Noh, uusin tieto taitaa olla se, mitä Waddell sanoi perjantaina Canadian Pressin haastattelussa. Lehtosen oli eilen määrä käydä uusissa tutkimuksissa, eikä hän Waddelin silloisen arvion mukaan tule pelaamaan vielä pariin viikkoon. Eli tuosta tulisi tarkalleen se 4.11., mutta se nyt on vain GM:n heittämä arvio. Lehtonen muuten kävi jo luistelemassa viime viikon keskiviikkona, mutta nivunen oli vielä ilmeisesti sen verran arka, että "Kärppä" ei mennyt enää torstaina jäälle.
Boulton sai sitten kuusi peliä. Video-clippiä taklauksesta ei ole tullut vastaan, mutta kommenttien perusteella tuomio ei ole ainakaan liian kova. Waddell tuomitsee Boultonin tempun kyynärpäätaklaukseksi. Hartley sen sijaan väittää Boultonin menneen antamaan ihan reilua taklausta, eikä nähnyt Boultonin käyttäneen kyynärpäätä.
Thrashersin kannattajien keskuudessa teko tuomitaan yleisesti. Hartleyn käskyttämiseen ei välttämättä uskota, mutta käskyttäminen tuomitaan, jos sellaista on tapahtunut. Muutamia kommentteja Thrashersin keskustelupalstalta ( koskien viime aikojen ikäviä tapahtumia:
"As for Hartley, his job at this point is to make clear in no uncertain terms that behaviour such as that will not be tolerated in this organization. Benching/demoting Boulton may get that message across as well as saying it flat out in words. Having these types of incidents continue, however, would merit a closer examination of Hartley and perhaps a talking to for him - but IMO at the present time that is not yet warranted (though I imagine DW might make a mention of it)."
cinorioot(Hartleyn käskyttämisepäilyistä):
" Doubt that's what he did, but if he did, I would not suspend him, I would fire him and ban him from the game for LIFE."
"I won't be paying to see "Cheap Shot" hockey.
Bob Hartley is responsible (or should be). After the Leafs game, he should have told the team in no uncertain terms that losing your cool when your getting your butt handed to you is child-like. He should have told them that that is not the way we do it here. Of course, maybe that is the way we do it here.
Now, I didn't see the hit last night because frankly, I had stopped watching long before then. However, when BH tapped Boulton on the shoulder late in the game, he should have known what was coming. He should have said, "keep it clean." Unless of course, he didn't want him to keep it clean. A wink, a nod or just silence was all it took.
GROW THE F**K UP and take the a*s whoopin' like men!
I know it has to be frustrating out there... but why can't they just go home and beat their wives like normal pro athletes?"
"Boulton is a thug and should not be in the NHL. Heckiling a guy who made a correct statement makes you look like a moron. I appreciate the heart but if we are to have hockey fans we might as well have SMART hockey fans."