Tulokset 1 - 10 noin 229 000 osuman joukosta haulle nuck. (0,04 sekuntia).
Eli ei päässyt lähellekään ykkössijaa.
"nuck is kinda what a horse does when it's mad. so when a human nucks, then they kinda of do a crazy body movement such as kicking, jumping, jabbing, nodding the head vigorously, etc....
buck is kind of a short way of saying buck wild or getting crunk.
so basically, it means to get crunk and go crazy if you're a wild type of person. This is mostly done when listening to rap music, dancing in the club, or getting into a fight.
-Nuck if you buck boy.
-If he get up in my face, I'm gone start nucking on him.
-she acting like she buck, but if she say something else to me, then I'm gone nuck her a**!"
Katsoin samalla myös Suomenkielisen haun;
Tulokset 1 - 10 kielellä suomi noin 1 480 sivun joukosta haulle nuck. (0,47 sekuntia)
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