Dallas Stars 2023–2024 – jatkuuko lento?

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Ostaako Stars Ryan Suterin ulos sopimuksestaan?

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    Ääniä: 27 52,9%
  • Ei

    Ääniä: 24 47,1%

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Jokerit, Arsenal, Stars, Hahl, Wilshere, Roussel
Koko aamun ryvennyt mieli maassa niin pakko nostaa hattua @M10 kyvylle nostaa positiivisia asioita esille tulevaan ja tällä edes hieman parantaa fiilistä.

Stars pelaajat saivat osumaa varmasti tämän runin aikana ja sen huomasi kyllä pelaajista.

Pakisto kaipaa lisää osaamista, mutta niin kaipaa joukkue yhtä kunnollista hämmentäjää jolla saataisiin enemmän tunnetta.
Ryan Garbutt & Antoine Roussel :3


Dallas Stars Kärpät Joensuun Kiekkopojat ManU

Jatkosopparit: Duchene, Tanev, Hakanpää
Jos suostuvat maltilliseen palkkaan: Wedgewood ja Pavelski
Ei jatkosopparia: Smith

Jatkosopparit: Harley ja Steel
Sopimus voitaisiin treidata: Dellandrea ja Lundkvist

Suterin sopimuksen ostaisin ulos. Vapailta markkinoilta ja/tai treidillä sitten voimahyökkääjää/taklaavaa pelaajaa ja TOP-4 rightin pakki.

Haluaako muuten @Pedretti jälleen tehdä uuden kausiketjun? Voin itsekin tehdä jossain vaiheessa.


Dallas Stars
.Haluaako muuten @Pedretti jälleen tehdä uuden kausiketjun? Voin itsekin tehdä jossain vaiheessa.

Puhallellaan ja pureskellaan hetki nyt tätä tappion karvasta kalkkia.

Kommentoidaan sen verran päättynyttä playoff rupeamaa, että kausi kärjistyi valitettavasti nytten luokattomaan erikoistilanne pelaamiseen ja ehkä bensan loppumiseen. Ne oli ne pienet marginaalit lopulta. Huonolle joukkueelle ei kuitenkaan hävitty. Pitää muistaa, että neljän sakkiin pääseminen vaatii paljon maailman parhaimmassa liigassa.

Kaiken kaikkiaan, vaikka sitä kruunua ei taaskaan saavutettu, niin voi ehdottomasti olla tyytyväinen Starsin suorittamiseen tänä kautena. Nuorten esiinmarssi kokoonpanoon, laajalla rintamalla maalinteossa onnistuminen (vaikka Edmontonia vastaan jäi nyt piippuun) ja pääsääntöisesti viihdyttävän ja voittavan kiekon pelaaminen, näin päällimmäisenä. Nämä ovat minusta niitä asioita, joita pitäisi osata arvostaa, vaikka nyt tappion hetkellä hiukka voi sylettääkin. Kannun perään en uskalla huudella, mutta sen voin taata, että Starsin tulevaisuus on erittäin valoisa.

Kiitos kanssa matkaajille kaudesta. Itse voin palata uuden kausiketjun osalta asiaan vähän lähempänä draftia, kun on päässyt vähän enempi perehtymään varattaviin pelaajiin ja varmasti Starsin osaltakin on tullut tulevaa kautta koskien enemmän tiedotettavaa. Toki, jos joku haluaa välttämättä jo uuden ketjun tulille, niin antaa mennä vain. :)
NHL, Liiga, Leijonat, U20,
Mitä olette mieltä eniten Dallasia seuranneet, vieläkö pitäisitte Pavelskin mukana minimisopparilla? Itse pitäisin kyllä mutta mietin että ehkä aika ykköskentässä on jo ohi. Pavelskista on Dallas-aikakaudellaan kyllä tullut yksi omista kaikkien aikojen lempipelaajista.


HIFK, Liverpool FC, Heiskanen, Lundell, Rantanen
Mitä olette mieltä eniten Dallasia seuranneet, vieläkö pitäisitte Pavelskin mukana minimisopparilla? Itse pitäisin kyllä mutta mietin että ehkä aika ykköskentässä on jo ohi. Pavelskista on Dallas-aikakaudellaan kyllä tullut yksi omista kaikkien aikojen lempipelaajista.
Ei ykkösketjuun enää, mutta kyllä hänelle miljoonan vuodesta voi maksaa, on sen verran ikoninen pelaaja. Eri asia on, haluaako hän enää itse jatkaa. Jos haluaa, niin uskon Jim Nillin tekevän hänen kanssaan sopimuksen.


Fucking Horseshit
Ehkä ihanteelisin tilanne olisi tuo @M10 väläyttämä ajatus, että Pavelski huilaisi jonnekin joululle asti ja sitten jos on vielä motivaatiota pelata tulisi loppukaudeksi mukaan halvalla lapulla. Kun kaverilla ei ole enää mitään muuta saavutettavaa kuin mestaruus, olisi jotenkin vähän turhaa joutua pelaamaan 82 ottelun viihderunkosarja.
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SaiPa, Stars, Blue Jackets
Tai Pavelskin osalta saatetaan myös päätyä tilanteeseen jossa pelaa alkukauden bottom joukkueessa ja sitten deadlinella contenderiin hakemaan pyttyä.

Rod Weary

HPK, Stars, Panthers
Jos Pavsilla on motivaatiota jatkaa, komppaan edellisiä. Halpa lappu ja pieni rooli kentällä. Kopissa rooli inasen isompi. Thornton-vibat ovat kyllä aika vahvat.


Dallas Stars Kärpät Joensuun Kiekkopojat ManU


HIFK, Liverpool FC, Heiskanen, Lundell, Rantanen

Tämä uutinen ei ole yllätys, mutta on se murheellinen. Pavelskille olisi todella suonut kannun. Mikä hieno esikuva hän onkaan ollut nuorille pelaajille ja lätkää seuraavista varmaan kenelläkään ei ole yhtään pahaa sanottavaa hänestä. Alamäki tuli lopulta aika nopeasti vastaan ja on tavallaan hienoa, että hän ei jäänyt roikkumaan vaan poistuu arvokkaasti kaukaloista. Ikävä tulee silti tyylikästä Little Joea.


Mulla tulee tuosta Pavelskin ilmoituksesta vibat, että jätti takaportin auki vielä paluulle ensi vuoden alkupuolella. Ja ihmettelen, jos se tapahtuu jossain muualla kuin Dallasissa.




Pavelski doesn’t intend to play in 2024-25​

Stars forward has played 18 NHL seasons, ranks 5th in goals among active players

Joe Pavelski said Tuesday he doesn’t intend to play in the NHL next season.
The Dallas Stars forward, who will turn 40 on July 11, had 67 points (27 goals, 40 assists) in 82 regular-season games this season, his 18th in the NHL, but was less effective in the Stanley Cup Playoffs with four points (one goal, three assists) in 19 games. Dallas was defeated by the Edmonton Oilers in the Western Conference Final in six games.

"This was it for me. It was known for a while, probably," Pavelski said. "The plan is not to play next year. We're still moving back at some point here, decompressing and figuring all this stuff out and logistics and stuff. I don't want to say this is official, but the plan is not to be coming back. There will be more to come on that. Everything is still so raw, nothing official. There will be more words. I'm going to need a little bit of time to really put it together and figure it out that way. Most likely that was it and couldn't ask for a better opportunity and a better group of guys to be around."

Selected by the San Jose Sharks in the seventh round (No. 205) of the 2003 NHL Draft, Pavelski has 1,068 points (476 goals, 592 assists) in 1,332 regular-season games for the Stars and Sharks. He played the past five seasons with the Stars after signing with them as a free agent July 1, 2019.
Following the regular season, Pavelski ranked fifth in goals and games, and seventh in points among active players.
"I don't know if it will be Joe's last game or not, but absolute privilege of my coaching career to coach a guy like that,” Stars coach Pete DeBoer after a 2-1 loss to the Oilers in Game 6 on Sunday. “Our young players are all better for having been around a guy like that."

Pavelski, who played 13 seasons with San Jose, is second in Sharks history in goals (355), third in points (761) and games (1,104), and fourth in assists (406). He was captain from 2015-19, and had 100 points (48 goals, 52 assists) in 134 playoff games for San Jose, helping it to the playoffs in 12 of them, including advancing to the Stanley Cup Final in 2016 when the Sharks lost to the Pittsburgh Penguins in six games.
“He’s a phenomenal player,” said New York Rangers forward Barclay Goodrow, who played with Pavelski in San Jose from 2014-19. “I think coming into the League as a young guy, he was one that would always look after younger guys. He always set the example. He’s a guy that did everything right.
“He’s a great player, better guy. The League’s going to miss him.”

In five seasons with Dallas, Pavelski had 307 points (121 goals, 186 assists), including an NHL career-high 81 points (27 goals, 54 assists) in 2021-22. He played in every game the past four seasons and missed only two games in his five seasons with the team. Pavelski led the Stars with 13 goals in 27 games when they advanced to the Cup Final in 2020, but lost to the Tampa Bay Lightning in six games.
"There's so many emotions going on right after that game," Pavelski said. "They're all real. I couldn't have asked for more; better teammates, organization, everything. We worked hard to try to get to the top and we came up a little short. But just really enjoyed the time here and what we've been able to accomplish with them together."

DeBoer also coached Pavelski with the Sharks from 2015-19.
"One of the highlights of my coaching career was when I walked into door in San Jose, and I didn't know Joe at all," DeBoer said. "Quickly in conversations in the room and people around the team, we made him captain. Probably that says more about Joe Pavelski than anything. You had two former captains in that room in Joe Thornton and Patrick Marleau, who are both Hall of Fame players. They both said Joe Pavelski should be captain … to have two guys like that say, 'This is the guy'. That probably says more about him and his character and what he stands for than anything anyone could say. Consummate pro. The highlight of my coaching career was working with him, and I'm so glad I got the opportunity to do it again after San Jose here for a couple of years."

Pavelski had 143 points (74 goals, 69 assists) in 201 playoff games and qualified for the postseason in 16 of his 18 seasons. He is first among active players in playoff goals and fourth in points, trailing Sidney Crosby (201) and Evgeni Malkin (180) of the Penguins, and Nikita Kucherov (167) of the Lightning.
"As athletes, you expect the best out of you," Pavelski said. "You get to a certain level, felt like I was coming in from San Jose to here at an extremely high level, and I believed in that. ... I still had a high expectation for my game, and I was glad to see it get back to that level and then sustain it. It wasn't just all about me. I played with some great players and came into an organization that had good people and good talent. There was a strong support system around me that allowed me to do that as well."
Among United States-born players, Pavelski ranks fifth in points and goals, seventh in games played, and 11th in assists. He made the NHL Second All-Star team in 2013-14 when he scored an NHL career-high 41 goals and had 79 points in 82 games with the Sharks and played in four NHL All-Star Games (2016, 2017, 2019, 2022).
"He's since Day One since he's been in here, he's meant everything in our group,” Stars forward Tyler Seguin said. “On the ice, off the ice, all our golf games, he has improved all of those. Just an amazing person to have in here."

Pavelski said he plans to spend more time with his family, which includes coaching his son in youth hockey.
"Be around that more," he said. "It'll be fun to be around that a bit more. You never know what happens. Love the game. Believe I'm a hockey guy. So I'll never be too far away from it. Kids are fun to be around. So if you can help them out, just enjoy the game together, and go from there."

His Stars teammates agreed that it would be a different feeling if Pavelski isn't with them next season.
"A couple of us were talking, just knowing he probably won't be back," goalie Jake Oettinger said. "I don't think it'll really set in until next year when you come back for camp and he's not there. When you're on the plane and he's right next to me and he's not in his seat. I just don't think there's enough words to say how big of a presence he is and it's not a hole you'll ever be able to fill. You'll do the best you can but you're never going to fill that. He's just the ultimate teammate and human being. Being his teammate for four years has been unbelievable. The things that he's taught me, it's not even the words he says, it's just how he does it. I think the best thing about him is he doesn't just say it, he embodies it. He's an all-time teammate."


Fucking Horseshit
Mulla tulee tuosta Pavelskin ilmoituksesta vibat, että jätti takaportin auki vielä paluulle ensi vuoden alkupuolella. Ja ihmettelen, jos se tapahtuu jossain muualla kuin Dallasissa.
On se toki mahdollista, mutta tuossa eilisessä haastiksessa kertoi palaavansa kotiosavaltioonsa Wisconsiniin, kun kysyttiin aikooko jäädä Dallasiin asustelemaan.

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