Now Dat's funny
Datsyuk sopisi hyvin Tanssii tähtien kanssa -ohjelmaan.
Datsyuk sopisi hyvin Tanssii tähtien kanssa -ohjelmaan.
Toivottavasti näin ei käy. Jordin Tootoo ei mielestäni saanut missään vaiheessa kunnon mahdollisuutta Detroitissa. Käsitykseni oli tämä: Tootoota pidettiin nelosketjussa ja peliaikaa hän sai alle 10 minuuttia per matsi. Totuus on se, että Tootoon jääaika 8:59 oli pienin kaikista hyökkääjistä. Ainoastaan yhden ottelun pelannut Riley Sheahan pelasi vähemmän (6:47). Muistaakseni tiheimmän loukkaantumistilanteen aikana Tootoo sai pelata kakkosketjussa osittain kaksi matsia. Muulloin sitten nelosketjussa. Aivan kuin Tootoo olisi ollut tulokas NHL:ssä eikä yhdeksännen kauden veteraani. Tulokas, jota ei uskalla laittaa jäälle muuten kuin minimiajaksi. En ymmärtänyt missään vaiheessa tätä valmentaja Mike Babcockin peluutuksellista ideologiaa.Detroit ja Nashville neuvottelee Tootoon lähettämisestä takaisin.
Tootoo back to Nashville?
Tootoon pelissä on kyllä viihdearvo kohdillaan, mutta ei ollut ihan yksi tai kaksi hyökkäystä kun viime kaudella keskeytyi siihen kun Tootoolta loppuivat kädet kesken.
Minä luulen, että Detroit tekee tappeluissa seurakohtaisen ennätyken moneen vuoteen. Jotenkin on kuva jäänyt, että idässä hanskataan enemmän ja "tulokkaan" on näytettävä, että täältä pesee samalla mitalla.
Harmittava uutinen kyllä. Kovan taistelun mies kävi leukemiaa vastaan mutta hävisi sen nyt. R.I.P hienolla pelaajalle joka ei koskaan ollut mikään tähti vaan periksiantamaton työmyyry jollaista itse arvostan suuresti.Suru-uutisia rapakon takaa, Red Wingsiä kausina 1984-1995 edustanut Shawn Burr poistunut keskuudestamme.
NHL: Entinen NHL-pelaaja Shawn Burr menehtyi 47-vuotiaana - NHL - Ilta-Sanomat
R.I.P Shawn.
Jimmy Devellano, who was owner Mike Ilitch's first general manager after he bought the Red Wings, used the seventh overall pick in the 1984 NHL entry draft to take Burr out of Kitchener of the OHL.
They stayed in touch after Burr was traded to the Tampa Bay Lightning in 1995 and Devellano would call Burr from time to time to offer encouragement when he was battling cancer.
"On behalf of the Detroit Red Wings, we're very saddened by the news," said Devellano, now a senior vice president with the Red Wings. "He was our first pick in my second draft, when we were trying to get to the Detroit Red Wings from the Dead Wings. He was a good guy, a pretty good player for us. Always an upbeat kid, good sense of humor. He was a good human being. He was too young.''
After being drafted by the Red Wings in 1984, Burr scored 84 goals during his final two junior seasons. That included 60 in 1985-86, when he had 127 points. He never came close to producing those kinds of numbers with the Red Wings but he did score at least 20 goals three times while bagging a career-high 24 in 1989-90, when he had a career-high 56 points.
"He was a big scorer in junior hockey with Kitchener," Devellano said. "I was hoping that might translate to the NHL. He became more of a checker, but with some ability to score and a pain to play against. He played hard, was a good part of teams that went to the final four with Jacques (Demers, in 1987 and '88). I remember the overtime goal he scored for us against Chicago in the playoffs," which clinched the four-game sweep in first round in 1987.
The Free Press's George Sipple and Helene St. James spoke with Chris Osgood and Kris Draper, as well as Dallas Stars GM Jim Nill and former Free Press sportswriter Keith Gave, about Burr...
“If you were in the same room with him, you knew you were going to laugh and you knew it wasn’t going to be quiet,” Draper said. “He was definitely a guy that had a lot to say, talked a lot, had some unreal one-liners. Very quick, very witty. Just a great guy to be around. I probably saw him more in our golf tournaments than I did playing with him. It’s a big loss for the hockey community. The sad thing is we all know he was sick and he was battling cancer. From the sounds of it, it was something that wasn’t related to the cancer that he was fighting.”
Chris Osgood overlapped with Burr during Burr's last seasons with the Wings and remembers a guy who never stopped talking - or laughing.
"He was a funny guy, a nonstop talker, always had a trick to play," Osgood said. "My first game as a rookie, he put my name upside down on my jersey. He was the guy in the ‘90s who kept everybody else relaxed. He did the dirty work for the team on the ice and then kept the guys relaxed in the dressing room."
He returned to the Detroit area to live, joining the Wings' alumni association. The quality of the games may have changed, but Burr's personality hadn't.
"I know some of the other guys on the alumni team, they told me he'd sit in the dressing room and talk non-stop," Osgood said. "Then he'd take a shift on the ice, and when he was done with it, talk again. He had a lot, a lot of energy. He always had something going on."
“It’s devastating news to me,” Gave said. “Shawn Burr was not only a fun guy to watch play hockey, but he was one of the finest people I ever met. In the dressing room he made us laugh and he made us cry. He was the kid in the corner in tears at the end of every season when they got knocked out of the playoffs. Most of all, he made the game fun for everybody. He shared the experiences with everybody. His teammates tolerated him because he talked to so much and opponents hated him. He was a Claude Lemiuex-type. In the end, probably talked his way out of Detroit. He talked too much for Scotty Bowman’s liking. He always had a crowd of media around him, because he talked and he spoke well. I would compare him a little bit to Kris Draper. He was one of those guys you gravitated to.”
Fox Sports Detroit's Art Regner noted that Burr was something of a walking contradiction who had remarkable chemistry with--of all people--Sergei Fedorov...
Surprisingly Burr was a bit of a loner. His gregarious personality rubbed many of his teammates the wrong way. He couldn’t help himself. Shawn loved people and he loved to talk. His nonstop talking was his way of calming himself before a game. Most players would become reflective before they played, Shawn was the opposite - a total chatterbox.
If Burr did have a close friend on the Red Wings, it was Sergei Fedorov. The pair were thrown together after Sergei had defected. Fedorov was staying with a Red Wings official who contacted Burr.
“I get this call and I’m told, Hey Shawn, I have this Russian kid staying at my house and he hasn’t done anything,” Burr told me several years ago. “So I said, I’m going on my boat, I’ll take him out. Sergei shows up and he has a Speedo on. Here’s me not a body of a Greek God and this kid’s got a body of a Greek God and he has a Speedo on. I said, Sergei not a chance. I gave him a pair of watermelon boxers that went down to his knees.”
They developed a fast friendship and Burr was always amazed that Fedorov seemed immune to becoming fat.
“There was a time when all he could say was, “milk, steak,” Burr said. “He would drink milk and eat steak. That’s all he ever did. I could never figure it out. Here’s me eating all this lean meat and Sergei would have steak with sour cream on it and a baked potato loaded with butter and sour cream. He was chiseled out of steel and I was chiseled out of marshmallow.”
That was Shawn Burr, a man that saw the world in his own unique perspective. I never saw him angry, it just wasn’t in him.
Caphittiä $732,500 ja pituus tosiaan kaksi vuotta. Eipä ole kallis kaveri tämä Ruotsin poika. Ihan ilolla miestä kyllä tuohon hintaan katselee. Ei ryöstö, mutta taas kerran halvempi kuin ounasteltiin.
Wayne rakastaisi mennä Detroitiin.