McDavid kertoi Mark Spectorin haastattelussa liian kovan kesäharjoittelun olleen syynä sille, miksi viime kauden aloitus sujui häneltä niin vaisusti. Tälle kesälle hän on vaihtanut harjoittelumetodejaan vähän maltillisemmiksi ja kävi jäällä ensimmäistä kertaa elokuussa.
“In years past, it's just been very volume heavy, Very go, go, go. Throw everything at the wall and hope something sticks. That strategy, as well as it's worked for me, I think about the beginning of last year.
“I was just very tired and fatigued from a long summer of training, and was not feeling very good on the ice. And it translated.”
Connor McDavid took a new approach to his off-season training this sum...