
Tuossa noista taktiikoista jotain tietoa. Merkityksestä vaikea sanoa. Kannattaa varmaan testailla mikä sopii millekin kentälle parhaiten.
Huomasin tuosta omasta taulokostani, että sieltä puuttui maalivahdin poisotto ja vaihtaminen kokonaan eli jos haluatte jossain tilanteessa ottaa moken pois tai vaihtaa niin merkatkaa tuonne exceliin se lines-kohtaan.
6th Skater Strategies: One of the more unique strategic moves in the game of hockey is the removal of a team’s goaltender in favour of a sixth skater. Usually the goalie will be removed for a sixth attacker in the 3rd period, with 1 minute to play, with your team trailing by 1 goal. The Total Goals Allowed box is left blank, as in this particular situation; it’s not usually relevant. (Period-Mins left-Goal Diff Scenario-Total Goals Allowed). Lisäksi tarvitsee valita kuka pelaaja tulee kentälle maalivahdin sijaan, niitä kannattaa laittaa 2-3 eri kentistä.
Maalivahdin vaihdossa on noi samat tiedot oleellisia. Esim. Period (ALWAYS) - Mins left (0) - Goal Diff Scenario (3) -Total Goals Allowed (5).