Open letter to Nolan Yonkman – please stay here

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You have been part of this JYP-community for not so long. But You have already impressed us.

You are important for this team and community. That is why I just want to say that we fans love you and we want you to stay here after this season too.

Others can continue from here.

Please somebody in the JYP office make sure that Nolan receives this letter when it has more comments. I would say, that what there is to say, will be said in few days, so give this to Nolan before next match which is on friday against KalPa. Thank you!

Viimeksi muokattu:


TPS, San Jose Sharks, Slovakia, Baltimore Ravens
Not a fan of JYP, but I've seen you play a couple of times, and I gotta say I like your style of play. Hopefully you'll sign an extension for your contract, because this league needs fan favourites like you. Respect!

Captain Slow

KR69, K11ng Perrin, Bratislavan mm-miehistö 2019
Hello Nolan.

It is a little bit weird that you have been some kind of JYP-icon at your first season. Before the season even started, some fans make a "two stick" (= some kind of banderoll) about "Our Yonkman - JYP's superman". But that "icon title" is deserved. You play very aggressive game sometimes, and that makes game enjoyable, because your extracts at the rink wakes up the audience and intrests to JYP games. When you tackle somebody, the whole audience clap their hands together. When you fight or something like that - audience chants "Yonkman". Also, you have been one of best defensemans of JYP so far this season. No big mistakes game after game. Hopefully same style stays when year changes.

I hope that you stay at Jyväskylä another season too.

Best regards, Cpt. Slow.
4.11., 7.4. ja pyhä henki
Dear mr.Yonkman,

Speaking on behalf of most of Finnish hockey supporters and Liiga-fans, I'm most humbly asking You and JYP front office to consider the possibilities to Your contract extension for season 2016-2017, and possibly even 2017-2018. You might not even know how much it means for the future and recent of Finnish hockey to have such a great athlete and sportsman giving example of hard work and hard play to our young players. I can't even imagine how big of an idol You are for Jyväskylä's junior players. NHL experience and team-first-mentality have always been the greatest values in Finnish hockey, and You are just a perfect epitome of those values. So please, ask Your respective agent to try his best at finding agreement with JYP about next season, of course given that You have enjoyed Your stay in our country.

Sincerely Yours,
Spinning rod to armpit


Virveliä kainaloonin viesti tuossa yläpuolella on erinomainen. Ei pysty pistämään paremmaksi.

That previous message says it all. I'll go with Spinning rod to armpit. Regards, spook.


Tappara, Ylöjärven Ryhti
Hyvää rallienglantia, kiip ap tö guud wöök.


Hello, Nolan!

I hope you know how much you mean to us JYP-fans. We didn't exactly know what to expect when JYP signed you for this season - but we got more than we could have ever imagined! You do your own job amazingly well - and on top of that you're an amazing team player.

I hope you enjoy your time in JYP as much as we do. We need you, Nolan!


JYP ja maajoukkueet
Greetings sir.

I'm keeping this short. We JYP supporters would LOVE to see you play with JYP at least one more year. The amount of hard work, leadership, attitude emotion and entertainment you bring to team is unmatched. The team needs you, we supporters need you but most of all, the youngsters in this team need you more than anything else. So if you'll decide to continue with JYP after this season is over it would be most beneficial for these youngster to see how to train, how to play with grit and the right attitude and how to lead the team. Those guys need a big brother like you. Please, stay with us Mr. Yonkman.


Cult Boogeyman.
Viimeksi muokattu:


JYPinkylä, Suomen maajoukkueet, IF Gnistan
We have had Kings, all hailed the Kings, but now we need a Captain.

There is never enough of some good ol' Finnish rally English. Just to keep us going with it and as a JYP fan, Mr. Yonkman, please stay with us. We lost one of our toothless Canadians to TPS, and the spot had to be filled. Not the place in mouth, but the slot in our team. We spotted the slot, you gave us a lot. See? You inspire us all and now I'm almost writing poems.

Mr. Yonkman, you are a fan favourite already. We want to see you play in Jyväskylä and for JYP.

Oh Captain, oh Captain!

Sincerely Yours,

Viimeksi muokattu:


Hello Nolan, welcome to Helsinki and IFK after this season. Here are the biggest reasons why to do so:

IFK is a very legendary club which have always favoured players like you. With your size and style, you could become a legend in only after few games.

We don't grow or eat grains down here in Helsinki, we eat good food, so I promise that we also feed you better.

Citytrains and busses doesn't make as loudy noise as traktors, in case you wanna have a nap at the daytime or go sleep early.

Big city girls are hotter and more beautiful than farm girls. I know you already met couple of them at the airport when you were heading to Vegas few weeks ago. These fine hot chicks said they wish you played for IFK someday. Or with them.

Just get in touch with Mr. Newbondas so we can start to make history.
Viimeksi muokattu:


Please don't listen to those IFK fans.

Yes, IFK is well known for their aggressive and hard-hitting play style. But they wouldn't let you play the game like you want to - instead you would be forced to be the enforcer, and nothing else. We know you can do so much more and we really appreciate everything you do - on and off the ice.

In IFK you would be just "the one big guy who fights all the time". That's not who you want to be, right?


Dear Nolan,

Please consider following the great example of Eric Perrin, one of the best foreign players in the Finnish league of all time, and move to Turku.

Turku is the most beautiful city of Finland and the facilities here are amongst the greatest in the Nordics. Every player wants to win titles in Turku, because this city is crazy about success and after a few miserable years the organization is taking big leaps towards being one of the most reputable clubs in Finland. We also have the backing of Supercell, and that means good financial backing for upcoming times. That of course means that we can offer you more money than JYP, which would be a perfect way of securing a careless retirement when the time for that will arrive. We also have the cutest cheerleaders of the entire league, which is a nice bonus.

In Turku you could play with real ice hockey stars like Eric Perrin, Tomi Kallio and Henrik Tallinder. This letter is an open attempt of robbery fishing you to the club that I love the most, but at least I am being honest about the circumstances, which would be a significant upgrade to those you are in at the moment. I sincerely believe you would be better off in Turku. Please give King Eric a call and listen to him, let him talk you into joining TPS and lead this club back where it belongs - embracing the Boy, which we call the local championship trophy. You will be surprised about how much it weighs.

In Turku we cheer for you and your hard style of play. Enjoy the city next time around and consider the above written words of wisdom.

Take care,

- Scissors, TPS- and remote Nolan Yonkman-fan #1


JYP ja maajoukkueet
So next time you are playing against TPS, I have a favor to ask you. Please talk to Éric Perrin and ask him to come back home next season.

Captain Slow

KR69, K11ng Perrin, Bratislavan mm-miehistö 2019
So next time you are playing against TPS, I have a favor to ask you. Please talk to Éric Perrin and ask him to come back home next season.
Ask also Jonne Virtanen back to Jyväskylä. He liked playing at JYP and fans liked him too. He is intresting person, he sayed at some interview that "I can play my 5min debyt game a little bit hangover"


JYPinkylä, Suomen maajoukkueet, IF Gnistan
Dear Mr. Yonkman,

As it is possible that you may not know, take into serious consideration that although IFK Helsinki and TPS Turku arguably are well-known and somewhat traditional, if you wish, teams, recently they are mostly known for their sloppy organizations. Discontinuity and jumpy strategies on and off the ice describe well their current state.

In JYP you will have a stable and successful organization as well as loyal fans that will always have your back no matter what. You are better off here, believe me. JYP and us fans have always appreciated players like you, make no mistake about it.

Bring it.




JYP, Lätkä ST84
Dear Mr. Yonkman.

In Finland we have this thing called "sisu". The word itself is not translated to any other language, but it's used to describe someone who shows guts, honesty, mental toughness, determination and perseverance to overcome any obstacles and combines this with slightly crazy attitude. It's been told, that George Lucas once worked with a finnish guy and tried to describe this crazy finns mental qualities to fellow americans. That's the moment when he came up with the word "force" and later made it popular in his movies. He had to place the movies to a futuristic space environment, because no one would have ever believed these brave, bold and righteous creatures exist in real world. He also added the ability to speak to strangers, since the times of silent movies was long gone.

What i'm trying to say, is that I just understood why we finnish hockey fans appreciate you so much, that we are ready to get all emotional and write you love letters like this, which we just don't ever do. Can you imagine? Grown up guys who never show their emotions to their girlfriends or even their mothers - here we are pleading like a bunch of little girls for you to stay in JYP for next seasons to come.

Why, you ask?

The answer is: You really got some "sisu" in you and you seem like a natural leader. You can also skate decently with a puck, which is a nice addition to a hockey player. Maybe you lack a good old bushy moustache, that would scare the last s**t out of our opponents. But hey. Nobody's perfect, right?



Captain Slow

KR69, K11ng Perrin, Bratislavan mm-miehistö 2019
Just asking, did someone put this letter to Yonkman?
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